
The Path of a Ruler

The story explores the journey of a young boy who suddenly discovers that he possesses extraordinary powers, which he chooses to conceal from everyone around him out of fear and uncertainty. However, his world is turned upside down when he stumbles upon a shocking revelation: he is not a resident of Earth, but rather an alien from a distant and mysterious planet. As he grapples with this newfound knowledge, another startling truth comes to light - his seemingly ordinary father is actually a powerful and ruthless king who has committed heinous acts, including the genocide of numerous species, using a terrifying astro-manace number. This revelation raises questions about the boy's own identity and potential heritage - could he possibly be a prince, heir to a legacy of bloodshed and darkness? Conflicted and overwhelmed by the weight of his newfound heritage, the boy's life takes a dramatic turn when he is unexpectedly chosen by a figure of immense power and notoriety, widely regarded as the most fearsome and fearsome being in history, to become his successor. The boy is thrust into a world of politics, intrigue, and danger, forced to navigate treacherous waters as he grapples with his own inner turmoil and conflicting loyalties. As he struggles to come to terms with his identity and the responsibilities that come with it, the boy must choose between embracing his destiny as a prince and following in his father's dark footsteps, or forging his own path and standing up against the legacy of violence and oppression that threatens to consume him. In a world where power and ambition collide, the boy must confront his own demons and decide what kind of ruler - and person - he ultimately wants to be.

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14 Chs

chapter 12

In the dimly lit guest room, Roxanna guides the young boy inside and leaves him there, aware that young men and women cannot share the same quarters. As she retreats to her own room, Will takes a seat on the edge of the bed, his eyes fixed on the closed door. A sense of unease washes over him, and he can't help but call out, "Why are you hiding? Come out and meet me."

The door slowly creaks open, revealing Beelzebub, the man who had infused Will with that sinister energy. A wicked smile spreads across Beelzebub's face as he steps forward, revealing a set of vampiric teeth. His voice drips with a dark amusement as he taunts, "You will make a fun toy."

Will meets Beelzebub's gaze, his expression unreadable. Unbeknownst to Beelzebub, this Will is not the frail and vulnerable boy from the throne room. This Will is someone different, someone who doesn't fully comprehend the extent of his own power. In a swift motion, the figurine of hell in Will's hand transforms into a swarm of a million insects, each with its own unique form. The hall room becomes infested with a writhing mass of insects, their upgraded steel-like mouths ready to strike.

But Will remains unfazed. With a calm demeanor, he utters the incantation "flamios," summoning a dark blue flame that dances to life in the palm of his hand. The insects swarm towards him, their collective force aimed at overwhelming him. However, Will effortlessly bends and strikes the floor with his flame, resulting in a thunderous explosion that reverberates throughout the Palace Lucifer.

The noise catches the attention of the sentry stationed nearby, who rushes to the scene. As the smoke clears, the soldiers quickly discern that it was Will who caused the explosion. Beelzebub, however, has managed to evade capture. Will stands amidst the aftermath, covered in smoke and surrounded by the remnants of his power.

One of the soldiers, driven by anger and duty, lunges at Will. But to their astonishment, Will skillfully deflects the attack, overpowering the soldier and grabbing him by the jaw. With a crushing grip, Will shatters the soldier's jaws, blood trickling onto his hands. Strangely, instead of feeling remorse or sadness for the death he has caused, a dark satisfaction washes over him.

As Roxanna frantically rushes towards the source of the explosion, her mind races with worry for Will's safety. She knows Beelzebub can be mischievous, but this level of destruction is beyond his usual pranks. Along the way, she comes across her father, Lucifer, who appears deep in thought. The intensity of his contemplation is palpable, as if gears are turning in his mind.

Without wasting a moment, Roxanna and Lucifer join forces and make their way towards the site of the explosion. Roxanna's heart weighs heavy with guilt and self-blame. If only she hadn't introduced Will to this dangerous world, he wouldn't have fallen victim to Beelzebub's clutches. Will was more than just a friend to her; he was her first love.

As Roxanna hastens her pace, her thoughts are consumed by the fear of what she might find. Finally, she arrives at the door leading to the room where the explosion occurred. Blood seeps from underneath the door, adding to her anguish. With a trembling voice, she whispers, "My poor Will."

Summoning her strength, Roxanna pushes open the door, fully expecting to see Will's lifeless body. But to her astonishment and horror, she finds Will standing in the center of the room, holding the severed head of the sentry captain. In a gruesome display, he crushes the skull, relishing in the splatter of blood.

As Roxanna takes in the grisly scene, she notices that all the bodies surrounding her have met the same fate. Will turns towards her, his smile now sinister and his eyes transformed. The familiar hazel nut brown eyes that once held warmth and kindness have been replaced by dark, chilling pupils.

In that moment, Roxanna is caught in a trance, unable to comprehend the depths of this transformation. She hears her father's voice cutting through the chaos, urging her to wake up and recognize that there is more to Will's transformation than just his eyes. A chilling realization dawns upon her, and she knows that the darkness that has consumed Will goes far beyond a simple change in appearance.