
The path of the king of beasts

We delve into the life of Taisei and his group of colleagues, who together form part of the Iskander Academy research club. One day like everyone else, while they were enjoying their lunches on the academy terrace, information about a case that has been going on for some time without any conclusion reaches the hands of the club leader, causing Taisei and the investigation club to decide to take the case into their own hands. guiding them to the abandoned castle in the mesut forest, whose great walls keep a fearsome secret. With the appearance of a mysterious man begins the incident that will change Taisei's life completely.

Erxirel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

The Lady of the Forest, Part I

``Everyone's evil''


Simple words that for many would have no meaning, but for her they were everything.


[Year 2024]

[First line]

[10:00 PM.]


A land devastated by war, flooded with the bodies of soldiers and countless creatures that did not belong to this world, despite it.


Humanity faced that unknown invasion; their weapons were not at all effective; The bullets seemed to tickle the largest ones, which pierced the hard armor of the tanks and vehicles of the armed forces of the land.


The battle through the air was no different. The planes were overwhelmed by the creatures, they fell like a defective firework surrounded by flames until they crashed to the ground; others simply exploded in the air.


The situation seemed to take a solution when the plane. F-35 LmL II.

(T/N: F-35 Lockheed Martin Lightning II).


They arrived on the scene, but were immediately overwhelmed after the appearance of the higher-level "Novas", doubling the size of the planes and spitting purple fireballs from their mouths.


In the ocean they seemed to have gained some advantage thanks to the great practicality that the Zumwalt provided in the ocean.

The ocean seemed to be the only place where humanity could confront these creatures, so many civilians were evacuated to ocean oil platforms and aircraft carriers.


The situation on earth was catastrophic.


Soldier— Central!!!, the enemy forces have crossed the defense lines, we have lost the capital, do you receive me?, we have lost the capital!!!


They reaped what they themselves sowed, humanity was close to its total domination, they only had to hide or perish...


[10:34 P.M.]


Among the rubble of a desolate city, there was a young man standing watching from the hill formed by what once seemed to have been an apartment condominium.


¿? — The view is unpleasant…


The voice, with a tone of contempt from the young man, was clearly directed at the situation in front of him.

A city in ruins, trace of a war that devastated everything in its path, leaving behind only ruins and death, although, if this war can be called that.

Humanity had no chance from the beginning.

The "Novas" devastated everything humanity did to contain them…


a crushing defeat.


Footsteps approaching are heard until they stop next to him.

The young woman next to her had extensive, beautiful jet-red hair, her clothes were soaked in blood, which ran from it until it hit her sword.

The young man in front of her just watched her and smiled slightly.


¿? — Young master, is something attracting your attention?


The lady's voice was calm, her behavior towards the young man was respectful, her gaze hidden between her bangs maintained a slight concern.


The young man released a light sigh and looked up at the unattainable reddish sky. In which the "Novas" were still flying over


¿? — I was just... thinking about some things...


The young man exclaimed in a calm voice, as he walked deeper into the ruined city.

The young woman followed him faithfully, respecting the silence that her master kept.

As they walked, the young man directed his words followed by a question to his servant behind him.


¿? — All these remains... All these people dead here, without a doubt, will have had very painful deaths full of terror, but. Can you notice it, Asama?


Asama was the name of the young woman, who stopped and looked around.

The sight before her was not at all pleasant: blood and destruction, traces and remains of lifeless bodies scattered everywhere, although these seemed to have been devoured and mistreated by a ferocious beast which only played with her food.

But there was no trace of regret or hatred, for some reason, everything was calm and peaceful, although if you were somewhat silent, you could hear the thunderous sound of war, between the humans and the "Novas"…

However, that place that at first glance looked horrible and should give you a feeling of unease, was overflowing with incredible peace…


Asama— I can't feel hatred or regret in this place, as if they had had a peaceful death. Because?


Asama asked in her calm voice, as she watched the back of her young master, who was walking a few steps ahead of her.

The young man, upon hearing her, stopped in front of a teddy bear that was on the ground, which still had a small hand that was clinging to it.


¿? — Tell me, have you heard of the vessel of all evil?

