

Why is Dad not here yet?

I can't believe waiting can be this nerve-wracking.

I hope Mom is fine.

Oh twins, don't make it difficult for your mother.

It's one hour already, why can't I reach Dad?

Nobody is coming from the company too.

No one's contacting me.

Really, what's happening?

Dad, don't add to my worries now.

Is delivering this long?

It's been two hours.

There's no news from anyone yet.

Seriously, why am I alone on this kind of occasion?

Funny, I'm not aware that I'm this weak.

I feel helpless and so powerless.

I don't know what to do any more than simply staying here, merely waiting for more seconds to pass by.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.


This is the first time I can hear the tickling sound of my wristwatch.

I never knew it was possible.

It's too quiet.

So, this is what it feels like drowning from it.

I never grasp this kind of solitude.

Finally! There's a ringtone.

Unknown number?


"Good morning Ma'am. Is this Sola Iliff?"

"Yes, who is this?"

Ah! The doctor is finally coming out!

"Are you the daughter of the patient?"

I nod as yes.

The other line is speaking simultaneously.

"Ma'am please hear the information I will relay calmly. We're sorry but a car accident happened and your father, he is dead on arrival..."

A thing cracked.

I'm not sure what the doctor in front of me said earlier but his current words dominated my disbelief from the ongoing call.

"...the good news is the twins are healthy but your mother is in a coma. Her condition is still indefinite and..."

The voices from the phone and the doctor are getting distant.

It's not existing but I think I hear something collapsing completely, entirely.

It's broken.


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