
The Path of Men

Believe it or not, you have a Spirit in eternity. How does it feel to know and live in the reality of your Spirit? Welcome to the world where Humans can move through the Spirit Realm and control their spiritual reality to affect their World. The battle of Light and Darkness, good and evil has been an ancient battle that has continued and seems neverending. Humans continue to flourish in their world while wrestling with their idea of good and evil until they are thrust into a different level of warfare, that not only determines their life but also the human world. A larger stage has been set that now allows humans to fight and turn their world in the direction they want, either towards good or towards evil. "Nicos, seemed useless because he has weak and underutilized Spirit root which makes him not to gain entrance into the Spirit Realm, never stopped fighting - he kept on pushing, carving a path for himself even after he had been banished alongside his family to an unknown region that seemed to have sealed their fate. Weathering the storm alongside his entourage as they also play their role in the turning of their world to determine the final winner." Light or Darkness; either good or evil. Only one can be king, both can't seat on the throne. Only one side can be crowned the winner. Which will it be?

Phoenix_Wolf7c · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Blessings Comes in Pairs

"Let's leave that aside, have you checked the Faith power and Spirit element of these two and yours?" Chloe asked.

It was Nakita was answered this time, "these two are total freaks, so much that if their results gets out to the public, it will cause huge storm in the Spirit Realm."

"Are you for real?" Chloe asked looking surprised at her two kids who are now blinking their eyes as if they are oblivious to what Nakita said.

"Yes Madam" Alfonso said confirming what Nakita said, "the Faith power and the Spirit element of the two of them are just too outrageous."

"It can't be as outrageous as you two are making it to be, can it?" Chloe said not totaling believing what Alfonso and Nakita are saying concerning her two kids, for all she know, it can't be more than the range of those with great potentials, even theirs is still within the acceptable range.

"Well….you might be right, if you don't consider Nicos having 5.7 Faith power value and Tabitha having 5.2 Faith power value that is." Nakita said shrugging.

"That much?!" Chloe exclaimed looking at her kids like a stranger before sighing, "It's no exaggeration if you call them freaks, because they are indeed freaks"

"Mum!" Nicos and Tabitha exclaimed together.

"The truth that is pointing right at our nose can't be denied. The both of you are really freaks for having that level of faith power"

"I have a feeling you will say using the word freaks to qualify them is an understatement when you hear their Spirit element purity and the Spirit body they inherited." Nakita said, thinking back to expression he had when is discover their Spirit element purity.

Chloe decide to ask the two children directly, looking at them amusingly she said, "will you mind feeding my curiosity?"

Tabitha was the to respond after a short silence, "I have an Elemental Monarch Spirit body and An Elemental class profession while Nicos has Star Breaker Spirit body and a Dual class profession of Soul Ranger and Gunslinger. Our Spirit Element purity is 95% and 97% respectively."

"Calling you two freaks is indeed an understatement." Chloe said in exasperation.

"Well, at least compare to someone sitting beside me, I'm still normal only a little bit above normal." Tabitha said trying to refute her mother.

"You call yourself only a little bit above normal?" Chloe asked with an expression stuck within laughing and crying.

Ignoring her, she face Alfonso and Nakita, "how about the two of you, it can't be that they are the only one who benefited from the Spirit liquid and seed right?" she asked

"There's increase in our Faith power value and Spirit element purity." Alfonso said, "My faith power value increase to 4.0 and my Spirit element purity is not 57%"

"Mine is 52% and my Faith power value is 3.1" Nakita said, "it a great increase if you consider that I only have 1.2 faith power value before now and just 31% Spirit element purity."

"This is a complete overhauling."Chloe said, "I wonder what surprise you will be giving when you finally take the Spirit liquid and seed when you are already showing me some unexpected surprises." Chloe said while looking at Barnabas.

"What do you mean by him already showing you some unexpected surprises mum?" Tabitha said what's on everyone mind because their interest was piqued just by the statement Chloe made concerning Barnabas.

"While you were all in the Spirit Realm, Barnabas also gain some improvement which I believe it is through his connection with his Spirit beast." Chloe said

"Really?" everyone turned to Barnabas making him feel like he's being dissect for analysis especially by Alfonso and Nakita who stared at him more intently.

"That's cheating!" Tabitha exclaimed

"Says someone who will make the whole of the Spirit Realm run after her if her potential gets leaked out." Barnabas said rolling his eyes at his sister.

"That's because I'm a genius." Tabitha retorted.

"Genius my foot, the person who is more genius than you is not even saying anything, yet here you are making hell of a noise, I thought spending one month in the Spirit Realm will make you more calm, but it seem reverse is the case here." Barnabas responded

From where his is sitting, Nicos lament in His heart 'Can you both not bring me into this, I'm not even dragging who has the best potential with you both, you can have it for all I care.'

"Do you need a beating?" Tabitha said with veins pulping out on her fore head, staring angrily at Barnabas.

"You both need to calm down, one month of not seeing each other and you are at each other's throat almost immediately after seeing each other." Chloe said, Tabitha continue glaring at Barnabas for a while before looking away.

"Hmph, I will one day beat you up and make sure you always remain obedient."

"How come they both have a Spirit body?" Chloe asked as she wasn't expecting that, people with Spirit body in the Human world are few and far in between.

"My congestion is that this is due to the Spirit liquid and seed." Alfonso said

"Does that mean you also have a Special Spirit body now?" Chloe asked him again, if her thoughts were true then the value of the Spirit liquid and seed is beyond what they thought it was.

"No, but in our case, our profession was switch over to an optimal class profession with an increase in rank, mine changed from ordinary fire mage to Mirage Fire mage and the rank is B+ while Nakita changed from Shield warrior to Qi Combat Master with B rank" Alfonso replied

"This is a very huge news."Chloe said

"Mum, let me tell you what Uncle Alfonso and Uncle Nakita did not remember to tell you, everyone has a specialized customized suit." Tabitha said, telling the part that interests her most.

"Is that true?"Chloe looked at Alfonso for confirmation.

"Yes, she's right." Alfonso confirmed, "It was on us the moment we entered the Spirit Realm and it also aid us in hiding our identity and look, especially for Nicos and Tabitha."

"You are really going to make people die of jealousy if this goes not to the public." Chloe said in exasperation, "can you at least leave something for others and not hoard it all to yourself?"

"Well, the last we checked, the heavens has not run out of supplies." Nakita said jokingly.