The young man's calm and unchanging eyes showed an air of melancholy as he uttered those words, as if memories of the past flooded his mind.

The young man resumed his advance while he responded to Asama, who had picked up the stuffed animal from the floor and was now holding it in his arms.

They both continued advancing through the ruined city.

With the sound of thunder, the reddish sky lit up, while raindrops began to bathe the remains of that city, which once provided shelter to countless lives.


¿? — The recipient of all the evils of this world. As long as she is there, humans and any other living being on this earth will not know what pain or sadness is after death. She will carry all that hatred, all that evil that consumes a being that has been unjustly murdered, just... just so that they can go to their long-awaited rest in peace, because after all, that is her duty, the one that she decided to follow. , will bear all the evils of this world...


The young man's voice contained rage and seemed to crack as she spoke; However, he stood firm; his conviction did not allow him to break.

His fist clenched tightly, and a trickle of blood began to leak from between his fingers.


¿? — But... as long as she continues with that burden, she will never be happy, even if she has to turn the world against me. Even if you label me a villain, I will free you from that burden. No matter how many lives she takes from me, those conceited celestials who look at us like we are nothing, I will crush them... I just want her to be able to smile once more... like a normal girl...


The young man turned to Asama, she was holding the teddy bear that was hugging next to her chest. Seeing her, the young man couldn't help but smile slightly. While in the distance a great glow, followed by a great explosion, enveloped the place, destroying everything in its path.

That would mark the end of his path, but the beginning of his story.

[Kingdom of Iskander]

[Kingdom capital]

[Hotel Nuevo León]

[11:30 P.M.] [14/04/300 D]

Night has already fallen in the city, a few minutes ago a large part of the citizens had gone to their beds in search of rest after a long day of work. He was no exception.

The sophisticated room, previously elegant and presentable, was in semi-complete darkness, accompanied by a mess that was undoubtedly not the result of just one day of not having cleaned.

The only light signals on it came from the TV screen. On, broadcasting a news channel with the mute logo in the upper right corner of the monitor.

The second place was the window through which the raindrops collided and slid down the glass forming a thread that vanished after their passage.

The elegantly decorated room was in a sorry state: clothes scattered on the floor, cigarette butts and old newspapers.

A few meters from the window there was a living room table piled high with mountains of books, empty open bottles, an ashtray with no place to put another cigarette butt, the TV. It managed to illuminate the entire table and the sofa, where the young Toru Genpou was resting under a blanket.

Who was known as the next ringleader of the Genpou Group.

The sound of the rain intensified, waking the young man resting on the sofa from his sleep. A sigh is heard and the blanket slides until it hits the floor after the young man takes a seat.

He looks up at the window and watches the rain, ''Tsk''


Toru Genpou— Has it started raining again? I wish the forecasts were wrong sometime, shit, where did I leave it?


Toru lets out a mild sarcastic complaint as she searches for her lost pack of cigarettes.

The table in front of him is in a mess, huffing, he begins to scratch his head with his left hand, while doing so, he directs his gaze towards the TV. And he looks at the time.


Toru Genpou— It's already eleven at night! — After seeing the time, Toru can't help but let out a sigh of resignation — again the old man will take it out on me.


Toru grabs his suit jacket from the back of the couch and checks one of his pockets. There was the package of cigarettes she was looking for.

He lights one of his cigarettes and, after taking a drag, stands up and begins to walk until he stops in front of the window glass.

On the other side of the glass, looking towards the sidewalk, there were cars coming and going, pedestrians with their umbrellas walking along the path.

The illuminated capital of the kingdom was in complete peace.

While he took small drags on his cigarette, Toru thoughtfully observed the citizens carrying out his work, with a serious face that could be slightly reflected by the glass.


Toru Genpou— I no longer remember the number of times I have seen this same image, yes, the fact that this does not seem strange to me is because, like them, I am also part of that group of monkeys that live over and over again repeating the routine, just like in a spiral going around without knowing when they will reach the goal.

Today is no different, the room is a mess, the TV. Giving news that has little importance, despite the time there are still people who continue repeating their routine, their life. One would say that after so many years and everything we went through we would be different...

