
The Path to Strength

Humorous work on such fandoms as Naruto and DxD. (There will be many more fandoms in the future) attention!!! Negative hero!!! English is not my language, and indeed the author is an illiterate creature.

DartLove · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

After finishing the burnout, I finally started making plans, because now I can sit in the barriers without risking getting burned, then you can start the grind.

System open the barrier with monsters

Choose the level of difficulty (the level of difficulty depends on how many characteristics the monsters get for the level, the boss has X5 characteristics)

Easy 10

Average 20

Complex 30

Full ***** 50

You will die 100

Divine 1000

, mdaaaa trust something recent 3 not inspire, Yes and risk there is no sense so that easy

Select the levels of your opponents



20-30, and so forth

As I understood if I go on 1-10 on easy the have enemies will characteristics somewhere such if borrow stats for 10Y LVL

power 30

dexterity 30

endurance 20

intelligence 20

And the boss is 5 times stronger, and it's easy…If mobs I still fail, then the boss will roll me out I will not fail the enemy with the speed of Jonin!!!The player you do something nuts!!!!!????

-What you don't like, they have chakra no, skills do not have so that you calmly have to take them all out, and all you idiot incorrectly calculated characteristics of the mobs!!!And don't call me for no reason!!!

"O great one, I humbly beg your pardon, and I will not call you again without great need....

- OK OK, I forgive you for the first time, but next time there will be a punishment.

Fuh, got through, but if I incorrectly calculated, and if you take mobs as in games, then they should have high stats of strength and endurance, but low speed.

Then if you calculate it like this -

power 40

dexterity 10

endurance 40

Intelligence 10

Hmmm, better, I have to pull even on average, it may be difficult, but I'm going anyway on a light and check out before taking a difficulty where you can die, there is certainly a chance that the Player will resurrect me, but to check I don't hunt.

Choosing the barrier 10 ur on easy I entered it

After entering it, I found myself in a cemetery where dozens of skeletons of 10 URS were wandering.

Armed with a kunai I got from the sucker I pulled the skeletons, at first I attacked them with a kunai, but soon realized that the blows his arms and legs much more effective, so spend a minute and killing a couple of dozen skeletons apnuli 7th level

Level 7 (220/14800)

Here is like would and rejoice at need to that level of raised, but if given, that with Genina I received 1K experience, and he was 9 level, and with skeletons I get on 100 experience for one although they 10 level the me fit cry, system direct language says, that like it or apatsya quickly cut out people, but if given, that people still seek need to, and their simply so not kill the barriers more profitable in terms of raising levels

With mobs aside from experience I also received OS (points essence) and as far as I understood, that for 1 level of enemy in easy mode give 1 point essence, for 10 minutes running around the cemetery I killed 100 mobs, obtaining 100 OS, and 10K experience, when I killed the last Moba knocking out a stone slab from the center of the location appeared Boss locations. The boss was a huge 3 meter skeleton that wielded a large blade and a metal shield

Boss locations

Giant Skeleton

Class-Tank (ur 1) (x2 HP, x2 regen, x2 damage reduction)

HP 12600/1260 min


power 200

dexterity 50

endurance 210

intelligence 40

Mdaaaa, his strength and stamina are terrifying, and even his HP and reduced damage received, if I had climbed here at the average difficulty level, then I would have stayed here.

Thank the Player I did not overestimate my strength and climb where it is not necessary

Probably, it would be worth telling how I heroically overcame him while on the edge of life, but everything is much simpler, I just strengthened myself with the chakra accelerated to speed, when he just couldn't do anything to me cut off his leg in a few approaches, and after he fell, I fucked his head off, so the whole fight ended in a few seconds, because without a head, even skeletons do not live because they have their essence to be there that I learned by killing skeletons before the boss.

With boss I received 10K experience and 10 OD, so same with him me fell khrenovenkiy such sword and 10K re, and also book on basic governance mana, with mobs me dropnulo dozen shuriken, several Kunaev and 5K re

After examining the loot, and also checking the status for a new level (Level 8 (5420/29600), I decided to check the store for the desired skills

having opened the OS store I knocked out the basics of handling the chakra in the search

Basics of handling the 10 OS chakra

When I found it I bought it right away

And a window appeared-Would you like to study it? warning; after studying the item will disappear.

