
The Pirate King's Left Hand

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, the monster trio of today. Luffy = Roger; Zoro = Rayleigh; What about our favorite love cook? This is the story of Fei, the compass, chef and left hand of the pirate King. The story takes place during the era of Roger. I will therefore add my own kingdomws, islands and races. But the story will still revolve around characters from the serie so not a lot of important OCs. There is an actual plot to the story and the presence of Fei will cause MAJOR changes to the universe of One Piece. There is no harem, no smut and there will be just as much romance as there was in Naruto and Dragon Ball (basically, he will have a wife but the romance won't be described heavily). I don't have much experience writing an actual story so please bear with my poor writing and I hope that you will enjoy it just as much as I do writing it. Don't expect regular updates, this is just a fun project when I have free time or need to relax that I wanted to share.

BunnyFF · Anime & Comics
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Start of a new day

[Baterilla Island, South Blue] - 52 years before canon

"Yohohoho yo hoho hoooo~"

"yohohoh yo hoho hooo~"

A young boy, no older than 14 hummed in a melodious voice while slicing vegetables. The morning sun rays hit his face making him squint his emerald eyes and giving his long flowing green hair a luscious glow.

His movements were fast and smooth to the point that a future blond chef wouldn't hesitate to compliment him.

He twirled the knife in his fingers and rubbed his chin with his other hand with a smile on his face. 'What should I make for lunch?'

Cooking was a passion for him ever since he was young, and after 10 years of experimenting on his own with his family as food tasters, he was pretty confident in his cooking.

'Well, it was either learning to cook myself or dad killing one of us' A nostalgic smile appeared on his face as he thought of their little family of 4.


He looked behind him only to see a blanket covering someone who fell on the floor making him smile teasingly "You're gonna catch a cold"


After some incomprehensible mumbling, the blanket dragged itself to sit on a chair, the person under it never taking it off.

"Yohoho yohoho hooo, yohoho yohoho~" The young boy continued to sing while finishing to prepare breakfast. The two stayed like that for the next 10 minutes creating a peaceful atmosphere in the small living room.

The voice of a young girl interrupted the boy's singing "Where are dad and Dadan?"

"Dad went fishing"


He looked out of the window at the forest their little house overlooked and titled his head.

"... With him?" The green head answered after a moment of silence, unsure himself if his feisty little sister would have the patience to fish.

"100 berry says she ran off on her own and Dad will spend the morning looking for her instead of fishing. And the entire afternoon finding their way back home"

"Haha" He laughed nervously, wondering if he should go out and look for them knowing how poor his dad's sense of direction was. After all, today was the three sibling's birthdays, so it would be a shame if they spent it apart. "Let's have breakfast first shall we"

He placed the dishes on the table and shook his head seeing the hands holding tightly onto the blanket.

He grabbed it and tried to pull it ... in vain.

"Let go"


"I said let go"

"10 more days"

"No dessert tonight"

"..." The hold on the blanket lessened which was all he needed to yank it off in on go revealing a young girl, no older than him.

She rubbed her eyes and glared at him "You don't have to be so mean Fei"

Fei sat opposite the pink-blond-haired girl and ignored the pout on her face. He placed a plate of fruits in front of her and smiled at his sister

"Morning Rouge"