
The Path He Chose Is Revenge: An Idol Once Again

Choi Daniel is average in every aspect. Even though he knows this he still auditioned to be an idol trainee! But wait? He got accepted!? And wait.. He is going to debut in a 5 member group! Daniel was too excited to notice the real reason why the entertainment company used an average man as one of the members of their upcoming group. The idol group members are talented and above average unlike Daniel. After the group debuted using the name 'Heaven'. Scandals to mountains of scandals suddenly popped out of nowhere. All of them are about Choi Daniel. They all weren't even real! What is happening? After Daniel knew the truth it was too late already. He died and couldn't even take revenge on the people who harmed him. They took advantage of Daniel and used him as an exposure for the group. They all thought Daniel couldn't take revenge or do anything now that he is dead. But who would of thought that a famous rookie that appeared is Daniel?! He got reincarnated into a handsome young master of the wealthy Lee family. Xander Lee is talented, handsome and extraordinary in all aspects. Now Choi Daniel is in this body! Do you want to find out Choi Daniel and Xander Lee's revenge?

ReiReiReiRei · Urban
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22 Chs

The Death Of Choi Daniel

It is very chilly night in the middle of the bustling city. Even though it is almost midnight you can still see people roaming around the streets.

The people look like ants in the 10th floor of a high-rise hotel. A young man in his early thirties stood in that very hotel.

His dark brown hair softly sway in the wind. His hazel eyes seem to shine in the city lights. The silk pajamas he is wearing kept fluttering in the chilly winds.

A subtle smile formed in his lips while he stare at the bustling city down below.

Ring.. Ring..

The young man's phone rang twice before he took it out from the pockets of his silk pajamas. As soon as he read the ID caller, a more visible smile formed in his lips.

"Hello." The young man spoke as soon as he place his phone on his ear.

"Brother, I need money. I have to go to the mall tomorrow with my friends." A sarcastic tone replied in the other line.

The young man's smile faded and replace with the look of sadness instead.

The young man took a deep breath before hiding the obvious sadness in his expression. He learned how to hide his feelings a few months since he started his career.

Learning to hide his real his feelings came natural to him because of the events that went in his life.

"Not even greeting your elder brother, Diana?" The young man laughed.. But he knows that laugh isn't sincere. The young man doesn't even remember the last time he laughed sincerely. Maybe 3 years ago?

"Tch.. Just send the money to me as soon as possible." With that Diana hang up without waiting for her brother to reply.

The young man stared at his phone screen before taking a deep breath. He turned off his phone before placing it back inside his silk pajama's pocket.

-Choi Daniel of the group 'Heaven' is trending once again for sexual harassment.-

-People are not even surprise anymore.-

- Ever since Choi Daniel debuted with Heaven, he had all kinds of scandals.-

-Choi Daniel is like a devil among his angel group mates.-

The young man ignored the news about the scandal in the TV. He knows all of those bullsh*t are fake.

How? Well that's because he is the pratoganist in those scandals. He is the Choi Daniel.

Daniel push his hair back and stared at the silent night sky. The twinkling stars looks very peaceful in this chaotic world. It is as if the stars are comforting him, Daniel felt more relaxed and calm.

Daniel knew something was amiss when he got in the idol boy group trainees that his entertainment company is handling. He is average in looks, he's average in singing, average in dancing, average in rapping, and he had no special background. Why would they even want to debut him in the new idol group?

Daniel hasn't even been in the company as a trainee for a year. There's nothing special with him. He's just average.

But he soon found out that the company chose him because of he is average. Because once the company gives him fake scandals to give exposure to the group, Daniel couldn't do anything about it because he has no big background.

The entertainment company is very small compared to other large companies so they use this chance to make a name for themselves and sacrifice a unwanted person. That's why they accepted a very average person in their company in the first place.

"I couldn't believe those guys that I thought were my friends are also apart of this crap." Daniel laugh but hot tears stream down his cheeks. He couldn't hide this overwhelming emotion anymore.

Daniel found out that his members are also apart of the act that the company is playing. These so called angels are demons.. No, they are the devil himself! In disguise as angels.

The Heaven members except Daniel are the real masterminds. They wanted fame so bad that they would use and even ruin anyone who can make them achieve that pleasure called fame.

Daniel is planning to terminate his contract with the company but he couldn't, He didn't have enough money to pay for the termination fees.

Daniel shook his thoughts that makes him more stressful as every second past. He wipe the tears that are almost dry due to the cold winds.

A few clumped steps started approaching the open balcony. Soon, four guys stepped in the balcony.

Daniel noticed the existence of the Four guys and turned around.

"What do you want?"

The Four guys laugh and stepped closer to Daniel, who is clutching the railings of the balcony tightly.

"Daniel, why are here? Come inside and have a drink with us! You made us number one in the trending once again!" One of the four guys said, obviously drunk.

Daniel didn't reply but instead sent the four guys a glare before relaxing his shoulders. But his guard isn't down yet.

"Now, now.. why are you glaring at us like that, Daniel? Aren't we brothers now?" Another guy said after he chug down a whole can of beer.

"Brothers? Since when does a brother plan to use its on brother to reap benefits that can harm the latter?" Daniel replied.

The four boys turned serious and look at the Daniel like a predator spotting it's prey.

"So what? Huh?" One of the Four said, "What are you going to do about it? No one would believe you anyways."

"No one would even pity you when you die? Do you think someone will cry if you die? Your sister will not even cry." One of the guys laugh.

Daniel gritted his teeth at the guy's word. He most likely think that his sister would not cry at his death.

"Everyone wants you to die. Why don't you just die? So everyone can be happy!" The guy said before throwing the empty can of beer to Daniel but it missed.

"F*ck off." Daniel glared.

"This f*cking dog dare cuss at me!" The guy clutch his fist. He is the strongest guy in the group and he is also a young master from a wealthy family.

"You're going to really f*cking die tonight. You son of a b*tch!" The guy growled before rushing to Daniel.

Daniel saw the upcoming fist and barely dodge the attack. Daniel kicked the guy's ankle causing the guy to almost lose his balance and fall off the 10th floor hotel!

"F*cking b*tch?!" The other three on the side shouted with wide eyes.

"So, you really want to be push off this hotel, huh?!" The guy who almost fell shouted.

Daniel who is now a few good meters away from the four bit his lips. He couldn't escape them. He can't even jump down to escape because he will surely die from this height.

The four guys went to Daniel while the latter slowly back away till he reach the railings.

"You got no escape motherf*cker." One of guys said while cracking his neck.

One of the guys went to Daniel and place his gloved had on the latter's shoulder. Everything happened before Daniel could process it all. The guy was about to push Daniel off but..

"F*ck it.." Daniel whispered under his breath.


Daniel jump off the 10th floor hotel balcony. He would not want to die in the hands of those four.

He is not strong enough to face the four guys and he will surely die in the end so he'd rather die this way.

Daniel felt the cold wind pass through him. His hair fluttering and his eyes wide open. The stars are the brightest he had seen them to be.

He felt comfortable. Even if this is his death, he is willing to accept it-

But.. He couldn't die just like this! He couldn't let those f*ckers live their best life while he ends his!

He wants revenge!.. But it's too late now. He is going to die.

If God will give him a chance he will change and become the better version of himself. He will take revenge and even continue college! But if only God could give him a chance.

As Daniel wish for his chance to live he didn't get to see a bright shooting star pass by the dark night sky.

Daniel close his eyes knowing after this he will never get to open them again.

'Sister, even though you won't cry from my death. I wish you a good life.'

'I will accompany our parents now. I will greet them for you when I see them.'

