
*** New tenant ***

*present day*

Exhaling sharply "that was in the past and the past should remain in the past, now am in my first year at med school to obtain a Master degree for me to fufill my dream of becoming a general surgeon "I said to my self before entering the bathroom to return in a plain white crop top with a palazzo jeans and a matching white heel, back to the mirror I smile to my reflection

"You look good girl"I said winking.

My phone rang,I quickly pick up the call.

"Who is it?"I asked.

*Is me Mr Normen "the caller answered.

"Oh Normen,any problem " I asked turning the phone on loudspeak before dropping it on the table.

"Not really, I called to inform you about your new roommate"he replied .

"I totally forgot about that I asked you to find a roommate since my mom insisted I find one because Jerry and Alex has completed their masters and have return home and helping to run the family business "I said.

"He will move in today by 5pm I have sent you his information via text "he said cutting the call and immediately my phone vibrate.

"Name: Kim Charles

Nationality: seoul ,Korea

DOB:25 September 1992

He returns to US to complete his master's degree in business management, currently in his final, and attend the same school your brother went "

I smile after reading the text"what a detailed info "I said taking my car key, leaving the house to where my car latest Ferrari 488 GTB was parked with my other two cars, white Hyundai Elantra, black Explorer,I decided to take the 488 GTB,entering the car my phone beeps.

"A message from Christabel"I said with a smile.

"Where are you"

Christabel was pestering outside the building.

"Christabel the class will begin after 20 minutes "a female student dress in a white lab coat asked Christabel who has been standing in front of the school building in her lab coat staring continuously At her phone and the parking lot

"I will join you soon "she answered and her phone beeps.

"I will be there in a second"I texted before hitting the road, it took me fifteen minutes to arrive at school,I drove into the car park in a blazing speed All eyes was on the new car that drove into the compound including Christabel, ignoring all the stares,I confidently Step out of the car with my labcoat flipping it on before running to Christabel who has been waiting for me to arrive .

"What take you so long and what's with the new car?, don't you got a car last semester?, what happen to it? And....."she asked continuously

"Woah! woah!! woah!!!, that's a whole lot of questions"I said interrupting her.

"Well Mr Normen called to inform me about my new roommate since you refuse to live with me "I replied.

Christabel and I still attend the same college, she wants to be a gynaecologist while me on the other hand a surgeon.

"I didn't, my mom did "she corrected.

"Whatever, and for the new car, remember what happened at my birthday last year"I asked.

"Yeah, you said that you love the car your bought for more than the gift Jayden got for you"she said and realization struck gasping In shock with her eyes almost falling from the socket.

"Wait don't tell me, Jayden got the car"she asked still in shock.

"Yeah, you are right, they keep waisting money and always competitive, can you believe that those two are competing who's company will be more successful "I said walking out of the parking lot and Christabel follow up in disbelief.

"This unbelievable "she said.

"Believe it my dear, but I need to find those two a girlfriend sooner or later their attention will be channel to them "I said .

"We have pathology class which will begin in the next three minutes "Christabel reminded and we ran to the class fortunately the professor was about to begin the lecture when we arrive.

After the lecture,we went for on to the other classes till 5pm which is dismissal.

Christabel and I ready to go home,we Walk down the school building to the where I parked my car,every student who didn't see me entering the school with the car was flabbergasted and their mouth all drop open , Ignoring them as always I opened the car and enter Christabel did the same before I drove off.

"Am not surprise At all she got a new car this year"a male student said entering his car and drove off in full speed and everyone Begins to find their way home,those with car drove off with their friends and those entering bus proceed to the station.

I took Christabel back to his house,greeted her two siblings Daniel and Madison before leaving.

When my car was completely out of sight.

"Is mom home?"Christabel asked his younger siblings.

"No ,mom called she said she will work overnight at the hospital"Madison replied.

"Sis,we are so hungry"Daniel complained.

"I will go buy the groceries for food "stay inside and remember don't open door for strangers understand"she warned

And the children nod in response before continuing with whatever they are doing, Christabel drop her back and went out to the grocery store.

Christabel parents was always busy with their job, his mom a gynaecologist leave early and come back late and sometimes spend the night at the hospital while his dad spend his time traveling for business purposes and hardly spend a day or two At home.

Walking home, she saw Alexander standing beside his car with his assistant in front of her house and she quickly hide herself in a corner and waited for him to leave, which he did after his assistant whisper something to him after he received a phone call, Christabel came out from her hiding place exhaling deeply before entering the house.

Meanwhile, I on the other hand just arrived home and was happy that the new roommate hasn't arrived,I took my shower and change into a blue denim shorts and a matching white Big t-shirts not bothering to put on bra because of my small boobs which is nearly invisible on the cloth, I only wore bra when am going to school or sometime All the boring party organized by My parents or brother if required because my mom said so,I hate wearing bra due to its disconfort before heading to the library to study and I heard the door bell rang ,I Walk to the door turning on the video intercom system to see who is outside,a dangerously handsome man with black hair stood outside the door.

"Omg his fire"I thought unlocking the door.

"You are ?"I asked the handsome man standing outside staring at me in surprise.

