
The Phoenix Saga

Ranma is a martial artist, and a teenage boy. At least, she used to be. After an attack leaves Ranma trapped in a feminine body she never asked for, and unable to take a hit, her life as she knew it is over. She runs from her home and her abusive father, and after spending a few months homeless in Tokyo, takes a job in a bar called the Phoenix run by a found family consisting of the bar's matriarch owner and four hard-luck women she took under her wing as teenagers. At the Phoenix, Ranma finds a place where she can be accepted and "normal," begins to deal with the trauma she's been though, and experiences the first unconditional love she's ever known. As she does so, she begins to embrace her new life as a young woman, discovers a new talent and potential career in music, and rises from the ashes of the life she once knew.

AnneOminous · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs


"Let's go, new girl! Pick up the pace!"Ranko clapped her hands sharply as she leaned on the bar counter, watching as the Phoenix' new part-time waitress sped to one of the booths in the back corner. The young woman dropped off a pair of smoking yellow cocktails with a harried smile.Getting the mix just right for the Dragonfire was a challenge, and even with all her practice, Mei wasn't perfect at it and didn't usually attempt it if she could help it. That said, Sakura had surprised Yui at the bar earlier that evening and convinced her to take a rare night off, so Mei was the only bartender in the building unless her mother decided to come forward from the kitchen.The black-haired girl wore green denim jeans under a sky blue tunic-style shirt and a pair of white cross-trainers. She might need to work on her wardrobe a little bit to be successful at a place like the Phoenix, Ranko thought with a blush and a smirk. She certainly understood how that felt. Where's Izumi when you need her?Mei rang the little hotel bell on the corner of the service bar. "Runner for table twelve!"Ranko rolled her neck to look at the bell, but shrugged nonchalantly, not giving up her place. She still remembered her first night quite vividly, and the girls she now called sisters had given her no shortage of good-natured ribbing. Now that she wasn't the newest employee anymore, she was determined to enjoy every second of her newfound seniority, even if it would normally be only the one or two nights a week where Mei had night classes. The little bar couldn't afford to be short two service staff members on a busy night, especially around the holidays, and Izumi likely wouldn't be in for at least a month as she tended to her newborn daughter.With it being a Tuesday night and still early in the evening, the bar was half-empty, so it was the perfect time to start off training someone new and the girls could afford to take it a little easy. Friggin' mama, making me start on a Saturday night. Damn near wore me out, Ranko remembered with a grin.The newest waitress darted back to the counter, grabbing the basket of onion rings and darting off with it. Ranko hopped up, sitting on the service bar counter and crossing her ankles. She cupped her hands around her mouth to project her voice. "That's table sixteen, blockhead!"The exasperated trainee corrected herself, delivering the appetizer correctly and then returning to the service bar. "Okay! What next?"Ranko smirked a bit haughtily. "I dunno. Maybe I'll go sing something. Mei, whaddya think?"The blue-haired girl nodded with an amused chuckle. She was already enjoying the show. "Works for me. Do you wanna show the new kid what we do when you're on stage?"Ranko grinned, popping back down to her feet. "Nah, you can. But first, c'mere a sec, you." Ranko motioned for the Phoenix' newest hire to follow as she swung her legs around to the employee side of the service bar and slid down to her feet. She pushed open the blue saloon door, holding it open as the new girl brushed past her closely enough to disrupt the flow of Ranko's red knee-length skirt around her legs."Okay, and what do I need back here?" The trainee looked around the narrow corridor in front of Hana's closed office door."Just this." Ranko reached forward, grabbing a fistful of the girl's blue shirt and pushing her against the wall, forcefully kissing the slightly taller girl on the lips."Ranko!" Akane blushed, putting her arms around her lover's waist as she broke the kiss. "Should we really be doing this when we're working?"Grinning, Ranko shrugged. "It's okay. I used to live here, remember? As long as it's not in front of the customers and we don't slow anything down, I don't think anyone will mind.""Am I… doing okay? You've been … kind of hard on me today." Akane nervously furrowed her brow a bit. She'd actually never had a real job before, and this was taking a bit of adjustment for her.Ranko giggled cutely, shaking her head. "Silly girl. You're doing great. I'm just messing with ya. I hope it isn't upsetting you, and if it is, I'm sorry. It's just been kind of fun bossing you around a little for a change, sensei."Ranko hadn't said as much to Akane to avoid pressuring her, but she was thrilled that Akane had offered to come and help out. The girls badly needed the extra money. Plus, considering Akane spent most of her free nights at the Phoenix anyway, it just made sense to pitch in to give Ranko and her family a hand while there was a need, at least until Izumi could come back to work. Every pizza Akane carried to a table meant Ranko would be just a little less ragged when she got home from work.Beyond all of the practical reasoning, though, she felt like the move was Akane's way to make the equivalent gesture Ranko had when she chose her name. The second she joined the Phoenix' payroll, in Ranko's eyes, Akane had officially become a part of her new family. Not that Ranko was going to consider her a sister or anything, because that would make the nature of their relationship feel super weird.With a slightly devious smile, Akane leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Ranko's neck, whispering in her ear. "Do your worst, then. Just bear in mind how helpless I can make you when we get home, if I decide I need to get you back for anything later." She moved her head down slightly, sneaking a quick nibble on the nape of Ranko's neck for emphasis.Ranko's breath caught in her throat and she turned a brighter shade of red than her skirt, squeezing Akane tight until the shuddering subsided. "How could I forget?""So, ummm…" Ranko swallowed, exhaling heavily as she tried to regain her composure after Akane's tease. "Just stick with Mei while I'm on stage. She'll make sure you know what's going on. We've only got a few days to get you ready before the big night."Ranko smiled. She was looking forward to doing another Christmas concert, this time without the do-or-die stress of catching up on the bills. Business had been fantastic over the last few months, and while Ranko always brushed it off when Hana said something, she knew it was in large part because of her singing, especially since the release of Rise. But, this year, she had a surprise for someone she cared about very much and she couldn't wait to unveil it next Monday night."Besides, the hardest part is figuring out where stuff is and the menu and everything, and you've been here so much, you've already got that part nailed.""I guess so, yeah. The one thing that sucks about this is I'll be busy when you're singing." Akane sighed a little."First off, the orders typically stop when I'm on stage. So it'll give you a few minutes to catch up if you need it, and if you're already on top of things, you can watch. And second, if you ever want a private concert, all you have to do is ask." Ranko bit her lip sportively, giving her lover a sordid little wink.Akane blushed furiously. Yeah, our next-door neighbor is already well-acquainted with your "concerts," baby.Ranko crinkled her nose cutely at her girlfriend. "Well, I guess I'd better get up there. Love you, baby! You got this!"Hana stepped out of the walk-in cooler and waved to the girls from the back of the kitchen. "Akane, wanna come here for a second? I can show you how to work the deep fryer if you want.""NO!" cried both Ranko and Akane in unison, giggling.