
The path of the king of beasts

We delve into the life of Taisei and his group of colleagues, who together form part of the Iskander Academy research club. One day like everyone else, while they were enjoying their lunches on the academy terrace, information about a case that has been going on for some time without any conclusion reaches the hands of the club leader, causing Taisei and the investigation club to decide to take the case into their own hands. guiding them to the abandoned castle in the mesut forest, whose great walls keep a fearsome secret. With the appearance of a mysterious man begins the incident that will change Taisei's life completely.

Erxirel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

The Lady of the Forest, Part III

[Iskander Academy]

[Main building]


[10:00 AM,] [04/09/317 D]

After the meeting with the old man, they gathered us in our classrooms to introduce ourselves, after which they gave us the day off to get to know the academy facilities better and become familiar with the surroundings.

The academy facilities are all very organized and do not lack equipment, the training field has all kinds of simulation equipment to practice combat in real time, it is one of the places that I was most interested in exploring, since I will spend a lot ofover there.


The library, on the other hand, is a huge building dedicated only to it, endless corridors with bookshelves about 5 meters high, set reading areas that simulate a suitable setting for your reading, it is the second place that I was most interested in visiting.


Leaning on the terrace railing, the wind was blowing my hair, my head resting on my arms.

The young man with glasses, sitting on the floor looking at a window projected by his Gear, seemed to be very focused, checking something. Noticing that he was watching him, he spoke to me

Yoghito Airi— Yes, they are taking a while, I'm already hungry.


Yoghito only spoke to complain, we were on the roof, because we were waiting for my 2 brothers, Kai and Leonardo, who lost in the rock, paper, scissors game, so they had to buy lunch in the cafeteria.

Taisei Genpou— The cafeteria, at this time, is a war field, especially on special sandwich days.


"Well, relax your buttocks, because we're here, bitches!"


A voice is heard behind the door towards the stairs, it opens with a bang, the silhouettes that entered through it belonged to my brothers, Kai and Leonardo.

In their hands they carried bags with our lunches.

Taisei Genpou— Yes, they were late today, assholes.

Leonardo Genpou— It was crowded with people, Kai had to take care of the shopping while I was in charge of containing the others. *Sigh*

Leonardo's slumped shoulders made me understand that he didn't have it easy. On the other hand, Kai had already given us our share and was devouring her food.

We were all enjoying our lunch, between conversations and laughter; In this, my attention is captured by the clouds.

It's funny, the sky before us seems enormous, it is always guiding our steps as if trying to protect us. Clouds sometimes take the shape of what we want to see, just like a mother who does everything she can to make her baby smile. The clouds lull us over their soft surface, and we fall asleep before we know it...

As I fell drowsy, I looked around me. Yoghito, Kai and Leonardo are chatting happily. I wonder what they are talking about, the sound stops in my ears, and then I fall asleep...

Kai Genpou— The new spell failed again, and Master Celine scolded us.


Even though it's our first day, Teacher Celine has always been keeping an eye on Kai and Leo. She was scolding them until before lunch time.

Because they both blew up the spell mixing room.

Yoghito Airi— I'm a little curious, what do you base your spell on?


The curiosity in Yoghito's eyes was genuine, he likes that kind of thing.

Leonardo Genpou— We are studying a clairvoyance spell

Yoghito Airi— Clairvoyance? I didn't think you guys were good at that field. Are you planning on setting up a fortune-telling booth or something like that?

Leonardo Genpou— We are not good at it, but perseverance makes perfect.

Leo's response was immediate and cheerful at the joke. Yoghito, on the other hand, just nodded and took a bite of his sandwich.

They both seem very committed to it, however. Curiosity is not always good.

Yoghito Airi— That's good, and why do they want to learn clairvoyance?

Kai and Leo exchanged glances and nodded at each other, then responded animatedly in unison.

"To spy!!"

I knew it, nothing that comes out of those two's heads has a purpose other than profiting from their stalking talent.