"Uh-mmm Am Charles, Kim Charles"he answered staring at the beauty standing in front of him .

Stepping aside for him to enter.

Looking around the house with a questioning look he slowly Walk to one of the sofa and sat down.

Sitting on the on the other side.

"Am Alison,I was told you will be here by five this is 6 o'clock"I said looking at the clock tower.

"Something came up"he answered.

"I can see you have a lot of questions in your mind,so ask on"I said.

"The house?"he said.

"What's wrong with it?"I asked.

"Is totally different from the One on the picture"he said showing me my old which was demolished Three years ago by brother because he thinks is outdated and built a two story foyer , except the sitting room, has only one double height room which is use as library and five bedroom unlike the old house.

"Oh!, that was my old house,it was demolish year's ago to build this one"I answered.

"Oh really?"he asked .

"well, since I have clear your mind,I will cut to the chase "I said.

"You can probably see the kitchen and the dinning table, you see the door beside the staircase "I said pointing at the door.

"That's the library and the room at the end on your Left "

"Yes "he replied.

"That's my room, and the two rooms on the floor belong to my brother,so you can choose a room from the two rooms "I explained.

"So , you live with your brother?"he asked with so much curiosity.

"Not anymore, they only visit"I replied

"So how about the rent?, Mrs Normen said you will discuss it with me "he asked.

"I don't need a tenant, I need a roommate "I replied.

"What?"he asked in shock.

"You don't need to pay, you only have to follow my two rules "I said raising my two fingers to indicate two.

"Which is ?"he asked.

"No partying inside the house,use the garden or anywhere but not inside the house and secondly the house should always be clean"I listed in a serious voice.

"That's all?"he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, feel free to do anything, consider it your home"I said getting up to leave.

"Your finger print will be added tomorrow and the password is 28122002"

"What day is that?"he asked realizing it was a date.

"Non..."the door bell rang cutting my word.

"That's probably my orders "I said leaving to answer the door,I arrive after some minutes with a package containing the food I ordered and Charles has left the living to the room he chose.

"He is quite comfortable than I imagine "I said sitting to eat after that I went to library to study.

The next, Charles fingerprint was added to the Lock before we both left for school separately.

In school I told Christabel about him, she was pleased to hear that after school she decided to go home on own, she said she have to go somewhere before going hom,we bid each other farewell before patting.

Christabel walking to his house All blue, she was staring at the invisible ball she has been kicking, stoping a few meter to her house, she raised her head and saw Alexander standing beside his car outside her house again, she summon some courage and move to him.

"Hey Chris"Alex greeted her.

"Who are you waiting for?"Christabel asked .

"I didn't see you at my sister's birthday last week so I came to ask why?"he answered.

"I was busy that so I couldn't make it "she lied but deep down she knew the reason she didn't attend was because of him, she has decided to let go of her feeling for him.

"Okay"he said .

"Anything else,am quite busy right now"she said walking into her house.

"How are is my sister,I can probably go to since she wants her identity to be hidden"he asked using it as excuse to make her stay.

"But you can call,am nothing can happen to her, she can protect her and she got herself a new roommate, she told me he moved in yesterday "she replied rudely before shutting Alex out .

"She didn't even invite me in"he thought turning to leave when he remember her last words.

"Did she say he?"he asked himself, quickly taking out his phone he dialed Jayden number.

"Hey what's up".

"Alison got herself a male roommate"Alex said.

"What!, meet me at her house"he said in shock and diconnect the call immediately.

"Cancel all my meeting today,is an emergency"Jayden said to his manager running out of the office not giving him any chance to say anything.

Meanwhile Alex called his manager and also cancel his meeting.

" But si...."the manager tried to change his mind but was cut short by the beeping of the phone indicating the call was ended.

"He always do that"the manager complain.

Alex and Jay went to their various boutique to get new suits an a expensive brand to be specific and they went to the jewelry shop to get gift.

"She will love"they said in front of their various places both staring at the bags in their hand, they enter their car and set of to the house shower and change into the black suit they bought earlier, choose an expensive, after all their dress up, they look into the mirror and smile in contentment, they live the house to the garag, they chose a black Ferrari , Jayden Left his house in a full speed.

Alex was about to enter his car when a female bodyguard enter the garage with a lunch box.

"Who is that for?"Alex asked the bodyguard who bow down before responding.

"For your sister"she replied.

"Give it to me, am heading there now"he ordered the guard and she obeyed without any objections, afraid of losing his job because he hates repeating himself.

He enter the car and Hit the road in a maximum speed.

Jayden arrive first and waited for Alex outside.

I already heading to the library when I receive a phone call from my mother.

"Good evening Mom?"I greeted immediately.

"Have you eaten?"she asked.

"No,I was about to order"I replied.

"Well,I have send a guard with the food I prepare, make sure to finish it and make sure you don't loose weight okay"she said.

"Mom don't worry I still weigh 50kg"I said climbing down the stairs and Charles who was working on his laptop raise his head immediately and look at me with his mouth drop in shock.while I was still on the phone Jay and Alex entered the house in a magnificent way, the two was an epitome of Rich, dangerously handsome, domineering CEO.

not edited,Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Phaithful_Phoenixcreators' thoughts