But... it happens without even realizing it, the passing of the days takes over you, and without even noticing it, the next day you will do the same thing again, by the time you come to your senses, it is already too late to get out of it.

You've been doing the same route, the same thing, for so many years that in the end... we're too lazy to change it.

Toru turns around and looks at the TV screen.

In it, they are talking about a fire in an important hospital, which took the lives of people belonging to one of the great families; However, Toru just sighed and continued puffing on his cigarette.


Toru Genpou— Well, the time for being philosophical is over, I have to get back to my routine like a good monkey.


Toru throws the cigarette on the floor, extinguishing the butt with the sole of his shoe. After picking up his jacket, he turns off the TV. Leaving the hotel room.

[Mesut forest outside the Iskander kingdom]

[01:15 AM] [15/04/300 D]

It took the taxi exactly an hour of travel to reach the entrance of the Mesut forest.

On the way, Toru could see families with their children enjoying the night despite the rain.

The rain was not very heavy, a light drizzle was by then. Now that he was standing there in front of the forest entrance, the rain seemed to have escaped from that area.

Nah, it's just a coincidence, Toru thought to himself.

The blanket of gray clouds had dispersed and, at last, the veil of stars had taken place in the firmament.

The huge dark forest that hardly allowed the rays of moonlight to illuminate any corner between them, the dense vegetation swayed by the wind and the howls of the beasts were heard among the darkness, the aroma of the earth and the vegetation The freshly wet water filled the pores of the nose.

Many dark stories were told about the mesut forest.

The red moon high in the sky illuminated the tops of the forest trees.

As he went deeper into the forest, it seemed to be a little kinder to the light, although it was still difficult to navigate through at this hour.

A man was walking in the dense vegetation of the forest.

What would a person be doing in that forest?

The late afternoon news had been talking about people disappearing in the woods, most of them high school students.

The young people disappear and appear a few days later, they all have the same wounds, the same missing organs, acts not done by human hands.

Before the people of the kingdom went to sleep, the king declared that the forest could not be entered without permission.

So what would this man be doing in the woods at this hour?

His walk was slow, he was no more than 1.78 cm tall, he seemed to be wearing a business suit and had a cigarette in his mouth. The man, no more than 31 years old, was crossing the forest with a flashlight in his left hand; he used his right hand to take short drags on his cigarette.

The howl of the beasts grew louder and louder as he went deeper.

The wind swayed the branches of the trees and the dense vegetation of the forest, this alone would make any normal person run back the way he came.

Yeah…he wasn't normal to begin with.

In the streets it was said that Toru Genpou was considered a demon even among the family that was considered demons.

Toru Genpou was born in the year 270 A, a young lady Eleonora Genpou, gave birth to the firstborn of Rigel Genpou, the current head of the Genpou family, the child did not shed a tear nor was any cry heard at the time of birth, when On the contrary, he looked into his father's eyes, with determination and vividness, proud of his son, Rigel Genpou marked the seal on the little boy's skin without even hesitation, and then after having named him by name, the child would begin to walk. In the path of the Genpou family, after 5 years of his birth, Toru demonstrated great skill and competence in his martial skills, Rigel, overflowing with pride in his little one's abilities, named him the next head of the family, no one made complaints. Faced with such a decision, Toru had the skills of a veteran at the age of only 5: they knew he would become the greatest warrior history had ever known. He was raised as a weapon and was ordered to raise his descendants in the same way, since his descendants could have even greater potential than his, in order to achieve the family's long-awaited dream.

[Mesut forest outside the Iskander kingdom]

[01:25 AM] [15/04/300 D]

The forest did not seem to give respite to the rays of moonlight, which hardly made their way through the treetops.

Toru advanced through the forest with a slow and sure step.

If he accelerated his pace, he might trip over one of the many branches. They say it's best to go slowly toward an alarmed cat. This way he will give you his trust, this forest is no exception. Take one wrong step and the forest would swallow you without leaving a trace that you were ever there.

You hear a heavy breathing and sound of footsteps. Looking up from the ground, Toru sees a young woman running through the vegetation. She looked like something was following her, taking cover behind a tree. Toru observes the whole scene, the forest beasts are following her. The woman who runs without stopping carried something in her arms, an object that she seemed to protect.