Yoghito Airi— I should not have asked. *Sigh*

Yoghito adjusted his glasses as Kai and Leo sat down on the floor again to devour their lunches. Then Yoghito speaks again to everyone.

Yoghito Airi— Okay. Leaving that topic aside, Taisei did you hear the news today?

When Yoghito turns his attention to me, he sees that I was already asleep, in complete harmony with the environment.

Kai Genpou— fell asleep again.

Kai threw a ball of paper at me to make sure I was really asleep. The ball of paper bounced off my forehead and passed me by.

Leonardo Genpou— Well, yes he fell asleep. Hey, brother, think about us a little. If she gets sick, Kaki will kill all three of us.

Yoghito smiles upon hearing Leo's claim. And he continues to speak.

Yoghito Airi— leave it, I heard that he hasn't stopped training in the last few days, I wonder why he is so obsessed with getting stronger...

The boys' faces change to a serene face.

I don't know how much time has passed, I wake up from my nap, Yoghito, Kai and Leo are talking about the spell they are working on, I don't know when it arrived, but Akina meets them. Akina is Yoghito's younger sister, she is always with us. There is also my younger sister Ruby, who is next to Akina, having lunch and talking with her, without even noticing it. A smile appears on my lips, that's when I hear her voice.

¿? — *sigh* If you sleep without any protection any shadow, you will get sick. 

That voice was unmistakable to me, the warm feeling on my head, which was on her lap, and a gentle touch caressed my hair, my eyes met hers and she smiled sweetly at me.

Taisei Genpou— Sorry, good morning, Kaki.

Her beautiful and serene face, her elegant turquoise hair waving in the wind, similar to an image from fairy tales, what I saw before my eyes was a perfect Eden, to which only I and she belonged. 

Kaki greets me back with a happy and gentle smile. I had no intention of leaving that place, I didn't mind spending the rest of my life in that position, however… this is not a fairy tale, that moment would not last forever.

[A memory]

In my childhood I have always been under the watchful eye of the elders of the Genpou family, no matter what I did, everything would be highlighted by them if I made any mistake, it is worth saying that being a simple child who was found in a forest, I earned everyone's rejection by being named the fifth son of Toru Genpou, my father, Duke Toru Genpou, is the head of the family, so few made any move against me, my father was very kind to me, However, over time, that kindness began to take on a tone of disdain, until in the end it is only an obligation to take care of a child whom he does not consider his son.

I picked up my first sword at age 10 and strived every day to get stronger. My talent for the arcane arts was outstanding, but no matter how much talent I showed, the other members of the family only saw me with disdain. The elders looked away and focused on their own heirs. They only treated me when some dirty work needed to be done.

It was the sons of Duke Toru Genpou, my father, who extended their hand to me and accepted me. With the help of the Duke's first two children, Chial Genpou and Yasuhika Genpou, my life was able to turn around, I was able to make friends and I was able to start dating Kaki.

The days with them are simple and pleasant, I would never want this to change.


A voice brings me back from my thoughts, my eyes open again to look for who it came from, the one standing there was Yoghito, adjusting his glasses with a serious expression on his face.

Yoghito Airi— You're finally awake, friend.

Those who were chatting happily, seeing us together, approach us.

And Yoghito continues his talk.

Yoghito Airi— I know it's confusing that I ask you this, you just woke up, but... Have you heard the news this morning?

The question seemed trivial; However, Yoghito's face conveyed the opposite: it seemed to be something serious.

Taisei Genpou— I'm not sure, but do you mean the succession of the head of the Scarleth family?

Yoghito adjusts his glasses with his right hand and places his lunch on top of the bag that wrapped them before.

Yoghito Airi— Yesterday afternoon, a middle-aged man was working cleaning the streets, and found two bodies of students wearing the Iskander Academy uniform. According to daily police reports, several students have been missing near the Mesut forest in the western area, the vast majority of them have not been found yet. According to investigators, they say they only found two of the 17 missing students, both have the same injuries and missing organs.

Yes, that was not something normal, now he understood why his face was so serious. Yoghito is a fan of these cases, which not even the kingdom's officials and investigators have clear answers.

