
The Path Of A Hero

In a world filled with, heroes, villains, and evil, can heroes last long? When apparent friends can be enemies and the hunt begins, who can they trust?

_SCX_ · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Never enough

"The magic field?" Joshua asked. "Yep, it fits both of our current powers so it's the best fit," Responded Ethan. "True, alright let's go!" Joshua said excitedly. "Holy hell this place is huge!" Ethan exclaimed in awe after opening the gym's doors. The room was huge, the walls were high almost to the sky it seemed from the inside. Sunlight seeped in through the windows illuminating the entire room, the lights paled in comparison. The building itself was a bright blue, sparkly blue in fact, the sunlight bounced off the walls making the entire room sparkle.

"Are you sure there could be blades of grass in here?" Ethan asked. "Yeah, the teachers showed us this during the orientation you say, Magic field, earth terrain flat," Joshua said as the gym switched to a flat area with a grass floor. "That's so cool! How did I not know this?!" Ethan exclaimed. "Well I paid close attention during the tour and descriptions of this place but I guess I can't say the same to you," Joshua joked.

*Magic training field activated* A robotic voice called out. "Grow," Ethan muttered holding his hand out to the grass as it changed shape into a dummy. "Spike," Joshua said holding his hand to the ground. *The ground shook and 2 spikes popped out both 6 inches in height.* "This isn't good," Joshua muttered. "What do you mean you summoned 2 that's 1/10 of the required amount?" Ethan asked. "When I summon 1 it can go to 12 inches in height but if I summon 2 it's halved," Joshua said disappointed. "That's not good, seriously not good," Ethan said aloud. "Damn, that means I need to reach rank 2 in order to summon 20 and keep them at 15 inches!" Joshua yelled out in frustration. "Hey Joshua you might get mad but I think you might need rank 3," Ethan said shifting his feet. "You might be right Ethan," Joshua grumbled.

*3 hours later* "I'll be back in the morning. I am gonna go back home and to the store," Joshua said exhausted. "Alright, be safe," Ethan panted out. "Damn, I need to reach second or third rank to complete this assignment, or I will be kicked out." Joshua was mad at himself with this thought, to him it seemed almost impossible to reach. "Welcome to welmert. How can I help you?" The store employee called out. "Do you have any energy drinks?" Joshua asked.

"Yeah, we have alligatorade in the next aisle," The employee responded. "Thanks, have a nice day," Joshua said. "You too," The clerk responded. "Hmm, lime or orange?" Joshua thought. "I'll just get both, I have enough anyway," Joshua decided. "Thank you for shopping with us today, did you find everything okay?" the cashier asked. "Yeah, I found everything fine thanks," Joshua responded. *BOOM* "GET DOWN!" Joshua yelled before the store was hit by a boulder.

"Ugh, my head, where am I? Oh right, I was at the store." Joshua thought blood slowly leaked from his forehead onto the ground while looking at the destruction around him. "That fire is getting closer, isn't it? Yeah looks like it. God dammit am I really going to die like this?." Joshua asked himself annoyed his arm was trapped under a piece of debris. "Spike" Joshua muttered aloud. A group of 3 spikes appeared in front of him blocking him off from the carnage and the fire while also freeing his arm, albeit only a little. "Dammit not high enough, spike," Joshua said while the spikes slowly grew to 5 inches. "What is that sound? People?" Joshua thought. "HELP!" Joshua called out, but no response was heard, just the sound of crumbling.

"I don't want to die like this. I DON'T WANNA DIE PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" Joshua heard someone scream. "Boulder smash!" the person who had thrown the boulder at the store said. "I'm so sorry I can't help you, I can't even help myself," Joshua cried out fear seeping through his very being. *BOOM, SMASH* A person went flying into Joshua breaking through his spike barrier and sending him tumbling. *Cough* The person who had sent him tumbling grabbed him by the neck slowly squeezing the breath out of him. "So this is really how I die, Dammit talk about me having an anticlimactic ending," Joshua thought as tears fell from his cheeks onto the ground, the blood from his forehead leaking onto the man who was choking him's hand.

