
The Path of Omniscience

An infinite universe in which there are an infinite number of races. Every moment takes the lives of many creatures. A universe where almost every creature is fighting to become stronger in this gloomy cosmos. Let's see how one rather powerful being who has lost his powers will return to reach great heights. Author's notes Let's start with the fact that this is my first attempt to write something and I will try. I will listen to any reasonable criticism and try to improve. I apologize for the mistakes. Some warnings about the character of the main character, he is not a person, that is, he has a different logic and views, he does not care how much to kill and whom. He has a formed character that will not change.

lonhet · Fantasy
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55 Chs

The suffering of one, the benefit of the other

As soon as the circle appeared, the Grand sensed an incredible danger. A red-green aura began to emanate from him, which formed around him like armor.

But even so, the sense of danger did not disappear, suddenly a wave of pure vital energy came from behind. This was the core of the structure, it began to transfer its energy to the Grandee, acting as a support.

By the time Grant, along with the created design, transformed the vital energy into armor, the white ring on Ernes' fingertip had settled.

After that, a thin beam of energy hit the armor with incredible speed. Grant watched with a grim face as the beam of energy approached him every moment.

When he had already lost hope and started using pure vital energy, the army behind him screamed and began to transfer its vital energy with the help of the core of the structure.

Almost all corporeal beings have true vital energy. It is one of the sources of the creature's life. The greater and better the energy, the longer the life span of the body, when it ends, the body dies.

Braneans, rich in reserves of pure life energy, use it to get ordinary life energy, then transfer it to their cells for their development or use it to strengthen their attacks. The transformation of energy is possible only thanks to their strong body, which over time, without foreign objects, can restore pure vital energy.

When using the true life energy, the power of the being increases several times, the payback is a rapid decrease in the life span of the body and the load on the soul of the being itself.

The joint work did not last long, the ray of energy having penetrated a significant part of the armor came into contact with the pure vital energy of the Grandee and mixed with it.

When this happened, Grant felt incredible pain. Black stripes began to appear on his giant body from the middle of his chest, which, like a living being, quickly spread through his body.

While they were spreading, a hole appeared on Grant's chest. In this hole, the sternum and ribs with muscles were visible, internal organs could be seen through the bones. A gigantic amount of blood was flowing out of the hole itself and the black stripes.

But the Grand, supported by the vital energy of the core and the soldiers, remained alive and regenerated every time. Because of this cycle of destruction and restoration, Grant did not notice how a part of the ray's energy, having found the threads of fate that were responsible for his connection with his loved ones, separated and flew away along each thread.

In space, a long rounded ship was flying at light speed, it was large, its gray surface was monotonous without any protruding elements.

The ship itself was surrounded by Level 1 giants who maintained a barrier of life energy around the ship.

There were about fifty thousand giants flying in front of the ship. The strongest of them was a female giant of the 3rd level of super-dimensionality, next to her flew another giant of the 2nd level, on whose shoulder sat a young female giant. Behind them, the remaining fifty thousand Level 1 giants were flying in a semicircle.

It was a group of evacuated Branians. Roner, who together with his mother led the evacuation, was in a depressed mood.

- Mom, is it really right to leave my father and the rest of the warriors? - he asked.

- Honey, calm down, our task is also very important, you yourself should understand this. Thanks to the evacuation, your father and the others will be able to fight without worrying that they will kill one of the ordinary Boroneans as a result of an accidental blow.

Roner's mother said in a soft voice, but there was sadness and fear for her husband in her voice.

- Big brother, don't worry, Father is strong, he will win.

Aseya said in a weak and tired voice.

Hearing his sister, Roner turned in her direction and smiled. When he wanted to answer her, his mother abruptly froze in place with horror on her face. Everyone else stopped with her.

Shifting his feelings towards his mother, Roner wanted to ask what happened, but his mother instantly appeared in front of him and his sister. She stretched out her hands to them and in the instant she touched them, Roner felt an incredible pain in his chest.

Dark lines crawled across his body from his chest, from which his blood began to flow. Roner's soul was being destroyed piece by piece by an unknown force, which caused even more pain.

When Roner was about to despair, he felt pure vital energy flowing into his body.

Concentrating his senses, a terrifying picture appeared in front of him, his mother covered almost completely with black carpets with blood flowing from them. There was a solid hole in the center of the chest, inside you could see the internal organs and bones. The hole itself grew larger, and bit by bit corroded the body.

His mother stretched out one hand to him and gave him her pure vital energy. Her expression was full of grief and despair.

Realizing something, he transferred his feelings to his shoulder. Roner couldn't believe what he was seeing. His sister, who had not entered the super dimension, could not resist at all and with a fairly fast speed her body was corroded.

He saw his sister open her mouth and scream in agony. Roner wanted to help her, but there was nothing he could do, since he resists only thanks to his mother.

Suddenly, he felt his mother's trembling hand stop transmitting pure vital energy to Asea, and twice as much began to be transmitted to his body.

Roner didn't understand why she did it, his head became empty.

Roner saw his sister's body disappearing in front of him, he saw her face full of agony. He couldn't believe it.

Concentrating his lost feelings on his mother, he saw how her already mutilated body was drying up, turning into a skeleton covered with skin.

On her face, besides the pain, you could see the guilt.

Roner does not look up as his mother's body gradually disappears before his eyes. An expression of emptiness remained on his face.

A few minutes later, the flow of pure vital energy became less and less until it completely disappeared. Roner saw a faint smile appear on his mother's distorted face and she said in a dead voice.

- I'm sorry I couldn't…

After that, her body began to crumble into dust and was absorbed by black stripes.

Roner, who was no longer supported by his mother, became quickly absorbed by the black stripes. Closing his eyes, he fainted for some unknown reason.

Suddenly, two glowing diamond-shaped crystals appeared in the void next to him, one was light pink in color, and the other was light purple. One of them stretched out a flagellum of energy and a sphere appeared around Roner, and the spread of the stripes stopped.

A dialogue was taking place between the crystals at this time.

- Are you sure that he will come and suddenly this Enes will notice the strangeness in his death? Light pink crystal asked.

- Yes, this scene in front of him will be a good motivator for revenge, but don't worry about Ernes, no one who knows the laws pays attention to such cases. - said the second.

- Okay, but why did he destroy everyone connected with this giant and what will we do with the evacuees, even though we hid this scene from them, but what if problems suddenly arise?

- You worry too much. We can't kill them anyway, as it might alert Ernes. Just change Eve's memories and that's it. As for why he killed, there may be many possibilities, but why waste time on pointless thinking.

- Okay, maybe you're right.

After that, taking Roner, they disappeared.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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