Taisei Genpou— That sounds suspicious, I don't think one of the forest spirits would do that.

Akina Airi— The spirits of the forest could not harm a student of the Iskander academy, furthermore, my plants have not seen strange behavior in the creatures of the forest.

Leonardo Genpou— Do you have your pets roaming the woods, Akina?

Akina Airi— Yep, they are collecting medicinal herbs for me.

Yoghito was listening to all the answers attentively, on the other hand, the others were debating.

Yoghito Airi— Hmm. I guess you're right, I think it's a sorcerer who caused it, I could be wrong, but from what I understood, they only take the spinal cord, the heart and the lungs.

Kai Genpou— How strange, I had heard that some rituals used human organs, even if that were the case, it is strange. Why would I need so many?

It is true that it is strange, why and for what purpose would they need those organs? The happy atmosphere that surrounded us a moment ago becomes tense as we continue the conversation.

Ruby was the one to break the silence.

Ruby Genpou— Now I remember that, while Akina and I were heading to the gymnastics field, some boys were talking about a young man who had disappeared near the entrance to the Mesut forest, although I don't remember well...

Kaki Airi— At the entrance next to the Isel bridge, I also heard it.

Each one contributed what they knew: rumors, conversations they had heard, blogs they had found on the web. The investigation club had a knack for getting into these cases. When their leader passed a serious expression on his face.

Yoghito Airi— We're still missing something. First is the fact that 17 students were taken. They are not normal students, they are students of Iskander Academy.

Ruby Genpou— The students of Iskander Academy are among the elite, facing one should not be easy, much less 17 of them.

Taisei Genpou— Only two of them were found, the fact that they were found in itself is quite suspicious.

Leonardo Genpou— It's as if I were guiding you, look, I just searched the news on the Internet, and the students were found in different parts of the forest.

Kai Genpou— different points? Maybe it was just leftovers I didn't need.

It's true, it may be like Kai says... but there is something that doesn't add up in all this, we lack information.


To begin with, the students of the Iskander Academy are far above the normal Resonants. To manage to kidnap 17 of them in 3 days, is something that, just as Akina said before, the forest spirits could not do and an ordinary lost resonant could not be either.

Yoghito Airi— I see you have an idea, Taisei.

I'm a little surprised to hear Yoghito, and I immediately compose myself.

Taisei Genpou— I don't have an idea as such, but I do have a doubt. All the students of the Iskander academy are resonant elite young people, the spirits of the forest could not with one of them, much less 17, however, it is clear that they were not, which leaves us with the culprit being a sorcerer. who is above the elite of the resonants, that is, could be compared to a class A or an S class. I have my doubts, but I think it could be more than just a sorcerer. 

[``Resonant range´´]

Throughout the years of human history, the resonants have been ranked by rank.

Resonants are measured in 6 ranges, each with 3 levels. Low, Medium, Upper.


C: The lowest rank among the resonants.


B: Rank necessary to be admitted to one of the three great academies, at this rank you can already access raids to the wasteland.


A: Rank at which you can already be a group leader, you are allowed to form a group of resonants of 5 members.


S: Rank of the best in each country, they are considered geniuses, they usually have control of their own division on the front lines.


SS: The rank of heroes of humanity, there are few known in this rank, with enough power of a one-man army, and the last defenses of humanity.


SSS: The highest rank granted to a resonant, capable of facing the apocalypse category "Nova", currently there is no one in the world with that rank, the last great savior of humanity is the only one known with that rank.

Your rank is measured by your mana capacity and ability to control it for sorcerers, as well as your physical abilities and enhancement power for warriors.

Ranks are measured by your power and skill. If you are not proficient in one of the 2, your rank will never reach S. 


Yoghito Airi— I think you are right, even if he was a talented sorcerer, the 17 students were of "Upper B" rank, they were at the gates of "Lower A" rank.


Kaki Airi— Are you sure about that?


Kaki interrupted Yoghito with his question.


