
The Phoenix Saga

Ranma is a martial artist, and a teenage boy. At least, she used to be. After an attack leaves Ranma trapped in a feminine body she never asked for, and unable to take a hit, her life as she knew it is over. She runs from her home and her abusive father, and after spending a few months homeless in Tokyo, takes a job in a bar called the Phoenix run by a found family consisting of the bar's matriarch owner and four hard-luck women she took under her wing as teenagers. At the Phoenix, Ranma finds a place where she can be accepted and "normal," begins to deal with the trauma she's been though, and experiences the first unconditional love she's ever known. As she does so, she begins to embrace her new life as a young woman, discovers a new talent and potential career in music, and rises from the ashes of the life she once knew.

AnneOminous · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

I Know You From Somewhere

"Phew! I forgot how hard this is!" Ranko slumped onto the first vacant bar stool she'd seen in an hour, tossing her empty corkboard tray weakly on the polyurethane countertop behind her. With Hana taking the evening off with a head cold and Izumi's inability to get a babysitter for the evening, Mei was stuck mostly in the kitchen and only Yui was available to tend bar, so the songstress had been pressed back into table service alongside her fiancee for the evening.Smirking, Akane walked past her beloved, maintaining eye contact as she surreptitiously dragged her fingers softly across both of Ranko's bare knees. "I told you, you should've worn flats tonight. One of these days, you're gonna learn to listen to me."Ranko hung her head playfully. "I know, I know." She tugged down at the hem of her dress, Akane's touch having drawn her attention to how much of herself was exposed, but it proved a fruitless effort. She could not stretch fabric that was not there."Oi! Ranko! You comin' or what?" Shinji gesticulated impatiently from the stage as Crash strapped his guitar back around his chest after his smoke break.Whining quietly in mourning for her lost respite, she slid down off of the brown vinyl seat and made her way up to the stage, dropping off a few extra napkins for a young woman who had spilled her soda on the way. She hurriedly donned her headset microphone. "Sorry, guys. Busy night.""Um, Ranko," Crash said, pointing with a smile. "You kinda messed your hair up a little with your mic.""Aw, crap. Thanks, bud." She blushed as she clawed the black hair elastic and the wide red satin ribbon out of her ponytail in one motion, corralling the escaped bits of her flame-red hair and re-binding it with both. "Better?"Crash nodded. "Close enough for government work."Shinji tapped on the back of his left wrist, where his watch would be if he wore one."What's your deal, Shin? Got a hot date?" Crash smirked at his friend. "We're here 'til midnight whether we play a song now, or two minutes from now.""Just don't like standin' around, is all." Shinji glanced up to the bar, where his ex-girlfriend was passing out pizzas as quickly as the oven in the back could produce them.Ranko nodded. "Then let's play." She switched on her headset, stepping forward on the stage. Her stage."Alone, with no place left that you call home, nobody waiting by the phone…"Akane glanced up quickly in her frenzied rush to deliver a basket of chicken wings to table four, nodding in acknowledgement of the two college-age boys waiting for a set. "Be right with you, guys! Sorry! Crazy night!"A moment later, the steaming hot pepperoni and pineapple pie having been dropped off at its destination, the young server returned to the hostess stand, standing on her tiptoes and scanning the barroom for a vacant table. "Sorry about the wait, you guys. We're a little short-handed tonight."The boy with the reddish-brown hair waved her off. "Don't worry ab… wait. Akane, is that you?!" Before she could answer, his companion turned his attention away in surprise from the drink menu that was painted on the wall in the small waiting area. "No shit? It is you! How you doing, girl? We haven't seen you since graduation!"Akane blushed with a smile, tucking a wisp of hair behind her ear. "Hiroshi! Daisuke! What are you guys doing here? I thought you were going