
Don't get close to our sister

Alex Walk to the sitting room and kept the flask he was holding while glaring at Charles who was continuously staring at him then back to me.

"What are you two doing here"I asked them climbing down the stairs.

"Who?" My mum asked on the phone.

Remembering I haven't disconnected the call"I will talk to you later, love you"I said disconnecting the call quickly.

"Can't I see our little D anymore "Alex said in a serious note but I scoff.

Jayden Walk up to were I was standing, he looks into my eyes in a brotherly way.

"I came to see My ugly, but ended seeing a stranger at home"he said looking at Charles who was still trying to figure out what's going on.

"Don't you own us,I mean me any explanation?"he asked in a heart melting way which anyone would have fallen for.

"Are you done?, answer my question,'what brought you two here?'"I asked .

"Come on are you made of steel?"Jayden asked in frustration.

"that doesn't answer my question "I said sitting on the couch with my leg cross dropping My phone on the table.

Jayden Sat on my left while Alex on the right side.

Alex taking a deep breath "I brought you food"he said pointing at the flasks he kept on the table earlier.

"Okay, you can leave now"I said without any atom of expression of gratitude.

"Will you die if you say thanks"Alex complained.

"And is late we can't leave"he added.

"Seriously, almighty Alex and Jay who stays out till twelve is referring 6 o'clock as late"I said rolling my eye ball in disbelief.

Ignoring me he took off his suit jacket and took the flask to the dinning and began to dish out.

"Come ugly, you should eat now talk later"Jayden said getting up and wait for me to get up as well,which I reluctantly did,we Walk to the dinning, Alex pull a seat for me to seat, exhaling before I sat down and the two sat beside me.

Jayden pick up the spoon to feed me, It came to me that Charles haven't had anything to eat.

"Hey rommie, come join me"I offered and my two brothers raised their head with a 'don't you dare if you love your life' look on their faces which they use to scare away people that want to speak to me when they are around but to My greatest shock Charles ignored their killing look and honored my request.

He took his laptop on the table to the dinning,he pull out a seat to sat down placing his laptop on the table and begin to type God knows what.

"Isn't he a daring one"Alex thought with a mischievous smile.

"Help your self"I offered .

Slightly raising his eyes with a cold expression to look at me and scoff.

"I accepted your offer doesn't mean I will eat your food"he said rudely.

"Ouch!, that's hurt "I replied holding my chest in pretence to be hurt.

"That's what other people will say, but suit yourself"I added with a shrug opening My mouth while My brother fed me like a baby.

After eating to my satisfaction,I stretch my hand to grab the water glass but Jayden beat me to eat.

"Chill,we got this covered "he said with a smile filling the glass and held it while I drank.

Alex tried to feed me but I shook my head to indicate that am full.

"But the food barely reach quarter,are you sure you are okay?"Jayden asked.

"You can continue,I need to study"I said , taking my phone from the table to library.

Charles phone rang and he left leaving Jayden and Alex


Mrs and Mrs Jones was at the dinning table ready to eat and Alex wasn't around.

"Mrs Wilson!"Mrs Jones called the butler a woman in his late forty came to view.

"Yes Mrs Jones"he answered respectfully.

"Where's Alex?"Mrs Jones Inquired.

"The young master went to visit Young miss"he replied.

"What are you two doing here?"she remembered what Alison said while on call with her , she smile and dismish the butler

"What's up with the smile, honey?"Mr Jones asked .

"Nothing, let's eat "she answered and they began eating


Mr Martinez is on his bed working with his laptop when Mrs Martinez came out from the bathroom.

"I haven't seen Jayden today?"Mrs Martinez asked.

"He cancel an important meeting to visit Alison "he answered with his attention unmove from his work.

"Really, pass me my phone honey "Mrs Martinez asked her husband.

He took the phone on side stool and gave to his wife who return it with appreciating smile.she dialed a number on her phone.

"Who are calling?"Mr Martinez asked.

"Jayden"she replied.

"Let the kid be, he is with Alison by now,so chill"he said.

"You are right "she agreed and put away the phone.


Charles was asleep when he heard slight knock on his door, getting up from the bed to open the door and wasn't surprised to see Alex and Jay outside the door wearing serious look .

Wondering what they want for Waking him up by this time "Anything?"Charles asked with a questioning look.

"Let's talk "Alex replied replied leading the way to the garden,he sat on the bench besides the pond with Jay beside him.

Charles sat down on the swing staring into the pond "why did you brought me out In the cold"he asked raising his eyes slowly in a sexy but cold way.

"Omg I have never imagined that I will meet a man who is more beautiful than a woman "jay complemented.

"Do you call me out to say that?"Charles asked in annoyance getting up to leave"If you have nothing to say...."he added.

"Sit back!"Alex and Jay said together with a commanding tune.

Sitting back not because he is the obedient type, but just to hear them out.

Alex exhaling deeply before cutting to the chase what he want from him.

"One, don't you dare get close to My sister"Alex said with a scowl.

Charles hearing this ran his finger through his short hair with scornful smile.

"Those words should be directed at your sister not me"he said with a disdainful look.

"Hearing that from you is satisfying"Alex said.

"Secondly"jay said taking out a blank check and hand it to Charles who collected it, with a confound look.

"Any amount you wrote on the check will be paid to you every month to protect her"Jay said.


In the library, concluding my studies tapping on the screen of my phone to check the time and is 12 o'clock.

"They haven't come in here, hope everything is okay"I said to my self, arranging my homework and put away all the books I read before leaving the library.coming out to the sitting room , looking in the direction of Alex and Jay's room which is dark.

"Have they slept?"I asked but got no response.

The entrance door open and Charles Walk in closing the door behind him .

I decided to ask him about my elder brothers"Hey,are my bro..."

"They Left"he replied Coldly leaving my words incomplete.

"You don't have to be rude "I complained .

Stopping on the stairs, he turned and look at me"not my problem "he said continuing his journey to his room leaving me flabbergasted