Yoghito Airi— Sister?


Kaki Airi— Taisei took care of a group of resonants during the last tournament, and so did I, to be honest, it's not difficult at all.

Yoghito and the others are paralyzed upon hearing Kaki's words.


Yoghito Airi— Sister, you are comparing a sorcerer with two combat-addicted monsters like Taisei and You.


Kai Genpou— The skills of the two of you are almost unfair.


Leonardo Genpou— They are far above the others. At rank A.


Yoghito Airi— However, it is very different, the missing students, none of them were of low rank. Although it is true that they would not be a problem for the two of you, no residue of any type of resonant energy was found in the area, so you did not even have time to fight. 

We are at a stalemate, without something concrete, just theories we will get nowhere.

We are all quiet with our lunches while we think of some idea. 


Leonardo Genpou— I guess then… We'll have to go see the area where they found it.


Taisei, Kai— Yes, I think the same!


Yoghito Airi— wait!


We were surprised by Yoghito's sudden interruption.


Yoghito Airi— Leo, show me the map and mark exactly where the students' bodies were found. 

Leo stretches the paper that was wrapping the sandwich he was eating and projects the image of the Gear onto the paper.

Leonardo Genpou— `` Das Licht formt dich, du bist das Spiegelbild dessen, das wir nicht berühren können´´


(NT: The light shapes you, you are the reflection of what we cannot touch).

The enchantment activates, the map is clearly seen on the paper that Leo had just stretched out.


Taisei Genpou— Good job, Leo.


We focus on the forest map for a second and Yoghito begins to explain what he had been thinking.


Yoghito Airi— The first student was found at the entrance to the forest under the highway and the second was found at a distance of 117 meters. If we follow a theory, there would be more students if we travel the same distance in a straight line, but it is something very simple, anyone could have figured it out. Observe this. 

We look at Yoghito's cell phone which has images of how the bodies were found.


Taisei Genpou— Yoghito, how did you get those photos?


I saw the faces of the others, who seemed to have wanted to ask the same thing.


Yoghito Airi— My father works on the case, so I went into his files and looked for information, but notice the inclination of the bodies. It's strange in itself—even if he died in pain, a body wouldn't bow like that. Furthermore, there is no trace of blood under the bodies. They were placed like this. The police will follow what I said a moment ago, they will continue going into the forest in the direction of where they found the bodies. 

I think I understand what he says: the police will go in the direction in which they found the bodies, that is, how the murderer wants them to go, they are going straight into a trap.


Kai Genpou— They are going straight into a trap, aren't they?


Yoghito Airi— yes… but it's good that they do it. As they go towards the trap, whoever is behind it will be watching them. We can investigate the abandoned town under the Isel Bridge and then we must follow the path I chose. The inclination of the bodies is 40 degrees, so, instead of entering in a straight line, we will enter with an inclination of 80 degrees into the forest and we will travel through the place to the culprit's lair. 


We are all surprised by Yoghito's deduction, so we just nod, but I have a doubt.


Taisei Genpou— How do you plan to find the culprit's lair?

Yoghito adjusts his glasses and smiles as if to say I have to explain everything to you.


Yoghito Airi— look at the map, see here.


Yoghito points to a point on the map that the satellite cannot show, so something is interfering. Even so, it is a very wide area that it is covering.


Taisei Genpou— I understand that the plan is to reach the area and separate to cover more ground, I trusted your deductions Yoghito.


While we nod as a sign that everything was already decided, the door that leads to the stairs opens.


Teacher Celine— Guys, it's good that you enjoy your day, but go to your classrooms, you will be given your student ID.

As Celine tells us that, we nod and head to our classrooms.

[``A dream´´]


A humble and small village, in which, although there were no luxuries or important structures, the people who lived there lived in peace and harmony, all because of a single person.


She was called a saint among everyone in the village, she was always attentive to everyone and took care of the sick in the village.

Elderly Woman— Dear, you shouldn't always be taking care of us, you're still young, you should enjoy your life a little more.

