
The Path to Strength

Humorous work on such fandoms as Naruto and DxD. (There will be many more fandoms in the future) attention!!! Negative hero!!! English is not my language, and indeed the author is an illiterate creature.

DartLove · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

Having dealt with the class, I finally bought myself clones, after studying the technique, I opened its description

Shadow clones ur 1-from the user's chakra clones are created that repeat his appearance (if desired, you can change to any other), the clone has 1% of the user's characteristics per level, the duration of the clone depends on the number of nested chakras ,as well as on the number of actions performed by him .When the clone is dispelled, all the experience it has gained is passed on to the user .When dispelled, the remaining chakra is passed to the user .Clones can't generate energy themselves ,but they can absorb the surrounding energy and transmit it to the user.(the rate of absorption depends on the index of wisdom)

Ha-ha-ha-ha, now I will be able to swing 24/7 sending to swing clones control, or farm barriers.

Having created almost the entire chakra of clones in the training barrier and sent them to train control and shadow cloning techniques, and some of the clones to cook food, I went to sleep (in the barrier).

After sleeping for 12 hours, I woke up. and although I slept only that, was a sense of as if not slept week, so that having eaten I dispelled clones and fell from headaches, and only later 15 minutes me more-less released, deciding, that 3 hundreds of clones for me simultaneously this too many I lowered their number of until 200 and again fell asleep, and so I and continued in during 2kh months within barrier until not rocked clones until 100 level.

During these 2 months, I raised the control to 400. and so same received and pumped skill " meditation', because me needed a lot of energy on maintaining clones the was coined methodology, that when have clones ran out of chakras they sat down and started meditate and absorb surrounding energy.

Meditation - you begin to absorb and transform the energy around you into your own energy production rate depends on the wisdom as well as the skill level, each skill level accelerates the collection and conversion of energy by 10%.

And thanks to this, I got 3 level 100 skills in 2 months, meditation, shadow clones, and perception.

Perception ur 100 - your perception depends on your intelligence score and skill level, 1 unit of intelligence =1 meter .1 skill level 10% intelligence multiplier .Also, the higher the level of perception, the less chance that you will not notice the enemy under disguise or hiding enemy calculation is made so your intelligence-enemy dexterity + (skill level of masking the enemy - level of your perception) the chance that you will notice or not notice the enemy in %.(of course, if the enemy will tap dance in front of you and curse 10 generations of your ancestors, then you will notice it regardless of the level of its disguise)

And now I have control at the level of a strong chunin, as well as my intelligence and wisdom indicators have increased and become

Intelligence 140

Wisdom 120

Someone will say that this is too fast growth, and I will say that it is fucking slow if you consider that I have 500 clones working 24/7 for 2 months.

And most likely I would have continued to swing further training, but alas and Ah the grub is over, those 50 kg of rice and the rest of the meat from the hunt is almost gone.

And it seems like just go and buy it, but if you consider that I went for a lot of food a day ago, and the next day I will go again to buy food, it will look very suspicious.

And since I'm not sure I can pull this off without the NSA and root watching me, I'll have to look for another option.

After holding A meeting of Clones and holding a debate, it was decided to look for techniques of disguise, teleportation, or invisibility.

From a suitable OS store I found

Hiraishin 100k

Walking on shadow trails 1mln

Combat teleportation 10 million

normal teleportation 1 million

Invisibility 500k


From all provided I more or less will be able to save up so far only on Hiraishin. and the usefulness of this skill leaves much to be desired, if I took the Assassin class, I would take Hiraishin without questions, but it is still worth taking it. still, it is very useful to escape from the battle back to the base, and + this will solve my problem with the food supply, because you can leave a mark in the forest and send my clones there

for hunting, and picking berries, it will also solve such problems as-if they decide to eliminate me, if I need to travel long distances, and if I need to escape from the supervision of the ANBU and the roots.

In General, deciding what I'll buy this equipment, I sent clones to farm urgently OS ,because I could support 500 clones constantly I had no problems to farm the required OS for a day ,and I would be able to do it for a few moments ,if it were possible to discover for each clone a new barrier ,but alas you can't do that ,because it looks like a Player worried that I will not be shaken here the level of MS for a couple of days in the real world ,but still, considering the speed of my current pumping long I will stay up to MS if I'm not lazy ,and since genes Nara I do not have ,only forward!