Toru Genpou— He seems to be carrying a small "Tsk" I'll have to help him.


Toru throws the cigarette butt at one of the creatures, causing them to stop and change their target.

Toru Genpou— I'm not the type who likes to go where he's not called, but there's a kid involved, I can't just turn a blind eye to everything, come at once, the old man is still waiting for me.

Toru exclaimed as he adjusted his gloves, which had a gem embedded into the back of his palm.

The creatures did not wait, they rushed towards Toru, surrounding him and attacking from all the Franks.

Throwing a punch to the ground *Zaz* The ground beneath him sank, causing everything around him to rise and crack. With the creatures intercepted, he took the opportunity to begin his assault.

One, two, no, three of the beasts were pierced by a side kick, which tore the bodies of the beasts in its path.

The remaining beasts retreated a little fearfully before their prey, which was standing before the bodies of its companions. Toru massaged the back of his neck and watched the beasts with an imposing bearing.


Toru Genpou— Whoa! This helps me stretch a little, I was a little rough from sleeping all day on that shitty couch, since it seems like they don't plan to attack me, I will be the one who attacks them.


With a quick movement, Toru closes the distance between him and the beasts, launching a straight punch with his right hand *Zaz* which quickly returns to his guard as if it were the recoil of a firearm.

Like a boxer dancing freely in the ring, Toru evades the beasts that rush towards him, launching attacks with his sharp claws.

None of the beasts' attacks manage to hit. Toru was simply playing with them, evading and counterattacking. Every counterattack was lethal, every blow thrown by Toru killed one or two beasts, even more.


After finishing them all, Toru was checking the beasts looking for the cores.

Taking all the cores, Toru opens the status window and registers the beasts

[Type: Beasts of darkness]

[Name: Nightmare Wolf (x14)]

[Items obtained!]

[Nightmare Wolf Core (x14)]


Toru watched the remains of the beasts, which disappeared into bright dust.


Toru Genpou— 14 nightmare wolf cores, its price is not very high, but it will work for the "Gear" of the boys at the academy. Then I'll send them, now. Where has that woman gone?


The woman, without realizing what had happened, continued to flee without slowing her pace, until she managed to reach a large field of flowers in the middle of the forest.

The red moon above her illuminates the field in its entirety, making it seem like a dream in the middle of the nightmare of a moment ago. Unable to stand on her feet, the young woman falls exhausted among the flowers of the mountain.

The woman who was lying on the ground of that field of flowers was slowly fading, a trail of blood was under her and a baby was in her arms. Even though he was weak, he continued to protect him.

The baby, in an attempt to calm her mother, stretched out her delicate arms to caress the woman's face with her hands.

The woman's voice was fragile, as if with every word that left her lips her life was cut.

Her face was covered in tears without letting go of her little girl, still clinging tightly to her delicate body...


Mom— Now I will leave you, excuse me... don't let your past consume you... please live with a smile... Be happy --- your ideal is the right one... I know it is. Mom, has to go first, but I will always be by your side...


She with the last of her strength, she leaving a few last words to her little girl.

The woman disappears, leaving only small star particles rising into the sky. The baby alone in the middle of that immense field of ``Instine'' flowers, knowing that her mother is gone.

Tears fall after a cry that shakes the entire forest...

So... that mother left her baby behind... although sad for not being able to see her grow... she smiled one last time for her little girl...

Two little ones born under the light of the red moon, although two cries could be heard, there was only one baby in the middle of this forest, covered in a silk cloak, soaked in parts in blood.

The baby was beautiful, with dark blue hair and a white complexion just like the purest snowflakes.

There was something strange about her.

A scar covered her right eye, the iris of which was a bright blue, without a trace of impurity in it, as if everything bad dissipated at the sight of it.

Toru remained silent, looking at him, as she seemed to be debating what to do.

When he decided to take the baby, he saw her left eye. Unlike the previous one, this one's iris was red, just like the moon above them.

Toru, unaware that his body had begun to tremble, tried to move, but his legs trembled non-stop and his breathing became agitated every time he looked at the baby's left eye.