The young woman only smiled with tenderness and kindness. Every day she got up early, she brought water from the river for the village elders. At lunch she prepared exquisite dishes and distributed them to everyone. During the afternoon before the sun went down, the boys and girls of the village could drink a hot and delicious cup of milk that she prepared for them.


They called her: 'the saint of the village', she always did everything for them and did not ask for anything in return, she was happy to see her smiles.


One day a young woman came to the village, she was very hurt and all the inhabitants of the village took care of her and a few days later she was running happily with the other children. The saint adopted him as her daughter and took care of her.


There was no room for hate in her, she could only love others. Her days were full of smiles and anecdotes. One day she listened to the story of an ancient pirate, another of a knight who fought an entire army alone, other days she just watched the smiles of the children running around the village.


The fairy tale of the village saint.

mystery man— The path you follow will not give you any happiness, you will not know what real love is, you will only be able to love artificially and in the end that will be your biggest mistake.

The young girl looked at the man with a kind smile.

Akina Airi— It is the path I chose, I am going to love each and every one of them.

The village saint lived her fairy tale, and in the end she discovered that her tale was nothing more than a nightmare.

[Entrance to Mesut Forest outside the capital Iskander]

[Isel Town]

[10:20 PM],] [04/09/317 D]

The town was in a deplorable state, battered by rot, some houses in ruins, others still standing, but falling apart. The streets contrasted with the town's homes, the streets were in perfect condition, while the landscape of the houses was desolate...


Taisei Genpou— This is…


I was standing in front of an already withered house, the door leaning inward, revealing the dark interior of the house.


Yoghito Airi— This place is the hidden face of the kingdom, this place used to be full of life, but among that life there was a danger. To appease this danger and set an example of what happens if you go against the word of the queen of Astrea, this town was massacred, the streets are kept clean so that transport can move freely. However, as you may have noticed around you... 

We all nodded and looked around with displeasure, because the view was not pleasant at all...


Kaki Airi— They massacred them all and never collected the bodies…


Akina Airi— Th—That's cruel *sobbed*…


Tears were spilling on Akina's face, for someone like her so attached to life and defender of it... this was a nightmare.

The clothes, even wearing the bones of the former inhabitants of this town, were scattered all over the place.

The smell was not pleasant at all and the view even less so.

Ruby took Akina and they went ahead to the entrance of the forest. Akina was unable to continue seeing this panorama.

I looked around and saw Kaki standing in front of one of those skeletons.

As I got closer, I could see that it was the skeleton of a girl...

Kaki's face was sad and a tear seemed to appear, however, I stood next to her and looked away from her, taking her in my arms...


Taisei Genpou— Come on, let's go to Akina and Ruby. 

Kaki nodded and we headed to the entrance of the forest. Kai and Leonardo were already there along with Akina and Ruby.

Yoghito was still investigating the town, so I left Kaki with the others and went back to help him.


I headed back to the town in search of Yoghito. When he arrived, he saw Yoghito coming out of one of the destroyed houses.

Taisei Genpou— Did you find anything?

Yoghito doesn't seem to hear me at first, so I repeat my question. After a few seconds with a delayed and somewhat clumsy response, he responds.

Yoghito Airi— No… Nothing. Let's continue. 

[10:40 PM]

We all found ourselves at the entrance to the forest, we were about to enter that forest of nightmares, knowing that we were heading towards a possible trap.

I watched everyone. Akina still seemed to be a little thoughtful from what she had seen earlier. The others were ready to enter the forest.


Taisei Genpou— Are you sure you want to come?


Akina slammed fist into her chest and nodded in response. 


Akina Airi— I'm fine, don't worry.


Kaki Airi— Don't worry, this young lady will protect her little younger sister.


Taisei Genpou— okay, okay, whatever matters you can't handle, come to Kaki or me, let's march!


And so, we entered the dense darkness of that forest, in which many lives had already met their end.

I just hope nothing bad happens this time...

There was a delay in the delivery of this volume due to exams sorry

Erxirelcreators' thoughts