
The mysterious old man and young girl

"Brother Jun you possible can't be so naive as to think this young master only came to ask you about such trivial,right?" Yang Shi asked with a wide grin. Yang Jun stopped in his tracks and turned to stare at Yang Shi with a smile." I guess not but what does brother Shi want from a criminal like me? I am already a fallen king so does brother Shi wants to play the role of a beggar and humiliate this fallen king?" Yang Jun said with a meaningful grin as he stared towards Yang Shi with his green eyes. Yang Shi did not answer him and rather started condensing his qi. Instead another person answered." Yang Jun,who are you to call yourself a king infront of young master Shi. You are just an abandoned disciple of the Yang clan,what makes you think you can act so cocky infront of young master?" . Yang Jun did not reply and turned to stare at Yang Shi. This action of his annoyed the man deeply and he could not wait to tear Yang Jun apart immediately but since Yang Shi had yet to give orders he could not attack forcing him to swallow his anger.

"Yang Shi, when this young master had his cultivation you couldn't even show your face infront of me yet now when I have abolished my cultivation you could not wait to destroy me . You are so despicable," Yang Jun chuckled lightly. Yang Shi could not bear it and directly attacked him. Yang Jun tried to dodge but with no cultivation it was impossible to evade Yang Shi's attack. Yang Jun was thrown a few metres . Yang Shi did not use much of his strength to beat Yang Jun as he did not want to kill him. Yang Jun could not help but curse his bad luck. Just in one day he had experienced a lot of setbacks if it were someone else they would have long broken down but Yang Jun did not. He stood up and stared at Yang Shi before looking around him. He saw a cliff not too far away and made a decision." Yang Jun ,so what if you were stronger than me. It is all in the past. The fact remains that you are now a waste ,a piece of trash while I will continue to rise. Don't get cocky infront of this young master as it will only make you die faster. You are lucky I am in a good mood so I will give you a chance, kowtow infront of this young master and apologize I might then show mercy and spare your pathetic life."

"Who do you think you are to ask this young master to bow to you and apologise.? You can forget about it in this life. You are not even worthy of carrying this master's shoes yet you dare ask me to bow my head. You are really thick skinned?" Yang Jun said as he turned around and started running towards the cliff. Since he had annoyed Yang Shi to the extreme he had no other option. Rather than dying in Yang Shi's hands he'd rather jump from the cliff as he might be able to save his life. Yang Shi saw this and tried running after him but he was too far away from him. Yang Jun jumped off the cliff with a smile on his face. The cliff was high so he was falling at a terrifying speed but he did not pay attention to any of this as he fell down. With no qi to condense a shield his death was guaranteed. As he fell down tears could be seen falling down his face but he still had a smile of satisfaction rather than regret.

By the time he was falling midway he had already lost consciousness.


A young girl and an old man are seen passing by a desolate path and happens to meet a young man wounded." Master,look at him. His wounds are so serious. Can he be saved?" The young girl asked. The young man was seriously wounded and on the verge of death. His bones were broken but he was surprisingly still alive even though his breath was extremely weak. The old man stared at Yang Jun for a while before he sighed and turned around to leave. He could see that although the young man was determined to live but it was tough to survive especially looking at his condition. Just as the old man was about to live the young girl besides him held his hand . He turned around and saw the girl looking at him with pleading eyes. The old man sighed at this and tried convincing her that he could not save him. The young man was obviously Yang Jun who had jumped off the cliff. At this moment he was still unconscious and had yet to die. After falling from such a great height he was able to survive but not for long as his breathing was chaotic .

"Girl,I cannot save him. He is almost dying and is probably an arrow at the end of its flight. This old grandpa is helpless. Please understand," the old man said and turned again to leave. "Grandpa, I know you can definitely save him because if you can't no one else in this place can. Please,grandpa save him," the young girl insisted. The old man could not resist her please and soon gave in to her demands especially seeing her on the verge of shedding tears.Sighing to himself, he picked up Yang Jun and placed him on his back before leaving with the young girl. The old man held the girls hands and then left. Although the old man appeared to have only taken a step he had infact crossed a few hundred kilometres so it could be seen that he was a high level cultivator but apparently he gave off no fluctuations of spiritual energy. If Yang Jun was awake he would definitely be surprised as even the patriarch could not do this.

After the trio left ,Yang Shi and his group appeared below the cliff but did not find any trace of Yang Jun. Yang Shi saw this and could not help but curse loudly as he wanted Yang Jun to die in his hands but now he could not find him so this could only mean he had been killed and eaten alive by monster beasts.