
The Phoenix Saga

Ranma is a martial artist, and a teenage boy. At least, she used to be. After an attack leaves Ranma trapped in a feminine body she never asked for, and unable to take a hit, her life as she knew it is over. She runs from her home and her abusive father, and after spending a few months homeless in Tokyo, takes a job in a bar called the Phoenix run by a found family consisting of the bar's matriarch owner and four hard-luck women she took under her wing as teenagers. At the Phoenix, Ranma finds a place where she can be accepted and "normal," begins to deal with the trauma she's been though, and experiences the first unconditional love she's ever known. As she does so, she begins to embrace her new life as a young woman, discovers a new talent and potential career in music, and rises from the ashes of the life she once knew.

AnneOminous · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs


Ranko swung her arm high at her side, holding "Aki's" hand in hers and giggling as their enjoined hands swooshed through the skirt of her yellow cotton dress as it flapped gently in the breeze. She was stunned and ecstatic that Akane's plan had worked, and Ranko couldn't wait to get her home and reward her for her heroism. She just wished she didn't have to work tonight, but she'd been planning her Valentine's Day concert for two weeks, and it was going to be a great show. She was looking forward to singing Nothing for her again, and this time giving Akane the quality of performance she deserved."I'm really proud of you, you know that?" Akane squeezed her hand, smiling at her through her masculine makeup job. "It was great to get to see what you do there up close. I loved getting to be a part of it with you."Ranko blushed, smiling over at her lover, nearly unrecognizable though she was in the green tee shirt and khakis she wore and still fully transformed into a young boy with the aid of Izumi's makeup and hair skills and a half a roll of strategically-placed bandages and duct tape. "I'm proud to make you proud of me."Akane reached out for the brass handle of the glass front door of the Phoenix, but Ranko gasped, noticing a bright green sign taped to the inside window."Tonight's show is canceled? What the hell?!"Ranko tore the door out of Akane's hand in a sudden frenzy, throwing it open so hard she almost hit Akane with it. "Mom? Where are you?!"Hana peeked out from over the blue saloon doors as she slipped one of her arms into the sleeve of her leather jacket. "Oh, hey, baby! How'd the shoot go? Hi, Akane. Or, should I say, Aki?" She grinned, pushing her way into the main bar area."What's wrong, mama?! The sign says the show tonight's canceled?!" Ranko set her purse down on the table, rushing toward the bar.Akane cleared her throat, grinning. "Um, Ran-chan? That might be my doing, actually."Ranko whirled. "What?! Akane, what do you mean? We can't just shut down on a holiday!"Hana shrugged. "Well, in fairness, baby girl, you've worked every weekend and holiday for a year and a half, other than the ones where you were in the hospital. I figured you'd probably earned one off. But Akane suggested it."Akane nodded to Izumi, who bent down behind her position at the service bar, pulling a large box out from under the counter. It was nearly a half-meter wide and close to that across, and maybe half that deep, wrapped in a shiny white glossy paper with a silver bow on top."What the…" Ranko stepped closer, looking at the box curiously."Happy Valentine's Day, baby." Akane stepped forward, hugging her around the chest from behind and kissing her cheek. "Go on, go open it."Ranko approached the huge box cautiously, almost as if she worried that there might be a snake in it. She tore open the paper, finding a thin, plain white cardboard box within and opening it. She pulled aside a piece of white tissue paper, and gasped, her eyes the size of saucers."Oh, Akane, it's… It's beautiful." Her face was afire. How the hell does she think I'm gonna pull this off?Akane smiled suavely. "It will be, once you're in it.""But… when would I even have an occasion to wear something like this?" She looked up at "him," mystified and a little relieved that the box's contents would likely just remain in the back of her closet next to every other ridiculous thing Izumi had dressed her in."Right now. Go get changed." Akane grinned."But what… how… huh?" Ranko blushed, looking up at Akane, befuddled. This was all happening so fast. Here she was, half an hour from getting on stage, and now it was one surprise after the other from the person that anyone outside of the room in which she stood would swear was her boyfriend.Akane smiled, walking closer. "Every date I've taken you on for a year, it's been big crowds and dark movie theaters, so nobody could see two girls holding hands. Well, with what Izumi did… let's just say I'm seizing an opportunity." She reached down for Ranko's left hand, picking it up and kissing the back of it softly. "You are a star, and you deserve to shine like one. Tonight, Ranko, you hide for no one. You hide from no one. Do you understand me?"The redhead's face burned as her hand was kissed, looking up into the transformed face of her lover with a little giggle. "Yes, sir." Whatever she had planned, clearly she meant it.Izumi reached out, taking Ranko's other hand with an amused smile. "C'mon, baby sister. Let's get you ready for this strapping gentleman, shall we?"