
The Path Of A Hero

In a world filled with, heroes, villains, and evil, can heroes last long? When apparent friends can be enemies and the hunt begins, who can they trust?

_SCX_ · Fantasy
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50 Chs


"Andrea!" Peter called out leaving class after getting his rank badge. "Oh hi, Peter!" Andrea exclaimed. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the gym and reach the next rank with me," Peter said shyly. "Not today sorry, maybe train with Ethan and Joshua it looks like that's where they're going?" Andrea suggested. "Yeah, I guess, sorry," Peter said disappointed. "Maybe tomorrow?" Andrea suggested. "Yeah, that'll work!" Peter said excitedly. "I really wanted to hang out with Andrea though. Maybe I'll just follow her and make sure she stays safe?" Peter thought.

*3 hours later* "Where is she going that building is run down," Peter thought. "Hey, kid what the hell do you think you're doing," A voice from behind him said. "I-I was just looking around the town?" Peter said frightened. "To me, it looks like you were following that girl." The voice said. "I-I-I didn't mean to I'm sorry." Peter stuttered out.

"How do you accidentally follow someone you pervert," Andrea said appearing in front of him. "Thank you Dad I noticed him following me from school," Andrea said. "Maybe he and I need to talk?" her dad suggested. "It's okay I got it," Andrea said as she kicked Peter in the balls.

"AH SHIT," Peter yelled out in pain. "Just call the police and they can take care of him," Her father said. "Already tried the villain Smasher escaped from jail and they are rounding him up," Andrea responded. "I'll drop him off at the station then and let them take care of him," her father said receiving a nod from Andrea.

*1 hour later* "Peter is it?" the officer asked taking him to a cell for the night. "Yes," Peter responded ashamed. "Well, this is the third time you have been caught following a girl it looks like you are going to jail this time," the officer stated receiving a scared face from Peter in return. "Have fun you scum," the officer said throwing him into his cell.

"Ugh, talk about a bad sleep," Joshua said waking up. "W-WHAT THE HELL!" Joshua said terrified by the spike field surrounding his bed. "What's wrong Josh- WHAT THE HELL!" his mom entered only to be shocked. "Go to school now I am going to fix this so don't worry too much," his mom said activating her superpower reversion which lets her turn back the time on an object by 4 weeks. "Thank you Mom I'm sorry," Joshua apologized. *30 minutes later* "Hello school not excited for today I won't lie," Joshua said aloud once more receiving creeped-out looks from the other students.

"Hello class, today I will be teaching you about the names of your superpowers as some of you aren't sure of their names yet, and I will also be teaching you about originals." Mr. Owens said. "Since one student today is absent surprisingly not Joshua, I will still go over your 5 superpower names but someone needs to tell Peter his when he gets back. Andrea, Toymaster. Elizabeth, Flare. Joshua, Spike. and lastly, Ethan, Grass control. Peter's superpowers name is Stopper but he's absent," Mr. Owens explained. "Mr. Owens, what's your superpower?" Andrea asked. "My superpower is ice however, it didn't evolve into that I was born with the ice power," Mr Owens said.

"Now let's move on, Elizabeth tell me what you know about originals," Mr. Owens requested. "Yes, sir, Originals are extremely strong people who were born with powerful abilities that require little to no training to wield. Some originals can have multiple abilities giving them a high place in society. There are some cases in which people weren't born as originals but got so powerful they were given that title although they still weren't as strong as the actual originals," Elizabeth explained. "Good and what 4 abilities do most originals have complete control over, Joshua?" Mr. Owens asked. "The elements?" Joshua guessed.

"What 4 elements Joshua?" Mr. Owens reasked. "Earth, water, fire, and wind?" Joshua answered. "You are staying 1 hour after class till you fully grasp all of this Joshua. The answers were, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire." Mr. Owens said, making Elizabeth snicker. "Can anyone tell me what the fifth element is?" Mr. Owens asked. "I can!" Elizabeth yelled out. "Raise your hand don't yell but go ahead," Mr. Owens said giving her a pissed-off look. "The answer is Plasma but only 1 original family has ever had that power and they refuse to share it or let anyone else learn it," Elizabeth explained. "Correct maybe Joshua could learn a thing or two from you," Mr. Owens said making Elizabeth smirk.

"Does anyone know the history of how superpowers were spread?" Mr. Owens asked but nobody not even Elizabeth raised their hand. "Well, I guessed that as it's not really taught anymore. There were once 5 original families who decided to spread their powers when Earth was about to be destroyed by a criminal organization. Those originals were given the title the 4 Elementalists. You may notice I said 4 not 5 that's because as we went over earlier the fifth family decided to keep it to themselves," Mr. Owens said while everyone took notes. "That's all for today tomorrow we will actually train your powers instead of your knowledge," Mr. Owens said.

*Basic information.* The hero group Steam: Led by Hypothermia a hero who was born with ice power! Rank: 8.4. Second in command is Cleric a hero who can heal any wound except fatal wounds by simply touching the wounded person's skin! Rank: 7.0. The third member is Blazer a hero who can make flames so hot that even titanium is no match for him! Rank: 7.9. The final member is Sickle a hero who can turn any material into a scythe and can knock out enemies with a single cut! Rank: 6.5

*Villain: Smasher, can make boulders made of, dirt, stone, rocks, and even metal. Villain Rank: 3.2 Threat level: low.*