to school up in Sendai!"Daisuke nodded. "Came home on break, and everybody said this was the place to check out, if you could get in. Looks like they weren't kidding! This place is jumpin'! You got anything opening up in the next few minutes, you think?Akane chuckled to herself. Oh, my friend, you should see it when we're really busy. But, with a smile, she decided she'd make an exception to the bar's unwritten rule for Ranko's two best friends from Furinkan High, back when she used to go by Ranma. "You know what? You guys haven't gotten to see the show. How's about I put you up at the VIP table? You'll have the best view in the house.""Really?" Hiroshi's mouth popped open in disbelief. "You'd do that for us?"Akane smiled brightly. "Of course! We're old friends, after all!She bubbled inside with second-hand excitement for her fiancee as she led the pair to the small round table at front stage left. "You guys get settled and we'll get you some drinks in just a sec, 'kay?"Daisuke looked up from the menu. "Are you gonna be our server? We'd love to catch up if you can! I mean, I know the place is packed and all, so it's cool if you don't have much time to chat."The waitress smiled deviously, turning her eyes up to vision prowling the stage in the pink bodycon dress. "Sorry, boys, but not tonight. One of the best perks of sitting in VIP is that the star herself waits on ya.""No shit?" Daisuke sat up in his seat. "We're gonna get to meet Ranko Ten… wait a minute! Is she…?"Akane nods, blushing. Relax, it's okay, we have a cover story for this sort of thing. "She's my cousin. She got me this job after graduation.""You ignite, and you RISE!""Man, this is great," Hiroshi enthused, taking in his view from the VIP table.Akane smirked. "Only the best for you guys." She glanced up to the stage behind her for a second as Ranko lowered her fist, waiting to see whether she intended to come down or start another song. Her answer came quickly from Crash and Shinji's twin electric guitars."You just got home from a long, long day. You wanna let off steam. It's my fault, I should be ready, but I was lost in a daydream…""Hey, Akane?" Hiroshi waved to her as she started to turn toward another of her tables in need of attention. "You haven't… heard from Ranma, have you? He just sort of disappeared."He's gone forever, Hiroshi. And at the same time, he's a hell of a lot closer than you think. She shook her head, trying not to smile. "Nope. Sorry. Haven't seen him since, like, September before last." I got the new and improved version. But, best not to go with the whole "he died" line; I'd hate to spoil their night. Ranko will want them to have a good time."Aww, that's a bummer. I hoped maybe you knew how to get a hold of him. Worth a try, anyway." Hiroshi picked up the laminated menu sheet again, a slightly sullen look in his eyes.Akane gave a little nod. "If I ever see him again, I'll let him know, but I'm not holding my breath.""I've got all these outfits from all my nights on stage. My sister says all the magazines say they're the latest rage…" Ranko looked down quizzically. Who the heck is Akane sitting in VIP, she wondered furtively, as her fiancee's shoulders blocked both of the boys' faces from view.As Akane scooted up to the bar, Mei leaned over to her, having just brought out a pizza for a guest who was seated at the counter. "VIP, huh? Friends of yours?"Akane nodded. "Yeah. They were best friends with…" Her face flushed at the words she was about to use to describe the starlet in the pink dress that commanded the stage behind her. "... an ex-boyfriend of mine, back in high school."Mei bobbed her head in acknowledgement. "I guess you got them in the divorce, then.""I could do an old tee-shirt, a worn-out pair of jeans, but I can't wait for laundry day, 'cause you know what that means…"With a chuckle and a shrug, Akane turned back to the stage. "Guess so." She sped to the steps of the stage as her lover crooned the final chorus of Nothing, waiting for Ranko as she descended the three stairs to the barroom floor."Hey, Akane! Those guys you sat up front, I could swear, they look just like…"Grinning, Akane gave a nod. "It is! It's them! I didn't tell them anything about you, or about us, though. It's up to you how you wanna handle that. Went with