
The path of cultivating immortality, with a hundred times cultivation。

In the year 2025 AD, when Country A was mining the underground mineral veins, it accidentally dug open the passage to the abyss, and the global spiritual energy recovered, and the top ten golden lists descended......

Lovelybox · Eastern
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80 Chs

Chapter 47: The Water of Life!

Chapter 47: The Water of Life!

Anderson suddenly felt a chill running down his back.

All this came too suddenly.

How could those three demon guards just disappear like that?!

Just now, he still sensed that one of the demon guards was rushing towards him.

It should be to restrain him.

But why did it disappear halfway?

Could it be that it got lost?

It can't be that!

And then, he sensed that the remaining two demon guards suddenly separated.

Anderson didn't know what to say.

Are these two idiots?

The two of them together could barely hold off the Erosion Nightmare Beast King.

Once they separated, wasn't it suicidal?

Sure enough, the next moment, the auras of these two guys also disappeared.

Now Anderson suddenly felt a little panicked.

He was the only remaining spiritualized strong one left.

Would he be the next unlucky one?

Not to mention anything else.

Once being targeted by the Erosion Nightmare Beast King, even if he was at the third stage of spiritualized, it would be uncomfortable.

Whether he could escape was still uncertain.

Not to mention that the third demonic prince must have almost arrived here.

At that time, he would definitely be dead beyond dead.

In the black mist, the Erosion Nightmare Beast King originally did intend to attack this elf clansman.

Coming to the Corpse Soul Ridge at this time.

The purpose is nothing more than him and the Thousand Souls Spirit Flower.

For the Erosion Nightmare Beast King, they are all enemies.

Just kill it if you can.

But it was stopped by Chu Feng.

After all, he was also a third stage of spiritualized, and it would still be useful to deal with the demons later, and now killing him wouldn't it be a pity.

To die, it also had to die with some value.

At the very least, it was right to pull a demon to be the scapegoat.

Looking at the remaining dozens of B-level warriors.

Chu Feng had a brainwave.

Talk directly to the black mist.

He found that in this black mist, as long as the Erosion Nightmare Beast King didn't want to, the sound and sight couldn't penetrate out at all.

Now that he could see everyone clearly, it was completely a situation allowed by the Erosion Nightmare Beast King.

"You kill the remaining dozen or so B-level earth demons later, and don't touch those of other races. I still have use for them."

Upon hearing this, the black mist fluctuated a little.

The Erosion Nightmare Beast King was a little speechless.

Who are you?

You've arranged me like this already?

I'm not your pet beast!

If it weren't for being influenced by this little guy, I should have killed you right now!

Sighed in his heart.

Forget it, the human race is full of tricks. Listening to this guy might have a greater hope of escaping.

Didn't you see that as soon as this guy came, three big demon guards died immediately!

The results were quite rich.

Not long after, Chu Feng heard a series of miserable cries coming.

Apparently, the Erosion Nightmare Beast King was quite obedient.

Chu Feng was very satisfied.

Then he looked at the corpse of Mo Jiu under his feet again.

No matter how dirty it was.

Put the palm of his hand on Mo Jiu's body.

The Destruction Bloodline activated.

Absorb the bloodline power and enhance the physique!

Chu Feng didn't forget this.

A demon who stepped into the spiritualized stage, the bloodline energy in its body was quite powerful.

Soon, Mo Jiu became a dry demon.

Chu Feng felt that his physique was visibly strengthening.

However, the current physical strength is still not sufficient to gain an advantage in this level of battle.

It still needs to continue to accumulate.

As for the magic tooth venom in Mo Jiu's body, Chu Feng directly ignored it.

Are you kidding.

Will the Destruction Bloodline be afraid of poison?

Besides, there is only a gram, and it will be completely decomposed directly for you, okay.

After making use of the waste.

Chu Feng looked at the black mist again.

"You leave first later, but don't stay too far away from me for convenient contact. We'll ambush them a few more times. If we kill more magic guards, the chance of us dealing with the Third Demon Son will be greater."

When the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King heard Chu Feng's words.

