
The Pirate, Gol D. Ace

[Choose Your Own Adventure] Huh? what's this?

Fire_Boy_5319 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Is this the fabled reincarnation?


"Where am I?" I asked out loud? I don't know if I'm even talking.

There was no reply.

I could see, feel or hear nothing. It's like I lost all my senses.

I just remained silent, hoping that all of this was just a bad dream or something like that.

But my hope was ultimately destroyed, I just remained in that silence for who knows how long without doing anything.

By now I'm almost certain that I died and this is after life.

Death is really scary indeed. If silence is all that remains after death I would have been more cautious than dying like this. How did I even die? All I remember is going to bed.




A lot of time passed and nothing happened. 


[Choose Your Own Adventure]

I stared at the words in front of me even though I don't think I have eyes.

[Pick your option:

In Jujutsu Kaisen- As Nanami Kento.

In Berserk- As Guts.

In Marvel Cinematic Universe- As Erik Stevenes/Killmonger

In Marvel Comics- As Tony Stark.

In Tokyo Revengers- As Takemichi

In DxD- As The original Lucifer

In DC comics- As Joker.





    81) In One Piece- As Ace.

    82) In The Boys- As Billy Butcher

    83) In Invincible- As The Immortal

    84)In Naruto- As Sasuke.

(You can pick only once)]


I stared at the screen for a long time, contemplating if I had gone crazy or if some omnipotent being is taking pity on me? But not for long.

Is this the fabled reincarnation?

I soon started to think which option would be better among the given ones.

Berserk is an instant no and so is Marvel and DC or anything related with that. I don't plan on dying, no matter how exciting it would be in those places it's not worth it. Tokyo Revengers is just normal life with punching and kicking so that's a no too.

DxD is good if I have cheats but that isn't certain and as the original Lucifer at that too? Nah man, I'm good. I'm kinda happy that I'm in that sort of astral form, as my dick is not making me pick DxD or any other horny shit.

I would have considered JJk if I was just an anime only watcher but from the recent manga chapters, I'm pretty sure I'll die if I choose to go with Nanami. Even though he was one of the skilled sorcerers he was still killed in the end and I don't think or even consider myself more talented than him.

The boys and Invincible are kinda fine, if I wasn't going in as Billy Butcher or the Immortal. Billy Butcher is just a normal human so nothing good comes with him and The immortal is old as hell so if I go in as him I have to live that long which is not good to my mental state.

Naruto? Nope. Just nope. No world eating aliens for me.

So One Piece it is.

Beautiful world filled with places that I have to adventure to and a variety of food with a lot of different races. If I ignore the pigs and thwarted worms it is a good world. And I'll be going in as Ace too, a guy with handsome appearance and good genes.

I can act and get the Nika fruit at the beginning if I want to but I don't think I'll be able to awaken it myself. Hell no one other than Luffy could probably awaken it.

[Proceeding with your pick…. Now choose your perks.

(For every 3 perks you choose you'll have to pick a con. If you pick just one or two perk no con will be applied)

Handsome: You will be widely regarded as attractive. Even facial scarring will be more likely to only add to your rogue charm rather than outright making you displeasing to the eyes. There is a certain nearly otherworldly aura about you that makes you stand out from others. Even dirt, sweat, and grime tend to flow off you with ease, keeping you in an almost photogenic fashion despite it

Prodigy: You will be able to learn anything taught to you at a fast rate and be proficient in it. But you'll never surpass the teacher that taught you

Genius: You will be able to learn anything without the help of anyone by just your absurd talent. The progress rate will be slower than Prodigy.

Danger Sense: You have an innate sense of danger bordering precognition.(Helps to learn Observation Haki Faster)

High Recovery: You recover at an insanely fast rate. Injuries which would have made you bedridden for months will recover within days. Your immunity will be very high.

Sharp wit: You have very high intelligence.

Lucky: You have unnatural luck.

Treasure Sense: You will sense anything valuable once it enters your range of observation Haki.

Iron Will: You will have an unshakable will that will never falter to anyone else's.(Will never faint by somebody's Conqueror's Haki)

Charisma: You'll have an innate knack for making friends and swaying people to your side. Even your enemies are likely to gain some respect towards you.

Martially Gifted:You will have a natural affinity towards picking up martial arts and performing in physical combat.(Boost in armament Haki)

Will of Sword: You will have a natural affinity towards picking up swordsmanship and become one with your sword.(Boost in armament Haki)


Hoo… everything looks very good but I have to remember that there are cons after this.

Handsome and Prodigy are not needed. Handsome is just garbage and genius is better than Prodigy. Danger sense will help me in learning O.Haki and High Recovery is good too.

Sharp wit…. I'll consider that in the end.

Lucky is a bit tricky. It doesn't mention good luck or bad luck… though this is in perks, being the first one to be swallowed by a beast without it even closing its mouth is also considered to be lucky. Just bad luck. So no for that.

Iron will is a must. Since Ace has C.Haki I'll make it even stronger.

Charisma is not needed and so is the will of swords. I'm more of a brawler and I do plan to eat Mera-Mera no mi so my main attacks will just include fire and punches.

Martially gifted on the other hand is also a must.

So in total 4 perks huh? Genius, Danger Sense, High Recovery and Martially gifted. Wait I can pick one more and still not have a con right?

Hmmm? Yeah I'll pick Treasure Sense. It'll help me find more money.

[Proceeding with your picks…. Generating Cons based on Perks…

Please Pick A Con

Lustful: You can think straight if you see a woman's boobs.

Retared: You will be intellectually challenged.

Prideful: Too much pride in you.

Envyful: You'll be obsessed with other's opinions of you.

Wrathful: You get angered by even the slightest mistakes.