The wind in the forest did not subside and the beasts felt closer and closer. Seeing the environment around him, Toru took the baby in his arms and walked into the forest.

The wind colliding in his face and the dense vegetation made it difficult for him to move forward without tripping. The little light that filtered through the trees was not enough to completely illuminate the path.

Toru Genpou— `` Ich bin dein Meister und du bist mein Führer ´´


(N/T: I am your master and you are my guide)


A simple spell to summon his familiar, a small quadrupedal rodent, covered in soft fur and docile in appearance, who guided him to a nearby cave where Toru sought refuge with the baby.

It didn't take her more than fifteen minutes to get dry branches to light a bonfire in which to warm herself, in a warm environment. The baby was able to fall asleep and the crying that, until now, there was no way for it to stop, had dissipated. The beasts will not approach the cave while the bonfire is lit, but Toru still stayed awake.

After a few hours of watching, the weight of his eyelids became noticeable, and he little by little fell asleep.

[A dream]

There are few times when Toru dreamed when sleeping; However, from that day on it would become something recurring.

Her fated meeting with that baby was changing her life completely. He just hadn't realized it yet.

Her body seemed to be very far from where she was, No one around could see it.

It's not like there were many people in that place either; To be exact, there was only one young woman, who was alone walking aimlessly along the dirt road.

Where would lead that path? Where was that young woman going?

The young woman walked with no apparent intention of stopping, her feet almost did not leave the ground, so she left a mark wherever they crawled.

Without even noticing him in front of her, a man stopped.

He was covered by a hood in which his long cape covered his entire body.

The man's somewhat hoarse voice caught the young woman's attention.

The young woman had an emaciated appearance, her body covered by cloth, which had holes and was in a deplorable state of dirt.

Her face was kept hidden because she kept her head down, hiding it with her bangs.


Her body was covered in bruises, her feet were injured; clearly time hasn't treated that girl in the best possible way, then.

What would be that man's intentions with that girl?


mystery man— Remember, the path you are about to travel will only bring you betrayal and suffering. Your ideal is one that is considered impossible and even if you were to achieve it, no one can assure you that it is right.


The man outlined those words for the young woman; However, the young woman had a smile without a trace of doubt in it. Her blue irises were pure like observing the peaceful waves of the ocean... with just contemplating said beauty, all her doubts and fears moved away from whoever contemplated her.


The young woman, who until now had kept her gaze on the ground, looked up from to the man and with a voice devoid of doubts, full of unparalleled determination, she responded to the man in front of her.


Girl— I am sure of the path I chose, I will not doubt it, even if it only brings me pain and suffering as you say, I will become the person who bears all the evil in this world... That is my duty...


[Mesut Forest outside the capital Iskander]

[07:15 AM] [15/04/300 D]

The singing of birds could already be heard in the early hours of the morning, and the beasts of the night were resting in silence. Her soft breeze carried with it a faint sweet aroma in the air. The leaves of the trees and vegetation were finally beginning to dry from the rain that fell the previous night.

In the distance the sound of trains could be distinguished, coming from one of the stations that were near the forest, but there was a sound that did not belong to it: the crying of a child.

The man who until now was asleep on the floor of that cave, woke up when he heard that child's cry.

Toru Genpou— When did I fall asleep? ...


Toru frowns, still sleepy, as she shakes her head and approaches the baby she had found in the forest the night before.

As he approaches said small, Toru begins to feel her body screaming at him that it is dangerous to get close.


Without even noticing it, Toru jumps back, moving two meters away from the baby who was covered by a dark aura, the one who was known as a demon, now he was afraid of the aura that surrounded a baby.

Silence and attention permeated the cave for three minutes, during which the little baby's aura faded. Once the little girl's aura disappears.

Still keeping his guard, Toru approached him seeing that said baby had changed overnight.

Her right iris was now red and her left was blue.

Toru thought that he had been confused by the dense darkness of the night forest, but when he took the baby. He is shocked to notice that she was no longer a girl, but a boy...

This is the first time I share one of the stories I write, I feel a little strange, but I hope you like it, enjoy reading it.

Erxirelcreators' thoughts