
The Path of Omniscience

An infinite universe in which there are an infinite number of races. Every moment takes the lives of many creatures. A universe where almost every creature is fighting to become stronger in this gloomy cosmos. Let's see how one rather powerful being who has lost his powers will return to reach great heights. Author's notes Let's start with the fact that this is my first attempt to write something and I will try. I will listen to any reasonable criticism and try to improve. I apologize for the mistakes. Some warnings about the character of the main character, he is not a person, that is, he has a different logic and views, he does not care how much to kill and whom. He has a formed character that will not change.

lonhet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs

"Profitable" contract

Author's note.

The main character is Ernes.


Coming out of the portal, a scene appeared before the Grandee, hundreds of thousands of giants in the same armor hovered in the void of space. They were lined up in size in the first row were the largest giants of level 3, followed by giants of level 2 and 1.

Behind the group of giants was a created structure. She radiated a powerful vital energy that covered the troops.

The giants' expressions were resolute, and their morale was quite high.

Looking at the soldiers, the Grand nodded and gave everyone a message.

- Attention everyone, the enemy is very strong and I am not sure that we can win. But we must do everything possible to detain him until reinforcements arrive. I do not know the purpose of the attackers, but I can assume that it is the same as the attack on the Rhinicts.

If that's the case, even if we all die, the evacuees will have a chance to meet reinforcements.

After hearing the Grandee's statement, some giants had doubts, while others, on the contrary, became more determined.

When the Grandee wanted to continue, he felt a barely noticeable distortion at some distance from him. And turned in his direction.

Coming out of the portal, Ernes looked at the army and nodded with satisfaction. After that, he telepathically transmitted the message to Grant and the rest of the giants.

- It's good that you are gathered in one place, it will reduce the time I spent.

After that, his voice became softer and he continued.

- According to the law of the Citadel of Knowledge, I must give the representatives of the race a chance to choose. Can you Grand Fourth be responsible for the entire race?

After a short silence, the Grand replied.

- Yes, I can.

- Okay, you have two options to choose from. First, you must submit by signing a contract and become the slave race of the Citadel. Second, you refuse this "profitable" contract and will be forcibly seized and recycled.

After that, Ernes stretched out his hand and a white ring with strange symbols in the middle "S̴͓͚̈́͆̀l̴͖͍̼̒̚a̸̟͚̦̿̓v̸͇͚͍͒͘e̸͓̦͎̐̓̾ a̸̢͙̾̒͜g̵̦̫̘̐̕r̵̙͚͌͠͝e̵̟͓̺͛̿͝é̵͉̺̚̚m̸͉̻̓̿͜ë̸̠͉́͐͘n̵̫̦͑̿͝t̵͕͍͔͑̾͘ " appeared in it, after that the ring dispersed and turned into a rectangular sheet.

A moment later, the sheet appeared in front of Grant. Looking from Ernes to the sheet, he saw the text in Boronean.

After reading it, Grant's expression became enraged and he said angrily.

- How does this agreement differ from destruction? According to the contract, the only advantageous offer says that our race will maintain its existence in the number of beings sufficient for procreation.

"That's why it's a slave contract. Ernes said, shrugging his shoulders.

Grant clenched his fists and scanned the troops behind him. After studying them, he realized that all of them were furious at what was said, except for a few giants, but he did not pay attention to them.

Realizing that most of the Broneans were furious, he said.

- We do not agree, it is better to die in battle than to become a slave.

Ernes nodded.

"As I thought they refused, it was not in vain that I spent time creating this agreement. After all, it is more profitable to exchange members of the race for a direct one than to conclude a slave contract. Although in the long term, the contract will bring more benefits due to the accruals from the exchange of race members who will appear in distress. But unfortunately for this sector, I need research points as soon as possible."

- Well, your choice is beneficial for me, so I will dispel your delusion. None of you will die as it is a waste of resources.

This made the Grandee even more furious and he clenched his fist with all his might and struck towards Ernes.