the cousin story."The songstress grinned. "We tell them nothing." Getting a nod from Akane in reply, she flounced down to the VIP table, pulling out a chair and sliding into it. "Hi, guys!" It's good to see you two, she mused. I've missed you.Daisuke waved, dumbstruck by the young woman sitting across from him. "Um… hi.""First time at the Phoenix? You guys are gonna love it here. Drinks are out of this world, and you can't find a better pizza in Tokyo." Ranko gave a boastful smile in Hiroshi's direction. "Music doesn't suck either, according to most folks, anyway." She giggled a little at her own attempt at humor. "So, Akane says you're old friends of hers. My name's Ranko. What's yours?""Dai… Daisuke!" The boy sitting on the right side of the table had spit his name out as if he'd sneezed it."I'm Hiroshi," the boy on the left said with a shy wave."Well, Daisuke and Hiroshi, you guys hungry? Let's get you something started, and maybe if you're really nice, I'll sign a couple CDs for ya before you head out." Ranko flashed Daisuke a cute little wink. It was fun to play around with her friends a bit. Even now, it was still a thrill to her that there was so little of Ranma remaining in her that even the people he had been closest to couldn't find a trace of it unless she allowed them to.Hiroshi pointed to his selection on the menu. "I'll do a basket of chicken tenders and onion rings, and a soda." Ranko nodded, turning her attention to Daisuke."Um, let me get a sausage and pineapple pizza, please?" Daisuke smiled up at the redhead somewhat vacantly."You sure you don't want anything else? We have green peppers, they just aren't on the menu. We haven't gotten new ones printed since we added 'em." Ranko smiled brightly at her friend."Ho… how did you know I like green peppers on pizza?" Daisuke flushed, marveling at the young singer leaning over their table. What is it with this girl?Ranko blushed with a nervous giggle. Whoops. "Well, ya know, when you've been doing this as long as I have, you sorta develop a sense for these things!"A few moments later, Ranko sidled up to the bar to bring Mei her erstwhile friends' orders, leaning down to Akane as she enjoyed the first few minutes of her break on a bar stool. "You think they suspect anything," Ranko asked under her breath while Mei headed back to the kitchen."Oh, not a chance, babe," Akane said, tittering restrainedly. "You should go talk to them. Catch up. You know, carefully."Ranko nodded, making her way back to the boys' table, their drinks in hand. "You guys mind if I sit and hang out with you for a minute?""A…are you kidding? Please," Daisuke stammered, and Ranko slipped into the chair to his left."You boys from around here?" Ranko grinned, obviously knowing the answer.Hiroshi grinned. I'd better answer. I think Dai's broken. "No… We're from Nerima, and we're just finishing up our freshman years at Sendai Science Academy now. Daisuke's going for chemistry, and I'm there for electrical engineering."I'm so glad you guys are doing good. "Ooh, smarty pants then! Me, it's all I can do to get through math class, but…" She motions her head to the stage. "At least I found somethin' I'm good at.""Are you kidding," Daisuke mused incredulously. "You can't walk ten meters on our campus without hearing Not Yours, Don't Touch!""No shit?" Ranko blushed coyly. "I'm still having a hard time coming to terms with anybody having heard my stuff outside my little watering hole here."Sipping at the soda his former friend had delivered, Hiroshi shook his head in amusement. "Miss Tendo, I don't know how you could possibly doubt it. You're incredible."The songstress grinned. "We're sitting in a dive bar, boys. You don't have to be so formal. It's Ranko." She brushed her hair aside with a proud smile. I want you to know who I am now, guys. Even if you don't know who I was.Daisuke's face was still aflame, but he sat forward in his chair. "So, you're related to Akane, huh? That's cool! We went to high school with her and her old boyfriend."It was Ranko's turn to blush. Related? Not for a couple months yet, officially. She fidgeted idly with the diamond ring on her left hand as she spoke. "Yeah, we go way back. Isn't she great? And - old boyfriend? You're talking about Ranma, right?"Hiroshi lit up. "You knew