Clicking YES, the book immediately disappeared, and I got knowledge about what the chakra is, how to use it, as well as the nuances of its use.

The next thing I wanted to study were of course Clones

However, I was immediately broken off at the cost of 10K OS

Since I was bummed out with this technique I decided to find books on managing the elements

Basics of spontaneous transformations ON the 100os chakra

After buying them and being left with almost no OS I took out a book on the basics of magic

Using it, I gained knowledge of magic and opened a new stat.

Ding ~~~ a new mana characteristic has been discovered

Mana 800/80 min.

Yehuuuu, I will become a magician!!!!

For the remaining ten CD, I bought a mana arrow spell that dealt damage equivalent to spent mana and dependent on control.

Considering that in 5 minutes I can say I raised 2 levels and became much stronger, I decided to continue farming on clones.

Twenty-four hours later

Day I have gone on the to nafarmit itself clones, so same I received many techniques battlefield, ownership sword, technology attacks chakra, and camping on D., nothing cool I not received, all technology were C class and several not combat B class, however now I can throw fireballs as the most real mage loser!

During this time, I got 2 Lam experience, do you think a lot? But x*y, because of this that with each LVL requires 2 times more experience these 2 Lam just pennies, in total I got 7 levels 105820/3788800

- System open Status


Level 15 levels 105820/3788800


Last Name-Uzumaki

Title-Jinchuriki Of The Nine-Tailed


Mana-850/85 min

Chakra-1830/183 min.

Biju chakra ???

Force 47-responsible for lifting weight and impact force (1-100=10 kg of lifting weight per unit .101-200 =20 kg per unit, etc.)

Dexterity 65-is responsible for the reaction speed, movement speed and strength of physical blows, with high dexterity indicators, but low strength and low endurance, there is a high probability of physical injury, and there is a decrease in movement speed and impact potential, (strength and endurance does not affect the reaction)

1-100= 1 meter per second per unit, 101-200=2 meters per second per unit

Endurance 98 affects the strength of the body, the amount of physical energy (in short, the number of HP and chakras) (as well as regeneration, chakras, prana and other physical energies) (1-100=1, 101-200=2 per minute per unit, etc....) (10 reserves per unit of 1-100), 20 reserves per unit at 101-200, etc.…)

Spirit 85 (an indicator of the strength of your soul, the higher the indicator, the more you have reatsu and its regeneration) Also increases the regeneration of mana, and other energies produced by the soul) 1-100 -1 per min unit, 101-200 -2 per min unit, etc. (10 reserves per unit of the indicator 1-100), 20 reserves per unit for indicators 101-200, etc.…)

Intelligence 92 (a measure of the speed of operations available to your brain. (the speed of thinking of an ordinary man 10, trained to 100) (at high levels of skill, but low IQs you will not have time to process incoming information with a high IQ, but low agility you won't have time to react)

Wisdom of the 90-Shows your life experience, but also increases the rate of absorption of surrounding energy. (1-100=1 per minute, 101-200=2 per minute per unit, etc....)

Luck-45, an ephemeral thing, affects the outcome of events.

control 220 (the higher the level of control, the easier it is to apply skills and the less energy is required for them, as well as increases the power of skills) (1 unit of control is equal to 1% increase in the strength of the skill and 0.1% decrease in the cost of the skill)

Free performance points 150

Stats have also grown a little due to constant loads, skills I have hidden in the settings because there are too many of them, and almost all of them are useless, or too weak

I also checked the notifications I found that at the 10th level I was given the opportunity to choose the main class from the selection provided to me

Warrior high survivability HP H2, strength H4 endurance H4

Mage high magic damage, strong soul, spirit x4 intelligence x4 growth control +100% energy regeneration rate x2

Assassin high physical damage, dexterity x6 intelligence x2

From all classes me more just like take an Assassin from-for moreover, that in this world with such speed what gives this class I will invincible, but understanding the that the main my chip clones will useless, I took class Mage, camping on K. under enough high control I will be able spam spells until clones d cover me.