Because of the impact, space was distorted, and the nearest planets and stars settled into dust. When the blow approached Ernes, he stopped.

Ernes raised his hand with the palm up and a white ring appeared on it with symbols in the middle "C̸̪̘̺͐̓͊o̵̢͇̕͠͝m̴̝̪̝̿̿̔p̵͚̘̟̓̓̐r̵̺̻͚̿́͠e̸̝͓͖͆͌s̵̡͕̼̿̈́͝s̸͕̼̈́̾͒í̸̢̘̐͠o̵̦͔͙͊̈́͝n̸͍͎̫̐̐̚ o̴̡̺͚͌̔̚f̵̼͙̫̿̈́͠ e̵͍̻̟̔̽̽n̴͖̘̓́̽͜e̴̡̪͉͋̒͠r̸̢̦͖̒͛g̸̪̻̦͒̐͆y̸̝͓̻̒̀̕", all the energy of the blow was quickly compressed into a sphere of iridescent red-green energy.

"Vital energy mixed with a particle of the law of force. Pretty standard for a giant-like species of races. It's a pity there's nothing new… Hmm, it's strange, I honor that his vital energy has something to do with my long-standing unpleasant feeling that something unfavorable will happen to me in trouble."

Frowning, Ernes instantly scanned all the visible variations of the intersecting variations of the future with Grant with the help of his vital energy.

"I'm not saying anything bad, maybe someone stronger than me is blocking this variation of the future. But this race doesn't have such strong creatures, which means it's someone else. The only positive news is that my fate will not be interrupted, unless of course the enemy has also influenced my fate. But for this you need a being of level 7 and above, so that this interference is not noticed by the ancestors, and there are not so many of them. Although it is possible to do it yourself..."

Just as he wanted to continue his thought, he stopped abruptly. His thoughts became empty, a moment later they returned as if nothing had happened.

In the universe, every being who has reached the 1st level of super-dimensionality can control his fate. But a creature superior in level can intervene and even in certain situations control the fate of this creature. This includes planets, created structures, and others.

Ernes, being a representative of a higher race, in which there are creatures of level 7 and 8, is more protected from manipulating his fate. Unfortunately, several hundred thousand years ago, he began to feel strangeness in the future of some representatives of his race, and after long observations in his future.

He knew that the older races definitely knew about this, but for some reason they did not solve this problem. Ernes assumed that this was some kind of test or experiment, and it was determined that it would not end well for him and the others.

Realizing this, he began to create a backup plan that would help him survive. To do this, he began to accumulate as many research points as possible.

"I cannot determine which of the cause of the investigative links gives me a vague sense of threat, but I see that the danger itself does not come from a giant, but from one of the kindred ties. If that's the case, then it's better to remove all these connections."

All these thoughts flashed through while the ball of energy was forming. When the ball formed, Ernes looked coldly at Grant and the ball of energy in his hand began to soak into the armor.

"This armor turned out better than the others, it can directly withstand the impact of a level 4 creature. Okay, stop wasting time."

Grant, who was watching his energy being absorbed into the armor, clenched his teeth. When he wanted to launch another attack together with the core and the soldiers, he saw Ernes point his finger at him.

A white circle with symbols began to form in front of the finger

" e̴̺͍̿́̚s̴̢̺͋͌͜t̸̢͙̾͛̔͜r̴̘̘͓̿̓̚u̴̝̠͌͊̕͜c̴̟͉̽̈́t̸̡͕͙̓̔i̵̫̪͎͊̾͘o̴͙̪̙͐̿̀n̴͕̠͍̈́͌͘ b̴̝͍͖͒͛̒y̴͍̦̐̽͌ p̴̺̘͑͐͜͝e̸͚͚̟͊̈́̿d̸͔̫̦̓̽̈́ḯ̴̪̦̻͊̈́g̸̺̞͑̕͘r̵͖͎̙͐̈́͝e̸̼̙̝͊͑͐e̵͙͙͓͋͛̓"

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