~~~Some twenty minutes later, Akane had returned to the barroom. She'd slipped off into the downstairs restroom to change clothes herself. Having retained the masculine slicked-back hairstyle and makeup job Izumi had performed on her earlier that morning, she now sported a crisp white dress shirt with a sky-blue necktie, black dress pants and a matching suit coat, all but the tie on loan from Izumi's husband. She grinned at the approving nod she received from her future mother-in-law as she took a seat at the barkeep's table."I gotta tell you, Hana, I really appreciate you having done this for us. I know it can't be easy to cancel a big show on a holiday like this. I can only imagine how much money those bring in."Ranko's mother shook her head. "Honestly? I don't talk about it with her much because it weirds her out sometimes, but most nights, we do more business in Dapper Dragons tee shirts and stuff alone than we used to do in drinks before she got here. We're fine, and she deserves a break. She's more than ea…"Hana slowly rose from her chair without finishing her thought, her jaw falling open at the sight of something over Akane's shoulder. "Oh, my gods…"Akane stood and turned, following Hana's line of sight to the saloon doors, where Ranko stood. She wore an ankle-length sparkly gown in a pale sky blue that matched Akane's necktie, which tapered snugly at her waist like a corset and flared out around her hips. It had puffy elbow-length sleeves and a white rosette resting at the center of the neckline. Akane had included a pair of sparkly silver five-centimeter stiletto heels, and she'd even been considerate enough to pack a white satin slip, knowing that the scratchy organza of the gown's skirt would otherwise be torturously uncomfortable on her lover's hypersensitive skin. Izumi, who had obviously been in on this devious plan from the start, had given her sister's hair a quick blow out and loaned her a glittery silver clutch and a pair of dainty diamond earrings. These, she wore in addition to her silver dragon bracelet, her star necklace, and her silver sapphire promise ring. Her face could have boiled a kettle, so flushed was she."Ranko, I… um… you…" Akane laughed nervously, fidgeting with her hands.Izumi leaned into her sister, careful not to crinkle her dress. "I told you she'd be speechless. I'm surprised her nose isn't bleeding." She reached back, grabbing Ranko by the elbow as she tried to retreat back behind the saloon door into the kitchen area. "Nuh-uh. No hiding. You better get used to it, Ranko. You're gonna be a bride in a couple months, remember?"A low whistle came from the main bar as Yui hopped up and sat on the counter. "Damn, girl. Just… wow."Blushing deeper still, Ranko stepped into the room and turned away from her family, facing the mirrored back wall of the bar. "I can't believe you got me to wear something this over the top, Akane. I look like a…"Ranko felt her lover's arms slip around her waist from behind her, squeezing her tight and swaying with her slightly. "Say it," Akane said softly."I can't. I feel ridiculous."Akane squeezed her again. "You aren't ridiculous. You aren't playing at anything. That's really you in the mirror, and it's okay. It's so much better than okay, Ranko. I know what you're thinking, baby. Now, say it. Embrace it." She gave her lover a soft kiss on her temple. I know it's a leap for you, but you're allowed to take pleasure in being beautiful, just the same as any other woman would.The redhead turned, her face aglow, reaching up and wrapping her arms around Akane's neck. "I look like… a princess."Akane kissed her forehead gently, careful not to muss either of their delicate makeup jobs. "If the glass slipper fits, Your Highness." She turned to the tall blonde behind the bar. "Yui, would you, please?"Nodding, Yui hopped down off the counter, reaching down into the beer cooler under the bar and producing a small, clear plastic box. Akane walked to the counter, popping it open. "Give me your hand, Ranko?"Trembling, the bedazzled girl did as she was told, and watched with wide eyes as Akane withdrew something from the plastic carton. Stretching the white elastic band beneath it to the diameter of Ranko's arm, she slid a delicate corsage made of baby's breath and three white roses onto Ranko's right wrist."There. Perfection." Akane smiled down at her, lifting her hand and kissing the back of it. "Are you ready?"Ranko shrugged, her face still ablaze. She looked around at her family, as if expecting them to be laughing at her. No one was, though Izumi wished she'd thought to bring her camera. "I mean, I think so, but… what are we even doing?"Shaking her head, Akane pulled her gently toward the door by the hand she already held. "That, my love, is a surprise."