
The pillager

the destroyer of worlds , the evil god of the ninth heaven , demon lord of the underworld he is the pillager, the overall king of doom Okay this is my first time writing a novel so I apologize if this novel isn't intriguing enough for you but I bet you the story line is amazing and I know you would love the future of this book so pls just be patient and there .might be some mistakes at first but pls know that they are typos I hope you enjoy it Pls note that this book has some mythology characters

Infinite_0ne · Action
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Chapter 33 : The Basilisk's death

Flying off and out of Atlantis border Mawson left the waters as he headed south ready to find the Basilisk. Mawson was still in shock at what he had experienced in Atlantis but that only made him increase his speed. He soon reached the cave Clio talked about but it was a beach cave and there wher people on the beach as they where jolly and going about their day. Mawson was confused to how a Basilisk would be able to stay here and again where people were so it was either he hadn't gotten there yet or he misheard the directions or Clio had lied to him since she didn't want him to go near it confused Mawson looked round as he got mad at how gaulible he had been to fall for the trick when suddenly he noticed the humans had started moving slowly and with each passing second they became more slow until they eventually stopped suprised at the sudden change Mawson looked round as he noticed footprints leave the cave but he didn't see what left. listening to the movement of the Basilisk Mawson flew straight at it as he hit the beast hard making it roar. landing Mawson used his hearing to pick up the faint heartbeat of the Basilisk as he flew right towards it punching the creature right in the neck as he applied force pushing his fist into the body of the beast grabbing its heart out but as soon as he pulled his hands out Mawson found a pebble in it looking round he lost the creature. One of the Basilisk famous ability was its camouflage it could camouflage anything it wanted to including his organs and its shapes as well as it could stop time and become invisible to the necked eyes of a human only the eyes of a demon or a god could see a Basilisk even in its camouflage state

Mawson had flown round the beach but still didn't find the Basilisk and the effects it had on the humans had gone as the humans where now moving and talking Frustrated that the Basilisk had gone a lightning bolt fell from the sky creating a huge crater in the sand as his pupils turned red as he looked round but this time he saw the Basilisk as his demon eyes had glowed out of his anger.

"there you are " he said as he ran straight towards the fleeing beast. The Basilisk was a creature that had six short legs a long and massive tail spiked back and the head of a chicken in short it was more of a reptile as its body was blue and its head was red.

Chasing after the Basilisk Mawson flew as he landed ahead of the Basilisk, raising his hand a huge lightning bolt sparked around it as Mawson blew the head of the creature sending him back.

As Mawson fought the creature the humans on the beach where shocked at what he was doing as they videoed him and laughed at him.

Mawson had landed two more punches to the chest as he tried to bury his fist into it but no matter how many blow he landed the chest was to strong the Basilisk dived right at Mawson as he shot three spikes at him which pierced Mawson's skin making him fall it wasn't just any spike it was a poisoned one and its poison had already started spreading into Mawson body which gave the Basilisk enough time to run. Pulling out the spike from his chest Mawson bleed as the spike became visible to the humans as they where shocked at what Mawson had been fighting. Mawson was very annoyed at how hard this creature was to get hold off and was extremely frustrated at the cowardly behavior of the creature that he ran straight at it with bolts of lightning joined with his fire as it burned around him Mawson was ready to explode the Basilisk. Reaching the beast Mawson flew straight up before stabbing his hands into it's back as he entered into the Basilisk blowing up its organs making a purple liquid pour right out of the hole in the beast back. Still inside the Basilisk Mawson searched for the cauldron as he brought it out and came out of the beast body covered in purple gue. dropping the cauldron Mawson absorbed the Basilisk energy making him grow stronger.

The humans where shocked as to what Mawson had fought as they videoed him but before they could ask he picked up the cauldron and flew away leaving them amazed at what just happened