him? He was one of our best friends, and we haven't heard from him in almost two years."I'm sorry, guys. He died. But… just this once, we can be gentle about that, since you were some of the only people who cared about him."Yeah, he's… He left town. Cut off contact with everybody. I think he might've gone back to China? But he's happy. I promise. I bet he misses you guys something terrible."Hiroshi smiled sadly. "I hope so. He was great."Ranko's eyes glistened wistfully. "The last time I saw him, he couldn't stop telling me about his friends from school. So, I think he loved you guys, too." I'm getting too emotional. It'll give me away. "I… um, I think your pizza's ready. Let me go check." She stood, darting to the bar without giving them time to respond.Mei, pitching in at the service bar while there was a lull in food orders, nudged Akane's arm across the countertop before making a subtle motion in the direction of the VIP table. "Hey, Akane, you do know the one on the left has been checking you out since he got here, right?"Akane blushed, averting her eyes as her fiancee giggled wildly beside her."What's the matter, Akane? Can't stand a little attention?" Ranko giggled.Oh, you wanna play like that, babe? Alright. Akane turned, putting her arm over Ranko's shoulder with a playfully sadistic snicker as the songstress sipped at the soda Mei handed her. "Hey, Ranko, you do know the one on the right is checking you out, right?""Nuh uh! No way!" Ranko flushed deeply. They're my friends! They're not supposed to think of me like… that! Then again, Crash did. And at least Crash is Ranko's friend. They were Ranma's."No, honey," Mei said with a smirk. "He's staring at your ass right now."Ranko scoffed, her cheeks aflame. "Daisuke? Not a chance. If anything, he's into you, Akane. Always has been." Even though she knew had no reason to doubt Mei's assertion, she really wanted one. What is it with all my friends wanting to sleep with me? Man, it makes shit awkward as hell sometimes!Akane scrunched her nose with a loud sniffle, affecting her voice to sound as if she were on the verge of tears. "A plain Jane like me? What chance do I have against a pop star with perfect tits and a great ass? Why can't you save at least a few boys for the rest of us, Ranko?" Her resentful act was betrayed by the mirth in her eyes.Ranko hid her face furtively from her fiancee as Mei slid her youngest sister a glass of soda across the countertop. "Oh, stop, Akane. You're hot too, and you know it.""You think so?" Akane sounded hopeful, a devious spark in her eyes. She didn't deny she's a hottie. Good. But now, for some fun. Wanna play around with boys like Eiji, do ya? Let's just see."Of course, love!" Ranko lifted her glass, sipping at her drink."Well, in that case…" Akane turned on her stool and put her arms around Ranko again as the redhead snagged the newly-vacated stool to Akane's right, speaking in a hushed tone. She idly flicked the little silver heart dangling from the black lace ribbon around her beloved's throat. "If Hiroshi likes me, and Daisuke likes you… what do you think, babe? Should we take them home with us tonight?"Akane nearly fell off of her stool laughing as Ranko sputtered, spraying soda out of her mouth. "Are you out of your fuckin' mind," Ranko gasped, caramel-colored liquid still dripping out of her nose."Thanks, Ranko." Mei groaned, wiping soda from her forearms with a bar towel as Ranko cringed and muttered an apology."Gotcha!" Akane cackled. "You should have seen your face!""Yeah?" Ranko giggled quietly, wiping her nose with her forearm. "You think that's funny, huh? I bet you'd actually be really upset if I cheated on you with a boy." And let's pray you never find out that technically, I already did.Akane's brow furrowed a bit. Suddenly, her joke seemed a bit less funny. Does she know that I know? Gods, I gotta talk to her about this. It's eating me up every time I think about it.Yui laughed mischievously as she slid over next to Mei, wiping down the droplets on the countertop from Ranko's outburst. "You know, little sister, it doesn't count as cheating if you let her watch.""Really?!" Mei growled, wiping a second volley of soda from her cheeks as Ranko coughed violently and Akane giggled, hiding her flushed cheeks behind her hands.