
The pillager

the destroyer of worlds , the evil god of the ninth heaven , demon lord of the underworld he is the pillager, the overall king of doom Okay this is my first time writing a novel so I apologize if this novel isn't intriguing enough for you but I bet you the story line is amazing and I know you would love the future of this book so pls just be patient and there .might be some mistakes at first but pls know that they are typos I hope you enjoy it Pls note that this book has some mythology characters

Infinite_0ne · Action
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Chapter 34 : Demon tooth

Getting to the hotel Mawson landed right on his bounkony before he entered the room. Seeing Mawson covered in purple gue as he carried the cauldron Denver was curious as to what this guy actually went to do.

"What where you doing that you became messed up?" Denver said looking at Mawson's dirty footprints as he headed for the shower and closed the door not answering Denver's question.

After taking a shower Mawson stepped out all clean as he wore his clothes, picking up the clean cauldron and his sword he flew right out of the room again this time not even speaking to Denver.


Walking right into the darkness Mawson dropped the Cauldron as he looked around for any trace of light but there was none.

"hello are you home?" Mawson yelled into oblivion

"I have your cauldron or whatever it is " he said as he walked round

"hugh I thought he said it was his prison and he couldn't leave" Mawson said still looking round when he suddenly heard a clicking sound from behind him making him turn and look towards the source of the sound.

Coming out of the coffin the Dark 0ne walked towards Mawson

"what did you do to me?" Mawson asked

"what do you mean by that?" He asked

"the fangs the hunger for human blood you made me one of the beast that killed me" he yelled at the top of his voice

"those aren't called fangs they are called demon tooth and the blood you hunger it isn't my fault it is all thanks to your energy absorption it has made your demon tooth want energy" He said

"you never told me I will have fangs" Mawson said

"I never told you to ask for the power to absorb energy" He said frowning

"how is that even possible that my energy absorption would make me crave blood that isn't the work of a fang" Mawson said

"I said it isn't a fang it is a demon tooth and they're used to weaken your enemy in a battle and they're meant to show right and possessiveness not drain blood" He replied Mawson "your energy absorption makes you see the energy in the blood and then your demon instincts make you drink it" He added

"and one thing you should keep in mind respect your creator the next time you raise your voice at me will be your last" He said

"now let me have it" He said stretching out his hands to Mawson as he handed the cauldron to Him

"what are all these things?" Mawson asked

"they are my parts as it was divided and hidden so I don't get them back" He said as he placed the cauldron in the box he came out of

"parts of what" Mawson inquired

"parts of my body" He replied as He brought out a piece of paper

"how did they end up in there?" he asked

"they were looked away now that doesn't concern you" He stated making Mawson become more curious of what those things really where

"now what do you want" He asked Mawson

"protective shields" Mawson replied watching Him write it

"do I get a second one ?" Mawson asked wondering if he gets a second ask

"yes "He simply stated

"well then wind control will do" Mawson replied

"well you would need them cause I need you to find me the skull of Topez " He said

"where is it" Mawson asked

"well the last I heard of this skull it was in a temple in the dessert " He replied

"which dessert in particular?" Mawson asked

"the Sahri dessert would most likely be it" He said

"okay" Mawson said turning to leave.


Back at the hotel

Denver had gone bored so he called the reception and ordered half of all their dishes as he sat to eat a bountiful meal, he was already half way through the meal when Mawson arrived.

"What are you doing?" Mawson asked him. He knew Denver ate a lot but this seemed different it was on a whole other level.

Seeing Mawson look at him weirdly Denver dropped the spoon and picked his glass as he drank from it

"well I was waiting for you come join me" Denver replied cleaning his mouth with the napkin

"Denver why are you eating a gruesome amount of whatever it is you ordered" Mawson asked

"well since you are now an Upir like me you would need to suppress your hunger so you don't cause havoc with your lack of skills to compel a victim" he replied

"firstly it is vampire, Upir sounds wierd and secondly I am neither a vampire nor an Upir still wierd I am more or less a demon that's hungry for blood then lastly I doubt that would work for me" Mawson replied watching Denver munch down a whole bucket of chicken wings as he wondered how he could fit all the food into his belly

"I don't care you are still a predator a very dangerous one so what harm will it do to you if you try it" Denver asked drinking a whole yogurt

"well my sanity my sanity is what I could loose " Mawson said walking over to the table and taking a sit

before picking the cutlery and begun eating a steak

"we would be leaving after this " Mawson said

"where are we heading?" Denver asked standing up and walking to the shower

"Triton they are done already and are preparing for sales" Mawson blurted out

"what who and how I don't understand what you just said" Denver as he cleaned his face with a towel

"I dont expect you to " Mawson replied putting the last steak in his mouth before standing up

"so we go by taxi or plane or do you have a car?" he asked wearing his jacket while Mawson packed his thing as they both headed out

"well maybe taxi " Mawson replied as they entered the lift

"huh wow " Denver looked at Mawson.