

She felt ashamed of what she had done, embarrassed that she couldn't be in control; her whole life, she feared the people around her and always looked at the back of her shoulder. More than anything, she fears herself -losing what is left of her humanity and just allowing her darkness to be free. She has gone her whole life through hell, in her childhood in that ring, and did anything to survive, and even now- now that she's free from that place, she still must fight- fight every day to keep her magic at bay so the queen doesn't find her a kill her, and fighting not to go back to her old self just every day there was something she needed to do to survive

She felt different like her magic had changed; she thought she would feel the weight off her shoulder stopping Tommy, but something had changed- she thought that her magic was slowly focusing on the anger and hate she had in her heart. She felt so close to her breaking point; she was only fourteen.

She even felt the air around her change, changed to something dark. She thought killing Tommy would take that away.

“Come on, grandfather, we need to get mummy some flowers for her birthday.” a small child’s voice could be heard not far from where Natalia was sitting on the water fountain; she could see two people, one small and the older Gentleman who looked like he was putting all his weight on the walking stick, and the child was holding his hand.

"They looked like a family. "

‘I heard that voice before,’ Natalia thought as she glanced at the two. She can't see their faces as they are facing away from her, but she noted they were going to a shop stall where flowers were made, and the little girl was demanding flowers from the older man.

“Calm down, Emma; there be enough flowers to go around”, a deep, croaky voice that had an edgy of tiredness coming from the man; he let go of the child's hand as she excitedly ran to the flower shop. Natalia noticed a flare in the wind, something purple floating to the ground.

“Hi! Excuse me! A little girl.” “You dropped this!” Natalia rushed to the falling object and saw it was a bowtie. The girl was quick to notice the voice and rushed to turn.


A high-pitched scream as the child ran to Natalia, not looking where she was going.

“Hay, watch out!”

A screech could be heard as a hoarse raced towards the child; time stood still for a second as Natalia rushed jumped in front of the child, and her eyes turned golden, making the hoarse freeze to a stop; she felt her heart leap to her throat just feeling the hoarse breath in her hair. she glanced up to see their total height, a teen ran panting, his eyes went wide seeing Natalia (of course, not knowing her real name.) “I'm so- so sorry Azura. I turned my back for a second, and they were gone...!” He stuttered an apology. “Hay. It’s okay, no harm- just a frightened little girl.” Natalia gently looked at the girl; her eyes only showed kindness, which she only showed. “You want to see the pretty horse?” she whispered; Emma's eyes lit up with happiness, seeing the opportunity to pet the hoarse “Yes, please”, she spoke softly. Her small cheekbones lit up as she smiled brightly; Natalia thought the sun must be jealous of this little girl. She only noticed just now how the girl had gorgeous long red hair and blue eyes she had ever seen, and multiple freckles scatted her face, making her more adorable than she already was.

Laughter could be heard from miles away as the small child touched the horse, making it blow into her face and making her hair blow back.

‘Yeah, the sun is jealous.’

Natalia's thoughts stopped as a cry erupted around them. Natalia only realised they had gathered a crowd around them; it's not often that they have a child laughing. “Emma! Emma, are you okay?” “Mommy!” Emma wiggled out of Natalia's arms, racing to her mother's scared arms, “Oh my god, Emma, you scared me. I told you to stay with your grandfather, and he said you left his side....” “But mother, she saved me.” the child stops her mother rambling; grasping her mother's face, the young girl moved to realise the assassin- who tried to look like she wasn't eavesdropping on the mother and daughter. Natalia was helping him tie the hoarse backup. “Thank you, A-Azura. I-I'm so-so sorry...” the boy stuttered. Natalia waved the boy off, ensuring her balaclava hadn't fallen; she just hoped he didn't question how the horse stopped without knocking her over.

A cough sounded behind her, watching as the hoarse left, making her glance at the duo she tried hiding she was looking at before. “erm hi—my daughter- she said you-you were the one who saved her. You brought her back to me.” the mother sopped her words, making her stutter; before the assassin knew it, she was pulled into a bone-crushing hug; she always thought a giant hug was suffocating, but a mother grip was nothing she'd ever felt.

“Thank you so much. I sent her with my father, and he's- her has been very forgetful recently, and I--” “Please calm down. I'm happy your daughter was able to get home safe” Natalia noticed the mother was getting worked up again; she tried calming her down even tho neither of them knew the other.

Natalia felt a tug on her cloak again, making her look down. She saw the child in question, her blue eyes shining with curiosity and worry for her mother.


The mother choked back her tears softly as she dried her tears as best she could before kneeling to her daughter's eyes level, orange to blue eyes. The daughter gently wiped away the lost tear from her mother, making her smile brightly. “Are you okay, mummy?” smiling softly. “I'm more than okay, my sun. “I'm sorry. I don't mean to overstep, but I think someone is missing this.” Natalia spoke, smiled, and revealed her missing purple bow that the young child lost. Emma let out a scream of joy and took the bow from the brunette hand, getting a disapproving look from the mother “Emma.” the disproven tone was noticed as a warning as she gave her daughter a look, making Emma glance down her head hiding her red chicks


She whispered sternly, grasping the bow, “Hay, it's okay. I'm glad I able to return to you, princess.” “Princess?” she questioned, looking back at her mum with a questioning look, making the two laugh, smiling at the little girl (of course, no one can see Natalia smile). “I mean, of course. I've only seen royalty wear the most beautiful bow in her hair.” Natalia explained, seeing the girl's eyes light up in realisation as she gave a toothy smile. “May I?” Natalia asked, pointing at the bow in her hand and a nod of excitant as she moved to place the bow back in her hair; as the mother watched fascinated; yes, the mother was worried seeing the girl had all kinds of weapons on her person, and this ack could just be to get the upper hand. She couldn't even know the girl's face, only her eyes. She was terrified, but looking at how the mystery girl was handling her daughter, she couldn't see her smile behind the mask but her eyes.

Her eyes gave away so much emotion she couldn’t help but stare.

“Mummy can she come for tea please” Getting knocked out of her thought, hearing her daughter plead she felt conflicted- she knew nothing about the girl only the fact that she had saved her daughter twice and for the love of God... what would her father do? he kills her and then the girl but...

But she wants to know who was behind that mask that had got her daughter's heart.

Looking at the brunette she noticed she was even more frozen; like a dear court in a headlight making her rethink her idea “Emma maybe... she has other plans and I'm sure grandfather wouldn't be happy.” she gently tried persuading her daughter away for the idea.

“But mum I must make her a bow just like mine. so, we can be royalty together” she demanded, her eyes shining with determination, making both girls glance at each other- both signing having not a clue what to do. Natalia knew it be dangerous if the family knew who she was, they would be in danger but even she couldn't deny those puppy eyes staring at them any longer.

“Well, I guess we can't deny royalty now, can we?” the mother spoke, getting a happy yay from her daughter.

“But first. A name for my daughter's saviour”

‘Oh god’

Natalia's thoughts stopped. She never used her real name outside only people she trusted; she thought about using her nickname, but she had a feeling that they both would know and for some reason, she didn't want to lie to them.

The brunette was fighting a losing battle with these puppy eyes staring at her ‘This is the prise I pay for running out’ she thought, sighing as she glanced around seeing people had gotten back to work and no one is paying attention to the three.
