
The Path that I choose

Being born from one of the riches family, Josh Alexander have everything that he needs, money, car, woman, you name it. At the age of 25, he is already took his father's position as the ceo of the EXO. Living as a young bachelor, his been called as the Playboy Stand. Because of this, his father Alexander took initiative to arrange marriage for Josh with the woman who Alexander choose. Josh doesn't like what his father did but he couldn't disagree with it because Alexander told him that if he didn't get marry and produce an heir, Josh will lose his position as the ceo. Sarah an 18 year old girl whom have live a tough life, works as a cashier in a cafe shop. Few years ago, she had helps Alexander when he had an accident and she was there when it happen. Alexander thanked her if it weren't for her calling the ambulance, he would have die. They keep in contact after the incident. Their relationship is like a father and daughter. One day Alexander met her at her work place and ask her to help him. She agree to it when Alexander agree to pay off her father's debt if she marry his son. During their marriage, Josh never treated Sarah as his wife and bought different woman to their home. While Sarah, falls in love with him each and everyday even thought she knows that there is a big gap with her and Josh. But as times fly out their relationship got good and Josh started to develop feelings towards Sarah . But some misunderstanding leads their good marriage to divorce. Sarah got hurt for what Josh do to her during the misunderstanding relationship between her and her long lost brother and to add fuel in the fire, Emily whom have a crush for Josh have an evil plot against Sarah. Emily use this opportunity to get close to Josh and telling lies to him about Sarah and her brother having an affair and Josh fell for the lies that he heard. He started to treat Sarah the same way as he did, but this time he brings Emily into his house. Sarah whom had enough with Josh bad attitude towards her have finally make decision, she decided to give what Josh want. After she signed the divorce paper, she disappear without letting anyone knows. Mark, Sarah's brother starts a commotion at Josh's company and tell him that he and Sarah are blood related. He even shows the prove of them being siblings, he hated and blame Josh for Sarah's disappear. Josh feels guilty and try to search Sarah but got devastate finding out she left without a trace, one drunken night Josh got into an accident. During his operation, an angel show up in front of him and gives him a chance to show the impact of his decision towards his future. Given by the possibility to change his path, what path will he choose. Very2 slow update.

PiNiE0809 · Urban
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50 Chs

Chapter 18: Where are you?

Sarah arrived at the hotel, on her way to the elevator. The staff thats was there greets her with a good evening and Sarah smile reply with good evening to you too. She finds that the staff here is very friendly, so she doesn't need to worry about anything. And since it was already dawn, so she quickly goes to her room. When she arrived, she saw just 4 doors from where. Josh and her stay, she saw Josh just got in with a woman. From what she saw, both Josh and the woman were very intimate with each other. From then on Sarah face reaction change.

She was happy just a few second ago but because she saw Josh and the woman get intimate before goes in the room. Her mood suddenly turn down. She feels hurt seeing Josh be with other woman, when she is his own wife. He never treated her as his wife. It has been 5 minutes since she saw Josh and the woman but she was still outside from their room looking direct from where she saw them.

And when she realize that she had been standing there for a long time, she decided to go in. She open the door using the card and goes in, she directly go to her room then seat at the end of the bed while she just put her beg and the plastic that has the key chain on the floor. She still in dazed of what she see back there, and couldn't help but feel even lonelier. She knows that they have to stay out from each others privacy but can't he see that what he did is being disrespect towards her as his wife.

Couldn't he see that she needed people whom she knows to be around her in this place. All of that Sarah complain inside her head. She close her eyes and took a deep breath then release it, she did it a few times. After a minute or so, she open her eyes. This time her head becomes clear, she can kept thinking about it. So she stand up and took her towel then go to the bathroom and take a shower.

And since she doesn't have any mood to eat, she decide to watch TV, during her watching TV for 2 hour straight. She heard that the front door were open and she knows it was Josh, soon after she saw that Josh have already in the living room. She gaze at Josh from head to toe, then at his eyes. She really wanted to open her mouth to ask him but she thinks again, why bother asking when she saw in front of her own eyes. So she just turn her gaze back to the TV.

That morning, after Josh got out of the room where they stay, he goes to the nearest restaurant just three block from the hotel. He needed some time for himself after having fun with some woman last night. During that time when he was waiting his food and drink arrive at his table, he was checking his email seeing whether he has an email from his client. But when he was looking at his phone. A woman greet him, he look at the woman and he smirk. It seems that i'll have another fun night, it's a good thing i took out my wedding ring. He thought.

They both introduce each other names, then Josh ask the woman whether she wanted to join him dine together and the woman agree. So they just started to ask simple question, joking around, but soon Josh begin to stroke the woman's hand gently. It's see that the woman understand, so after finishing their meal. Both Josh and the woman go to the hotel where Josh had stay and coincidentally the woman also stay in the same hotel and same lever as Josh.

During inside the lif, both josh and the woman begin to kiss. After the lif open, the both walk out and go to where the woman stays. And when they both already reach at the woman's room. They get intimate, the woman opens the door and Josh push her inside. Then the rest, you know what happen. Clothes scattered on the floor, the sound of moan and pleasure. Soon the woman gets tired and fell asleep while Josh see that she was sleeping, he put on his cloth and walks out from the room.

Since it was just a few doors ahead from where he and Sarah stay. He took the room card and slide it inside the security card, he goes in and when he was in the living room. He saw that Sarah was watching TV, since Sarah had notice he was there. She gaze at him and he could see that she was looking at him from head to toe, but soon after she turn her gaze to the TV. Josh frown, why she was looking at him like that. He was about to say something but then he see Sarah's gaze back to the TV.

So he just walk to his bedroom, took off his dirty clothes. And geos to the bathroom with the towel on his hand. While he was taking shower, Sarah on the other hand suddenly feels hungry and she doesn't know if te restaurant at the lobby is still open or already close since its already late. Her phone buzz and a message came, it's Aaron. Aaron ask whether she is still awake or about to go to sleep, and Sarah reply that she was still watching TV. Then Aaron ask if she like to go out for awhile since he live near by, so without thinking to much Sarah agree since she feels hungry.

Sarah had turn off the TV and go take her beg and jacket in her bedroom then strom out, Aaron was waiting infront of the hotel entrance. And when Sarah sees him, she wave her hand at him. Aaron smile warmly and say sorry to Sarah since he ask her out this late but Sarah say it was okay, she was hungry and she didn't know where the 24 hour store is. So she was glad that Aaron know the place.

She feels happy that Aaron became friends with her, since they share so many common things, she never gets tired talking to him. Laughing at his joke and share few things about Paris. It is fun to have this kind of friend.

After finish taking shower, Josh put on his cloth. He goes out to take a bottle of water from the kitchen, passing by the living room. There is no longer Sarah watching TV, so he thought that Sara already goes to bed but he was wrong.

He saw that Sarah's room was open and he knew that Sarah would never left her room open when she sleep. So he take a look inside and finds that Sarah wasn't at her room. Josh was a bit shocked, where could she be this late at night. He suddenly feels panic since she doesn't know this place and she goes out without thinking her own safety. He run toward his room and took his phone. He call Sarah, and just a few ring Sarah pick up her phone and with a cold word Josh said "Where are you?".