
The Path that I choose

Being born from one of the riches family, Josh Alexander have everything that he needs, money, car, woman, you name it. At the age of 25, he is already took his father's position as the ceo of the EXO. Living as a young bachelor, his been called as the Playboy Stand. Because of this, his father Alexander took initiative to arrange marriage for Josh with the woman who Alexander choose. Josh doesn't like what his father did but he couldn't disagree with it because Alexander told him that if he didn't get marry and produce an heir, Josh will lose his position as the ceo. Sarah an 18 year old girl whom have live a tough life, works as a cashier in a cafe shop. Few years ago, she had helps Alexander when he had an accident and she was there when it happen. Alexander thanked her if it weren't for her calling the ambulance, he would have die. They keep in contact after the incident. Their relationship is like a father and daughter. One day Alexander met her at her work place and ask her to help him. She agree to it when Alexander agree to pay off her father's debt if she marry his son. During their marriage, Josh never treated Sarah as his wife and bought different woman to their home. While Sarah, falls in love with him each and everyday even thought she knows that there is a big gap with her and Josh. But as times fly out their relationship got good and Josh started to develop feelings towards Sarah . But some misunderstanding leads their good marriage to divorce. Sarah got hurt for what Josh do to her during the misunderstanding relationship between her and her long lost brother and to add fuel in the fire, Emily whom have a crush for Josh have an evil plot against Sarah. Emily use this opportunity to get close to Josh and telling lies to him about Sarah and her brother having an affair and Josh fell for the lies that he heard. He started to treat Sarah the same way as he did, but this time he brings Emily into his house. Sarah whom had enough with Josh bad attitude towards her have finally make decision, she decided to give what Josh want. After she signed the divorce paper, she disappear without letting anyone knows. Mark, Sarah's brother starts a commotion at Josh's company and tell him that he and Sarah are blood related. He even shows the prove of them being siblings, he hated and blame Josh for Sarah's disappear. Josh feels guilty and try to search Sarah but got devastate finding out she left without a trace, one drunken night Josh got into an accident. During his operation, an angel show up in front of him and gives him a chance to show the impact of his decision towards his future. Given by the possibility to change his path, what path will he choose. Very2 slow update.

PiNiE0809 · Urban
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50 Chs

Chapter 8: Another Day Goes By

The sound of alarm could be heard in Sarah's room, she woke up and turn off the alarm. Then she seat at the end of the bed and think for awhile. It's been 3 weeks since she started to live here, after the dinner back then. Josh has finally moving back to his father's house. They rarely speak to each other beside hearing only with Josh sarcasm towards her. She wanted to fight back, hey she also young and impulsive.. Have a temper to but then because she thinks of Mr. Alexander that have been good to her. She jut swallow in her fighting mode. Even when they seat together at dinner time, she just ignore the look that Josh have been throwing at her.

She doesn't know how long she could take it, she did plan to leave Mr. Alexander's house and try to rent a small single apartment but when she discuss about it with Mr. Alexander, he wouldn't agree with it and say that he could take care of everything that she needed. Beside that he always wanted to know how does it feel to have a daughter and he was happy with her being here.

Her thought have been disturb when her door been knock, she open in and saw the maid standing in front of her room. The maid told her that Mr. Alexander and Josh is already down stair, and they were waiting for her to come and have a breakfast together. Sarah told the maid to inform Mr. Alexander that she will be down a few minutes.

Without any delay, after the maid goes down. Sarah close her door room and without any delay she go to the bathroom, brush her teeth and wash her face. After she finish doing it, she goes out and go to her closet and take a pair of simple dress. Just like what she said, she was already walk towards the dinning room and seat where she usually seat.

"Good morning uncle."

"Good morning Sarah. Why are you still calling me that. Just call me dad, you don't have to be shy about it."

"I'm sorry uncle but can you give me some time to adjust it? I'm still a bit out of the zone."

"It's fine, I know how you feel. It's okay, I won't push you to say it. But I hope you can call me dad. If you did, I'm really happy when you call me dad."

Sarah smile and dig in her breakfast that have been serve by the kitchen maid. Josh who only listen to their conversation just roll out his eyes, until know he still couldn't understand why his father favors the girl a lot more that his own son. He always feel annoyed when ever he see her, no matter where she is whether it's inside their house or outside. He knows it is a bit childish when he always something bad t her when all she never did anything that offend him. But maybe because he were force to marry her while he doesn't want and also that his future as the CEO of his father's company is in stake. That alone has given him a stressful thinking beside handling the company and all the workers there.

While they were eating, Mr. Alexander ask both Josh and Sarah if they already set date of their wedding. Both Josh and Sarah stop eating and stare at each other then look at Mr. Alexander, they couldny say anything because they never seat and talk about it especially when both of them aren't getting along since the first day they meet. Mr. Alexander Happy face change after he didn't hear any reply from the both of them.

"Both of you haven't discusse it yet?"

"I've been busy with the company dad, what did you expect. I really don't have any time to discuss about it with her."

"Sorry uncle, I got caught up with my study that I forgot about it" Sarah couldn't look Mr. Alexander face because she fear he would get mad with the answer they gave to him, but it was true when she say that she been busy with her studies and other than that.. The reason why she couldn't do so it because of Josh cold treatment against her. How can they discuss about it with the situation she in.

Mr. Alexander sigh deeply, he knows its difficult for the both of them to get along with each other.

" I really hope the both of you can handle this, it's your marriage. Sarah don't mind Josh, he could be a little cold sometime but his a good person and you'll learn it soon. And Josh you need to pay attention about her, she still a little bit uncomfortable living here no matter how many days already. I hope you can help her"

"Don't worry dad, i will. You don't have to worry about these things, the both of us are already an grown ups. "

After the three of them finish their breakfast, Josh send Sarah to university. If it wasn't for Mr. Alexander, Sarah might be late going to university. Along the way, there were only silence inside the car. But then Josh talk" Just do your part well, you pick your own wedding dress. "

" What about you. "

" My assistant will do that for me, do you think that I have the time to spendtime with you by pick all that is nessassry for the wedding? I've always been against the wedding but if it get me to become the next CEO then I'll do what I have to do to earn that title"

Sarah didn't talk after heard what Josh said.

Man...why cant be just one day to not throw any sarcastic when he talk to me. I guess another day goes by...