
The Pirate King's Left Hand

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, the monster trio of today. Luffy = Roger; Zoro = Rayleigh; What about our favorite love cook? This is the story of Fei, the compass, chef and left hand of the pirate King. The story takes place during the era of Roger. I will therefore add my own kingdomws, islands and races. But the story will still revolve around characters from the serie so not a lot of important OCs. There is an actual plot to the story and the presence of Fei will cause MAJOR changes to the universe of One Piece. There is no harem, no smut and there will be just as much romance as there was in Naruto and Dragon Ball (basically, he will have a wife but the romance won't be described heavily). I don't have much experience writing an actual story so please bear with my poor writing and I hope that you will enjoy it just as much as I do writing it. Don't expect regular updates, this is just a fun project when I have free time or need to relax that I wanted to share.

BunnyFF · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


[Baterilla Island, South Blue] - 8pm

"778… 779 … How's… 780 … your birthday gift?" Asked Fei while doing handstand push-ups.

"Amazing! It's about islands in the sky!" Rouge who was currently sitting on the soles of her brother's feet reading a book exclaimed in awe. "Do you think they exist?"

"783.. I don't know. Apparently, there are a lot of strange islands out there... For all we know, there could even be islands under the sea"

"Heee~ I wonder if we'll get to see them one day" Rouge sighed with a dreamy look on her face. The young teenager's dream is to travel the world and write a story of her own. So imagine her reaction when her brother bought her a dozen of books for their birthday.

"What about you? Did you like our present? I wanted to wait for Dadan to give it to you, but you just had to clean our room today!"

Fei glanced at the poorly made green bracelet on his wrist and smiled warmly "I love it, thanks a lot guys".

Rouge's face lit up in joy and swung her legs in the air while reading her book. She suddenly looked at the bright moon and asked worryingly "Maybe we should go look for them"

"Don't worry" Fei reassured her and continued his training, his voice filled with confidence "I realized earlier that L went with them so they'll be fine"

Rouge nodded and jumped off. She turned around and grabbed the cushion she was sitting on. "In that case, I'll go take a bat-"


"Speak of the devil" Fei murmured before he jumped and landed on his feet. He breathed out and looked at the small bat-like creature that just entered the house through the window

(looks like the pokemon Noibat) Picture here and in the comment section >

L landed on Fei's head and closed his eyes before releasing a sigh of exhaustion making the two siblings smile knowingly.

"Tough day following Dadan?" Asked Rouge while caressing its cute ears

"Noi Noi" L complained tiredly.


The door was flung open revealing a young girl, no older than 5 years old with short orange hair. Her entire body was covered in dirt and scratches but it didn't stop her from smiling brightly