Suddenly he felt that he still seemed to underestimate this guy.

What this guy was thinking was not to escape, but to counter-kill!

Even wanted to kill the genius of the demon race.

What a monster-like guy.

Unconsciously, the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King has begun to obey Chu Feng's orders.

"By the way, you are injured, right? Soul level or material level?"

Chu Feng suddenly asked.

After a moment of silence.

Suddenly a thick voice came from Chu Feng's mind.

"Most of the injuries come from the material level, and the soul aspect is caused by myself. Those guys are far inferior to me in the soul aspect, so naturally they can't hurt me."

"That's good."

Chu Feng said, and directly took out a portion of Life Water from the personal storage space.

"This thing is called Life Water, which contains rich life energy and can repair most of the injuries at the material level, and it is useful for all creatures below super A-level."

"You, you... are going to use it for me?"

The Corrosion Nightmare Beast King was rarely hesitant.

From Chu Feng's description.

He knew the preciousness of this thing.

But this human is going to give it away so easily?

"Nonsense, who else would I give it to if not for you? Hurry up and take it! Only when your strength recovers can we have a chance of winning. Otherwise, relying on just me, dreaming of killing that so-called Third Demon Son?"

Chu Feng's tone was not polite at all.

But the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King was not angry at all, and there was another silence.

He felt that he had known this human again.

Every time such a treasure appears, there will always be bloody storms.

It is common for A-level warriors to lose their lives for it.

Just because of this.

The perception of Chu Feng by the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King suddenly improved a lot.

"Okay, then I won't be polite. Later, you can contact me through the little guy about what I need to do."

Listening to the words of the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King.

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth slightly raised.

Sometimes,subdueing a pet beast does not necessarily require violence.

If you can make the pet beast submit, isn't it better than any pet beast ball?

One portion of Life Water in exchange for a powerful thug.

Chu Feng thinks it's worth it!

Soon, the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King left with the Life Water.

With his departure.

The surrounding black mist also dissipated.

This made Anderson extremely pleasantly surprised.

I don't know why the Corrosion Nightmare Beast King retreated.

But it's always a good thing.

Now I don't have to die!

A group of B-level warriors around also heaved a sigh of relief as if they had survived a disaster.

Looking again, all the earth demons around are actually dead.

This is just like a pie falling from the sky!

They are weak in strength.

They root didn't know what happened just now.

Anderson also restrained all his energy.

It seemed to have become an ordinary B-level warrior again.

Beside, Meivya was rather bored.

Just now she was covered by the black mist.

Seeing the corpses of the Demon Tribe all over the ground, she curled her lips.

"Humph, it seems that the Demon Tribe is not that great either. They all died out in just a while. Anderson, were you scaring this young lady before?"

The goblin Brook rolled his eyes.

Here comes this young lady again.

She will be killed sooner or later.

Fortunately, there are no more Demons now.

"Then where should we go?"

Mevia asked another question.

This was indeed the question of all the people on the scene.

At this moment, all of a sudden, everyone found that.

In the original position in the center of the black fog, a figure of a Fire Spirit staggered forward.

Covered in blood.

Ragged clothes.

It was simply too miserable to be any more miserable.

It was exactly Chu Feng who had "put on some makeup" for himself.

Mevia recognized it at a glance.

Covered her nose with a look of disgust.

"It's not that idiot Spirit. He's just a little C-level, and he's still not dead. He's really lucky."

"Xiaoya, stop talking."

Anderson scolded.

His gaze turned to Chu Feng.

He vaguely always felt that there was something a little off.

But no matter how he looked at it, the guy in front of him was only a C-level, and that couldn't be wrong.

At this time, Chu Feng had already walked up to everyone.

Glanced at Mevia.

Then coughed heavily.

Exhibited a harmless smile.

"Cough, sorry, I was just scared just now. When running around, I was affected a bit. Fortunately, I didn't die."

"What a coward."

Mevia muttered in a low voice.

But Chu Feng didn't pay attention to her, and the smile remained.

"I just heard you saying what to do next, right? I do have some ideas..."