
The path of cultivating immortality, with a hundred times cultivation。

In the year 2025 AD, when Country A was mining the underground mineral veins, it accidentally dug open the passage to the abyss, and the global spiritual energy recovered, and the top ten golden lists descended......

Lovelybox · Eastern
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80 Chs

Chapter 48: My Lord, I Inform and Expose!

Chapter 48: My Lord, I Inform and Expose!

Chu Feng's words attracted everyone's attention.

All looked over.

Chu Feng cleared his throat, glanced at everyone, and said indifferently.

"I think we'd better go and join the Demon Tribe again now."

As soon as the words fell.

Immediately a dwarf roared angrily.

"What?! I just gained my freedom, and you want me to be a cannon fodder again? Are you crazy! If you don't leave, I'll leave by myself!"

Chu Feng's smile remained on his face.

"You go. We are in the core area of the Corpse Soul Ridge, where a large number of Class A Corpse Souls are active. If you go alone, you will surely die. "

"Even if we, these dozens of people, run away together and encounter more than four Class A Corpse Souls, it is also certain death."

"With bad luck, if we encounter the search army of the Demon Tribe again and are regarded as deserters, it is also certain death."

Several consecutive "certain deaths" gradually made the restless crowd calm down.

Chu Feng was right.

The strength of their group was too weak.

They would lose their lives whenever they encountered a little danger.

The dwarf who shouted to leave alone seemed to be dejected.

His voice was also low.

"Then what do you say? Going back to follow the Demon Tribe, in case we encounter the Erosion Nightmare Beast King, won't we still die?"

Chu Feng grinned.

"Who said that going back to join the Demon Tribe means death? Just now when we encountered the Erosion Nightmare Beast King, did you die?"

Chu Feng looked around.

"Except for the Demon Tribe, who else among us died? Not even injured."

"Well, it seems to be like this!"

"Indeed, I was just next to a Demon Tribe just now, and he died but I was fine."

Chu Feng continued.

"I guess that the Erosion Nightmare Beast King must have suffered quite a serious injury, which caused him to be too lazy to waste more power to kill us, and all the Demon Tribe members he hated the most died. "

"Since that's the case, even if we continue to search with the Demon Tribe and encounter the Erosion Nightmare Beast King, as long as we just fight on the periphery and don't threaten him, the Erosion Nightmare Beast King won't waste energy to kill us."

"And we, as long as we follow the Demon Tribe, we can survive when encountering Corpse Souls. After this is over, won't everyone be able to get out alive?"

It has to be said that after being brainwashed by Chu Feng like this.

Most of the people have already wavered.

Going alone, certain death.

Going together, most likely also death.

Thinking from another perspective.

It seems that following the Demon Tribe has a smaller chance of dying.

After such a comparison, it seems that there is really only this one way left.

Chu Feng grinned.

This was the result he wanted.

If he wanted to sneak attack those Demon Guards, going alone would have a too big target and be easily suspected.

Is it reasonable for a Class C to wander around blatantly in the Corpse Soul Ridge?

But it was different when mixed in the crowd.

No one would care about him at all.

Chu Feng also glanced at the few people of the Rebel Army.

He wasn't sure if other people would agree.

But these few guys would definitely agree.

Like Chu Feng, only by infiltrating the enemy is the best way to hide oneself.

Sure enough, as expected by Chu Feng.

Most of the people agreed to this method.

The few people of the Rebel Army even raised both hands in approval.

Seeing Chu Feng's meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

The following good show can't be performed without these few Rebel Army members.

Be happy now, just don't cry later.

After setting the direction.

Everyone left

the original place first.

The Third Demon Son is almost here.

Now three more Demon Guards have died.

If they are killed by the enraged Third Demon Son to vent his anger, it's not worth it.

Better go find other Demon Guards.

During the journey.

Chu Feng had a conversation with the Little Corrosion Nightmare Beast and the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King.

He learned that the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King had absorbed the Water of Life and its injuries were recovering.

However, it still needed time.

Chu Feng calculated in his heart.

Time was pressing.

It was better to act earlier if possible.

Moreover, it seemed that only two strong teams under the Third Demon Son were left.

One team was the one where the Third Demon Son himself was located.

There was Carl at the Spirit Transformation Stage 7 and the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf at the Spirit Transformation Stage 3.

And the unfathomable Third Demon Son.

Couldn't afford to provoke for now.

The other team was the one led by Demon One and Demon Two.

The only two remaining lone seedlings among the Demon Guards.

They were at the Spirit Transformation Stage 4 and the Spirit Transformation Stage 3 respectively.

If they were killed.

The Third Demon Son would basically be a commander without troops.

By then, whether to fight or escape, the initiative would all be in Chu Feng's hands.

So, Chu Feng's next target was Demon One and Demon Two.

Because the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King had fought with these two Earth Demon Clan members before and left a black mist mark on them.

Basically knew the direction they were in.

This was also the reason why the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King could persist for such a long time under the full pursuit of the Third Demon Son.

With the guidance of the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King.

Even secretly helping to clear some of the blocking corpse souls.

The group advanced very quickly.

Before long.

The traces of the Earth Demon Clan search team appeared in front.

At the same time, it was also discovered by the leading Demon One and Demon Two.

"Big brother, look, isn't this the group of commoners that the Sixth and the Ninth led before? Why did they come to our place?"

Demon Two didn't understand.

Were these guys fools?

Finally escaped.

And came back?

Demon One sneered coldly.

"Who knows if they are stupid. It's just right that they came. It's better to have a few more people searching. Just now, the Demon Son was furious. If we can discover the trace of the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King, it would be a great merit."

Demon Two snorted disdainfully.

"It's just that the Third, the Sixth, and the Ninth were too useless to even hold on for a while. If the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King met us brothers, without the Demon Son, we brothers would kill that beast."

"The two talked casually.

Neither of them took the group of Chu Feng in front of them seriously.

But it was Chu Feng.

Trying hard to show a bright smile.

Taking the lead, rushing to the front of the team.

While running, he shouted loudly.

"My lord, my lord, we have come to join you. Don't kill us!"

Behind him, Anderson and several others had expressions full of disdain and disgust.

Although everyone had to join the Earth Demon Clan in order to survive.

But do you have to act so obsequiously?



Elf traitor!

Anderson even planned to find an opportunity to secretly shoot Chu Feng to death.

It looked so unlucky.

Demon Two impatiently waved his hand.

"Okay, I know. Later, you will go to search in the front."

But before Demon Two could finish speaking.

Chu Feng suddenly sped up again, pulling away from everyone, and shouted urgently at the same time.

"My lord of the Demon Guards! Save me!

I want to report!

The few elves on the far left behind me are all rebels!

And that middle-aged elf is also a strong one at the Spirit Transformation Stage 3!

I just witnessed with my own eyes that Lord Demon Nine was killed by him, and the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King could escape because he secretly made a move! Two lords, kill him quickly!!"

Chu Feng's words.

Just like a bolt from the blue.

Suddenly stunned everyone.

Anderson was even more shocked.

Never expected such a situation to occur.

"It's not me..."

At this moment, Anderson had a hundred mouths and couldn't defend himself.

He was a member of the rebel army.

But the person really wasn't killed by him!

But now, yellow mud fell into the crotch, not shit but also shit!

And he didn't know at all how his identity was exposed?

Everyone's attention was attracted by Anderson and several others.

No one noticed.

Chu Feng had somehow already stood behind Demon One and Demon Two.

With a scared look.

As if seeking the protection of Demon One and Demon Two...