
The Pirates daughter

All she wanted was to follow her father's foot steps... All he wanted was freedom from his golden cage their worlds collide, as Kings men and a gang of Pirate's chase after them. Vayne a feared and infamous Pirate, died on the run from many men. He left behind his most prized jewel on Bikvelle Island. A jewel that one day many would fight to possess. This jewel. . . his daughter Edelynn.

Maddie_Dorn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

a clash of swords

Lorna asked me to get a few things from the bazaar. It was a week after Saffron's wedding, so she was no longer living at home. I had this feeling that I was being followed and after a few stops I knew I was.

I pulled the hood of my cloak up and weaved in between stalls until I was far enough ahead to slip down an alleyway. That was when I was grabbed and dragged into a hidden passage.

The men that grabbed me were kings men. They were much taller than I, so I was lifted off the ground and taken. Where I had no idea until we reached a set of plain white double doors. We entered a large room and a handful of kings men were there. Once we were further into the room the men tossed me to the floor.

"Now now men is that how we treat a woman." a masculine voice said.

I moved myself into a half sitting half kneeling position and looked up at the man in front of me hand stretch out. He was dangerously handsome. I took his hand and he helped me to my feet. Seeing all the kings men in the room and the appearance of the man infront of me I determined that he was the Prince; and what the hell did he want with me?

"Thank you, sir." I said timidly.

He placed a finger under my chin and tilted it up to look directly at him.

"What is a goddess like you doing on an island known for its pirate invasions?" he asked me.

Instead of responding I drew the sword at his side and aimed it at his neck. Backing him into a plush chair near the end of the room.His men drew their swords in response.

"No offense your Royal Highness, but what the fuck do you want with me." I ask

He chuckles and signals his men to lower their arms.

"So, My little goddess wants to play. Well then dear let's play." he says getting up from his chair and walking towards me. A kings men hands the prince before me a sword.

His sword clashed with mine. I push back against his sword and our sword fight looked more like a dance.

"You fight well, I'm impressed." his royal Highness complemented. He aimed his sword high.

"What did you expect? that I'd cry at your feet or that I'd be flattered." I replied and I blocked his attack.

We were face to face and chest to chest. I was getting sick of being toyed around with like this. I needed to find out why I was here.

He placed a hand at my waist and gave a devilish smirk.

" No, but I definitely didn't expect this. Who taught you to fight?" he replied as his eyes grazed over me. I pulled away and continued to fight

"My father taught me when I was a child, he is dead now. Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

Vayne, my father taught me well. I'm nearly an expert, I would be if Lorna didn't like me playing with swords. Says I'm too much like my father.

"Who was your father?" he asked

I'm sick of these questions, and that was the moment I let myself get distracted. I was knocked into the ground, landing backwards onto my butt. The sword I held clattered a distance from me. His royal Highness squat down before me, using the sword he'd been fighting me with as support.

"What is your name?" he asked.

The prideful, selfish, and snobbish man had gone, the look on his beautiful face showed that he genuinely was interested. He wanted to know who I was.

With resolve I responded, " They call me Eden, my birth name is Edelynn Jones Black."

With that he stood and handed his man back his sword. He never retrieved the one I took from him. He then pushed a button on the underside of the arm of his chair and another passage opened. He watched me while rhe kings men filed out of the room until just the prince and one man remained.

"Kiernan, your Highness we best be leaving." the man said

He headed towards the passage, before entering he looked back at me one more time. He still hadn't taken back his sword.

"Keep the sword my goddess Edelynn, it was my pleasure." he stated and with that he left and the passage closed.

What the hell was all that about?

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