
The Path of a Ruler

The story explores the journey of a young boy who suddenly discovers that he possesses extraordinary powers, which he chooses to conceal from everyone around him out of fear and uncertainty. However, his world is turned upside down when he stumbles upon a shocking revelation: he is not a resident of Earth, but rather an alien from a distant and mysterious planet. As he grapples with this newfound knowledge, another startling truth comes to light - his seemingly ordinary father is actually a powerful and ruthless king who has committed heinous acts, including the genocide of numerous species, using a terrifying astro-manace number. This revelation raises questions about the boy's own identity and potential heritage - could he possibly be a prince, heir to a legacy of bloodshed and darkness? Conflicted and overwhelmed by the weight of his newfound heritage, the boy's life takes a dramatic turn when he is unexpectedly chosen by a figure of immense power and notoriety, widely regarded as the most fearsome and fearsome being in history, to become his successor. The boy is thrust into a world of politics, intrigue, and danger, forced to navigate treacherous waters as he grapples with his own inner turmoil and conflicting loyalties. As he struggles to come to terms with his identity and the responsibilities that come with it, the boy must choose between embracing his destiny as a prince and following in his father's dark footsteps, or forging his own path and standing up against the legacy of violence and oppression that threatens to consume him. In a world where power and ambition collide, the boy must confront his own demons and decide what kind of ruler - and person - he ultimately wants to be.

Anonymou · Fantasy
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14 Chs

chapter 11

Roxanna called "Asmodeus" then a darkness equal to the light that had prior covered the room came and balanced things Alfred was in front of Will and Roxanna, holding a rapier in his right hand and the left on his back Roxanna said "I will take Will to safety." Then she opened a portal and left through it , later on they arrived hell a place where will found peace like no ever as they were walking down the road will broke the silence " how can you like a monster like me who is dreaded by everyone." He was looking face to face with her but he had to tilt his hard as a dark hue of eyes were sucking him inside , she turned his head to where it was and said " we are all monsters in a way , some are more dangerous than others so dont worry everything will be fine," with a confidence from no where he kissed Roxanna, Will kissed someone for the first time so did Roxanna, the kiss went from mild to hasty and deep they got lost in their primitive act and lost themselve to lust and desire . At long last Roxanna pushed will awayed , embarrassed by what he did , no one spoke the way to Roxanna mansion , the air had turned akward for any small talk .

Roxanna brought him through the backdoor where the sentry opened for them , she ushered Will inside , after so many turns they reached the throne room , were Lucifer hugged his daughter , Will never experienced a hug from a parent , as he was admiring the love between a black hand grabbed him by the shoulder and told him to kneel, the person was forcing him with strength above his but to Will's surprise a voice which was not him was speaking through him "and why shall I kneel ?" Will said .

The voice said," because you are in the presence of the king hell the epitome of fear Lucifer himself."

The figure then infused an unknown energy into Will which forced to crawl on the floor due to sheer amount of pain it brought it was as if the left part of his body was invading the right path, the pain unbearable he rolled on the ground several times but as hastly it came it left.

Roxanna was now lashing on the culprit, " Beelzebub how can you infuse dark energy into mere mortal you know he can't handle such energy he ain't demon or was he trained for that."

When she saw that Will got fine and woke up from the ground she gave a scolding look to Beelzebub and said I will take him to guest house , no one amidst them had noticed the change in the boys eyes and how he was holding his left hand that wanted the blood of Roxanna. What had happened to the boy.

Roxanna takes the boy to guest room and leaves him there for a young man and a young woman cannot stay at the same room she goes back to her . Once she leaves Will sits on the bed eyes the door and says why are hiding come out and meet me . Beelzebub the man that had infused that sinister energy to will opens the door and stands in front of the ajar door smiling and revealing a set of vamprical teeth .

The man says " you will make a fun toy ." Will just looks him and stands up from his seat , unbeknownst to Beelzebub this Will is not the frail boy from throne room this Will even doesn't know himself , this is a Will with ancient power that Will will have access to later or maybe not , the figurine of hell says "desosiato" and turns into million type of insects , the hall room crawls with insects of all Manner all upgraded with steel like mouths but Will remains unfazed and says "flamios" then a dark blue flame lights at the palm of his hand , the insects come at him and he bends and hits the floor with it , then a loud bang is heard all over the Palace Lucifer.