
The Path of Men

Believe it or not, you have a Spirit in eternity. How does it feel to know and live in the reality of your Spirit? Welcome to the world where Humans can move through the Spirit Realm and control their spiritual reality to affect their World. The battle of Light and Darkness, good and evil has been an ancient battle that has continued and seems neverending. Humans continue to flourish in their world while wrestling with their idea of good and evil until they are thrust into a different level of warfare, that not only determines their life but also the human world. A larger stage has been set that now allows humans to fight and turn their world in the direction they want, either towards good or towards evil. "Nicos, seemed useless because he has weak and underutilized Spirit root which makes him not to gain entrance into the Spirit Realm, never stopped fighting - he kept on pushing, carving a path for himself even after he had been banished alongside his family to an unknown region that seemed to have sealed their fate. Weathering the storm alongside his entourage as they also play their role in the turning of their world to determine the final winner." Light or Darkness; either good or evil. Only one can be king, both can't seat on the throne. Only one side can be crowned the winner. Which will it be?

Phoenix_Wolf7c · Fantasy
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41 Chs

A New Path

"Nicos you can continue. Hope I also did hear it wrongly that you know a way to enter the Spirit Realm from here? Try not to give false hope" Chloe said

"Yes mother, although it has not been verified, but I can feel like there's no obstruction between my Spirit Being and the Spirit Realm at all" Nicos said.

The three older people nod their head, if what Nicos said is true then there's truly a way to gain entrance into the Spirit Realm because the three can confirm that in this place, there's a kind of restriction place on the Spirit Being that disallow the entrance into the Spirit Realm here. It is as if the gate to the Spirit Realm has been locked from this side. To put it in an analogy, it like the main gate of entry into a place has been sealed from the other side and unless it is unlocked from there, no one can gain entrance from here, while what Nicos just said is like discovery a hidden route that no one knows about to gain entrance without breaking any rules.

"Uncle Alfonso and Uncle Nakita, if you look closely at my body, you will see that there is a form of barrier around me. Though I'm here, but the energy of this place evades me." Nicos said. And truly when they both paid attention to what Nicos, they could tell that there is something protecting his body from the energy of this place. Since the Forgotten Region is a closed area, only the people in it knows that this place is quite different from the Human World, they are neither in the Human World or in the Spirit Realm. Though it looks like it is situated in the Human World, it is actually not part of it and it existence is akin to be in a different dimension while projecting itself in the Human World. "There's a kind of essence that isolated our body and restrict our Spirit Being in the Forgotten Region. The same barrier is around the body of the Spirit Beast so I came to a conclusion that it is related to the Lake in that Special space."

And truthfully, they see the same kind of energy they see around Nicos around the Spirit Beast. Is make them to marvel at the kind of existence the Special Space is, wondering how such a place exist in the Forgotten Region.

"How come you can see the essence in the atmosphere?" Chloe asked. Because none of them can see the essence in the atmosphere, they can only feel it so it comes as a wonder to her that Nicos said he can see the essence in the atmosphere.

"You mean none of you can see the essence in the atmosphere?" Nicos asked the three older people.

"No, we can only feel the essence. No one can really see the essence in the atmosphere even the area where the essence is every thick, they can only feel it. Even those with occult eyes can only see traces of elements and not the essence of the world." Alfonso answered.

"I guess it's part of the bonus from that place then." Nicos mumbled

"Now bloke head, what does that have to do with how to gain entrance to the Spirit Realm? Can you please give a direct answer and save all this historical dialogue for another day? Even the readers are already feeling irritated by now with you." Tabitha said

"That's enough Tabitha. Do you think the reader are as impatient as you are?" Chloe chide her

Nicos just shake his head and didn't think too much. Towards the attic of his sister, he knows she didn't mean whatever she's saying. He open his bag and bring out his water flask and open it. Suddenly, the atmosphere in the room seems to be cleaned of the negative essence and filled it with freshness and vitality, the four Spirit Beast look towards the flask hungrily. "I'm sorry, this is not for you guys" Nicos said to the Spirit Beast, seeming to understand Nicos, they turned away from the flask reluctantly.

"Mum, Tabitha, Uncle Alfonso and Uncle Nakita, this is the water I brought out of the Special Space, you will need to drink from it along with the Spirit seed in it and you will be able to experience what I'm talking about." Nicos said.

"What about your little brother?" Chloe asked when he notices Nicos did not mention his name.

"He is still two years away from his Spirt Affirmation Ceremony, his portion will be reserve till then, I can't afford what happen to me to happen to him because of being hasty." He replied

Everyone agreed with what he said, once bitten twice shy, experimenting something as delicate as this is not advisable, with the experience they had in the case of Nicos, not knowing when to restrain oneself will be too foolish and since it just two years away and his portion will be reserved, there's no harm in waiting.

"I understand. He will wait till when he is of age. And you must not try to take it behind my back." Chloe said turning toward Barnabas as the second statement is for him.

"I understand mother. I won't make such a foolish mistake." Barnabas replied. Though everyone felt that he is implying that Nicos made a foolish mistake, but no one said anything because he was right and it was a mistake that brought them to this current situation and also the past is already in the past, there's no need digging an old grave. But that still doesn't stop a mischievous person from snickering but everyone just ignore her, if she does not make any gesture then she is not Tabitha.

"I also won't be taking from it now" Chloe said with a ting of pain in her eyes for a brief moment.

"Don't worry mum, I will find a way to resolve the issue." Nicos said understanding the reason why her mother can't take the Spirit water at the moment and it is one of the things he regret and resolved himself to find a way to resolve it no matter what it cost him and make someone regret the action they took.

Don't worry madam (Goddess) we will find a way, now that we can gain entrance into the Spirit Realm, we will surely change the course of things" Alfonse and Nakita said simultaneously.

"I will be waiting" Chloe said with a smile on her face. It has been a while since she smile genuinely like this and it makes her look some years younger.

Surprisingly while the flask is still open, the atmosphere in the room remain fresh and filled with so much vitality that allow people's body to relax. He pour the spirit water for the three, each one having three spirit seed in it, since he took three seed, he felt that they should also be able to do the same, though he didn't tell them the number of Spirit seed he took. The three directly drink the Spirit water along with the Spirit seed but among the three, only Tabitha was able to take in more than one Spirit seed and took two, the rest could only settle for one. Not that they don't want to take more than one Spirit seed, but the remaining seed, as if having a consciousness of their own, stick to the button of the cup and didn't budge no matter how much they tried and they have to give up. Nicos collect back the container and return the Spirit seed back into the flask, the seed slide in effortlessly. "Well it seems like that the number of Spirit seed you can afford to take into your body" Nicos said. He look at the three individuals who are already feeling some changes in their body expectantly waiting for the kind of changes they will manifest. The first person to manifest changes outwardly is Tabitha, probably due to the fact that she is still within are Spirt Affirmation years.