Nightmare: You'll experience frequent nightmares.

Trash Cook: You will manage to burn down the kitchen while making cereal.

Glutton: You have a ravenous appetite. While you don't strictly need to eat more than expected, you will require thrice the amount to feel full and satiated.


Well that's an easy pick. I was never a good cook anyway.

[Proceeding… with your Adventure]


I finally heard my own voice for the first time in a while and probably the last time when I felt a pull on myself? As my consciousness started to fade away..


Mt. Columbo, East Blue.

(Gol D. Ace's POV)

Well this is concerning.

I looked at the guys who were surrounding me, getting ready to punch me.

How did I end up here? Let me give you a little flashback.


Retard1: "I fucking hate that Roger! He created this pirate era and because of that this damn king is increasing the tax!"

Retard2: I agree. I curse him and all of his bloodline.

Retard3: I heard that the treasure he left is worth 100 Billion $.

Retard1: No way? He's probably lying about that treasure. One Piece is not real, mate. Wake up.

I slowly took all of their purses as they talked and just as I was about to leave, not minding their stupid words.

Retard2: I heard his wife was a hottie.

Retard3: Yeah. Sadly she's a widow now. Who knows who's she fucking now? Roger should have left some money for her too, right? 

"Sup bastards!?" I threw a rock directly at the 3rd retard's head at full strength and probably gave him brain damage.

-Flashback end-

That's how I ended up in this situation. I'm usually not that agitated but this bastard had to bring up my mother didn't he? I still remember the warmth of her first and last hug the day I was born. I couldn't even properly see her but I still felt her love for me just by that hug.

And this bastard dares to insult her!?

"You brat!? What did you do to him!?" One of the guys shouted at me while looking at the fainted guy on the floor whose head was bleeding.

"Are you fucking blind?" I taunted him by flipping my middle finger.

"You!" Both of them rushed at me like blind goats.

I practically have a hundred ways I could just end them, but I won't.

I waited for them to come close to me and just as they pulled back their fist. I leaped forward to their surprise and held the sides of a guy with my hands and bashed his nose on my knee.

"Gah!" The guy fell down with a bleeding nose and rolled out eyes.

The other guy was now scared and kept looking at me with trembling legs.

"*Gulp* I'll just go. I don't have anything to do with them." He said as he slowly started to back off.

I see. He seems to be an average Jojo fan.

"Fine. If a word gets out, you're dead and take these guys with you too" I said.

He nodded and slowly carried the other guys with him too.

"Hoo.." I sighed.

This has truly been a tough week. Just a few days ago Grandpa came and put me to those torture he calls training. My respect for Koby went up by a lot as he endured and survived that training.

Even with all these perks I choose, it's hard. Well I may have exaggerated but are seriously inhuman exercises like climbing a mountain with just a hand while ants are crawling on your body?

Who the fuck comes up with that

I lost count of how many times the ants bit me.

I had to fight the urge to scratch as this type of ant's bite causes incredible itch which will get worse the more you scratch. And he put that on a 7 year old boy.

And those so called, 'Fist of Love'. Don't even get me started on that.

It's no wonder Luffy got brain damage.

My Life these 7 years has been good, I am physically stronger than most of the average adults and I eat well too. Most of the time I just roam around Goa kingdom in hopes of finding something good like a devil fruit. I know it's not possible but I'm just that bored.

I train daily and am eating like a glutton, like really. I weigh 30 Kg and I eat 10 Kg of food, each meal. 

Where are all that even going I wonder?

Anyways enough with that.

I took out all the purses I stole and checked how much they have.

"In total… 120,000$. So those guys were rich." I put all the money in one purse and threw the remaining two in the forest.

I already met Sabo and honestly, I've never seen a guy as positive as him. He is very funny and dependable. I met him a year ago in Grey Terminal where he was peeing on a tree which I used to pee all the time.

In time we became best buds and we are currently saving money just like in the cannon. But unlike in the cannon, we are storing it inside a box we buried just behind Dadan's house.

Including this 120,000$ we would have collected 3.7 million $. Not much but definitely enough for a normal family to live for a year. But it's nothing if we have to become pirates.

I walked the rest of the way to our hideout in the forest where we rested and ate for the day.

Sabo wasn't there, must have gone somewhere.

Hmm.. I should try doing that.

I took a box where I store the special ants grandpa used a few days ago. I removed my shirt and put all the ants over my body.


It stings but I should tolerate the pain. I plan to achieve Haki this way cause none of the ways I tried seems to work. Punching trees, rocks and even getting punched. None worked so this is my only hope.

[3rd Person's POV]

"The hell are you doing ACE!!" Sabo shouted at the sight of his friend's whole body being crawled by ants.

"Help me Sabo! They won't go off!" Ace shouted while running around, rubbing his whole body trying to get the ants off him but it didn't help.

"Follow me, you should jump into a river."


Ace followed behind Sabo while shouting in pain. 

*Splash* Ace didn't even think for a moment and directly jumped into the lake, knowing what kind of beasts dwelled in it. But he didn't care.

-A few minutes later-

"You stupid dumbass." Sabo said while rubbing the ointment he just bought from a store inside the kingdom all over Ace's body which looked like a swollen mess.

"Ouchh! Go sover! Et Urts!" He couldn't even make proper words due to his swollen face.

"I'm going as slow as I can. Why did you do it anyway? I thought the ants were to set up a trap for someone who tries to steal our treasure."

"I wanzed zo be stronzer so I zried to make my body szronger" Ace replied with a blush on his face. Yeah he was very embarrassed about his behaviour.

He honestly thought he'd pull up a main character moment and use C.Haki in all that pain, but he ended up crying like a little kid.

'Indomitable will my ass.' Ace thought to himself, cursing one of his perks.