"It would be wise to unhand my student," a man dressed in a blue tuxedo with a cyber-like mask said. "Mr. Owens?" Joshua managed to ask. "Sorry for sending him towards you Joshua I didn't know anyone was alive," Mr. Owens responded. "Take one more step Hypothermia and I will kill this kid!" the man holding Joshua screamed out. "Freeze." Mr. Owens said as the villain was encased in ice. "There we go, now Joshua are you okay?" Mr. Owens asked. *Cough Cough* "As good as I will get, thank you Mr. Owens I didn't know you were a superhero," Joshua coughed out.

"Well to teach teenagers you need power," Mr. Owens responded. "Now let's get you to Cleric," Mr. Owens said. "Wait, if you were called ice hero Hypothermia, and you said Cleric that means my teacher is the leader of the team full of originals!" Joshua said shocked. "Thanks for appointing that out, however, you are bleeding all over the ground," Hypothermia pointed out. "Yes, sir," Joshua responded snapping him back to reality.

"Woah, what happened to this kid?" Cleric asked. "He was in the store hit by the boulder," Hypothermia answered. "Almost the entire right side of your rib cage is cracked, it's a miracle in itself you can walk," Cleric explained. "Yeah, you would be surprised how many times I have heard that by now." Joshua joked receiving a giggle from Cleric. "I'm going to put my hand on your chest do not move no matter how hot it feels, that could mess up the healing process," Cleric explained receiving a nod from Joshua.

"Alright good," Cleric said putting her hand under his shirt using her power. "All done," Cleric said with a smile, making Joshua blush. "Hey no ideas kid, she's 20 years older than you, besides relationships between heroes never work out anyway," Hypothermia whispered. "I know that but is she an angel?" Joshua whispered back as Cleric was busy washing her hands. "I often ask that question myself," Hypothermia mumbled to himself.

"Alright, Hypothermia can you take him back home?" Cleric asked with a cheerful smile. "Yeah, I got nothing better to do, besides the police should be here soon to lock away Smasher as well anyway," Hypothermia responded. "Thank you!" Cleric cheerfully replied. "Yeah, don't mention it," Hypothermia said to himself grabbing Joshua.

*20 minutes later* "Thank you for bringing me back home Mr. Owens," Joshua said. "Don't thank me just stay out of trouble and if you want to stay home tomorrow you can I don't expect anyone to go back to school right after that," Mr. Owens responded. "Thank you," Joshua said entering his house. "Where have you been?!" his mom screamed from across the house. "I had a minor run-in with a villain I'm fine though," he said. "Your shirt is torn open," his sister whispered.

"JESUS, how do you always manage to sneak up on me even without superpowers?" Joshua asked whilst his heart was beating through his chest. "You're just deaf," his sister responded. "I am going to my room I'm tired," Joshua said. "Man today was weird," he thought. *Choke* "I still can't get that feeling out of my head." Joshua said shaking. "Whatever that just means I need to train more and increase my stamina and max spike limit," Joshua thought checking his badge. "Rank 1, 68%," It read out. "Dammit," Joshua said aloud, disappointed in himself.

*Advanced information* Originals: Some people are called originals if they have wielded the power of one, Originals have extremely strong powers so only a few superheroes can get that name while most originals are born with that extremely strong power requiring no actual training. There are also some originals with elemental powers, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and plasma.

*Advanced information (continued)* The plasma power belongs to a family of originals and nobody else has ever wielded that power. The 4 basic elements each have a stronger form which requires an intense amount of training to activate. Earth, Metal. Air, Sound. Fire, Lighting. Water, Ice. Some elements can be combined to form an original ability, Fire and Water make Healing. Earth and Air make gravity. Fire and Earth make magma. It should be noted people who can duel-wield abilities are extremely rare.