
The Path He Chose Is Revenge: An Idol Once Again

Choi Daniel is average in every aspect. Even though he knows this he still auditioned to be an idol trainee! But wait? He got accepted!? And wait.. He is going to debut in a 5 member group! Daniel was too excited to notice the real reason why the entertainment company used an average man as one of the members of their upcoming group. The idol group members are talented and above average unlike Daniel. After the group debuted using the name 'Heaven'. Scandals to mountains of scandals suddenly popped out of nowhere. All of them are about Choi Daniel. They all weren't even real! What is happening? After Daniel knew the truth it was too late already. He died and couldn't even take revenge on the people who harmed him. They took advantage of Daniel and used him as an exposure for the group. They all thought Daniel couldn't take revenge or do anything now that he is dead. But who would of thought that a famous rookie that appeared is Daniel?! He got reincarnated into a handsome young master of the wealthy Lee family. Xander Lee is talented, handsome and extraordinary in all aspects. Now Choi Daniel is in this body! Do you want to find out Choi Daniel and Xander Lee's revenge?

ReiReiReiRei · Urban
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22 Chs

An Important Test

Swish! Swish!

The broom in Xander's hand moved across his room. All the dust went in the dustpan in Xander's free hand. Xander continued this motion till the floor is free from the dust.

After putting away the broom and dustpan. Xander took a mop and a mop bucket. He poured warm water in the bucket and mixed the water with floor cleaner.

After that, Xander put the mop inside the mop bucket. After a few seconds, Xander took the mop out and squish the water out of it. Then, he started to mop the floor of his bedroom.

Grandmother Lee sat in the couch while watching her grandson clean his own room. She must say that she is impressed.

Not a lot of wealthy rich heirs know how to clean. If they do though, most of them use a vacuum to clean the floor. While this grandson of hers knew how to clean using a broom and a mop.

Xander looked like a person who had been doing this for his whole life! He technically did. When he was Daniel, it is a luxury to have a vacuum.

Even tho, Daniel's family is an average family. They didn't buy a vacuum. They used brooms and mops to clean their house. So, Daniel had been cleaning like this for 14 years of his short life.

Now that he is in Xander's body. He knows how to clean. Daniel even knows how to cook.

Xander wipe his sweaty forehead with a clean towel after he put the mop inside the mop bucket.

"You did very well, Xander!" Grandmother Lee complimented her grandson's cleaning skills as if he just won an award. (The author's mom would do the same if she saw her cleaning.)

"Uhm. There's no need to compliment me for just cleaning, grandma."

After a few minutes if rest. Xander and Grandmother Lee walked out of Xander's room and headed to oke of the kitchens.


Xander place a non-stick frying pan on the stove. He didn't turn on the heat yet. Xander add butter in the frying pan before he turned up the heat to medium.

After the frying pan became hot. Xander poured the pancake batter on the frying pan. About 3 minutes later, bubbles formed on the pancake. Xander flip the pancake to cook the other side.

A beautiful golden brown, round pancake can be seen after Xander flip it.

A few minutes later..

Xander poured mapple syrup on top of the pancakes that is stacked together. He cut himself a piece before putting the pancake in his mouth.

"Do you want to try, grandma?" Xander spoke after he swallowed the pancake he made.

"Sure, sure." Grandmother Lee sliced herself a price. She gave Xander a thumbs up as she chew the pancake.

"What other food do you know how to make other than pancakes?" Grandmother Lee asked after she swallowed the pancake.

Xander took another piece of the pancake before replying, "How about I show you, Grandma. I will cook today's lunch and dinner."


Xander made lunch and dinner. Grandmother Lee is satisfied with this. She actually thinks that's Xander will be fine to live alone. Her grandson knows how to clean, do laundry, and cook.

The last thing to do to complete this test is to pass an examination.

Xander wants to go to a highschool but the last time Xander went to school was when he was on 6th grade. Now that he is 16, he would be on 10th grade.

Grandmother Lee doesn't know if her grandson knows about 10th grade materials. It made her a bit worried.

"Xander, there will be a teacher coming here on Saturday. She will give you a test and if you get a suitable score you may go into highschool." Grandmother Lee wipe her mouth with a napkin before continuing, "If you scored low. You will be homeschool and you will learn 6th grade materials again."

Xander put down his spoon before nodding, "Alright, I understand."

This test in very important. He couldn't leave the Mansion if he didn't get the suitable score to enter 10th grade. Xander will be stuck for a few years learning in the Mansion. This will completely ruin his plan! So he will do his best in this test.


"Goodmorning, madam Lee." A woman in her late 30s greeted grandmother Lee with a smile.

The woman has ginger, short, hair and round clear glasses. She has pale skin and light brown eyes. The woman is about 156 cm and she is a bit of the chubby side. Overall, she is cute and kind looking. She has an approachable aura.

"Goodmorning, Teacher Anne." Grandmother Lee greeted the woman or Teacher Anne.

The Two sat down on the couch. Facing each other. Soon, a maid entered the room with a cup of tea and a glass of orange juice.

The maid place the tea on Grandmother Lee's side while the orange juice is on Teacher Anne's side.

"Who am I going to test, Madam Lee?" Teacher Anne place the folders she was holding on the coffee table.

Grandmother Lee took a sip of the cup of tea before speaking, "Its my grandson."

Teacher Anne's eyes widen for a second before turning back to normal. When did Madam Lee have a grandson?

"Base on your expression. You are quite shock hearing that I have a grandson." Grandmother Lee laughed.

"Well. He was in an accident when he was around 11 years old. He was in a coma because of that accident. 5 years had pass since then." Grandmother Lee took a sip of tea again before continuing her storytelling, "My grandson, Xander. Is a very smart kid. He woke up from coma just 6 months ago."

Teacher Anne listen to Grandmother Lee speaking while drinking her orange juice.

"He is very independent too. He even wants to live in the city by himself. He said that he wants to go to highschool. So that's why I called you here." Grandmother Lee finished her story with a smile.

Teacher Anne place the orange juice back on the coffee table as she spoke, "Xander, is his name right? His 16 years old and very smart. We'll see if he can complete this exam. It will determine if he can go to highschool."

Teacher Anne started to look at the pages inside the folder. It's an exam that every transfer students must do. There's also another folder. It was filled with exams from grade 6 to grade 9. Xander will answer all of these.

"Alright then. Now where's Young Master Xander?" Teacher Anne place the folder back on the coffee table as she look around.

"Xander, just fed his dog breakfast. He should be here in anytime soon."

"Oh, and there he is." Grandmother Lee stared at the young man entering the room with a subtle smile.

Teacher Anne turn to the direction Grandmother Lee is staring, to see a handsome young man with black hair entering the room. She was awestruck. This kid is more handsome than those idols she saw in TV!

"Sorry, I'm a little late. Zeus, didn't want me to leave him alone." Xander scratch his head awkwardly, but he looks very elegant even when he acts awkward!

Grandmother Lee motioned Xander to take a seat beside her which he did.

"Xander, this is teacher Anne. She will give you a few test that you must answer. If you get an average score or above that in all the test you may go to highschool." Grandmother Lee introduced Teacher Anne.

"Goodmorning, Teacher." Xander greeted the woman across him politely.

"What a handsome young man! You are very polite too." Teacher Anne was rather surprised. Most young masters are very rude and disrespectful. Even students around Xander's age being polite is very hard to come by these days.

Xander smiled and thanked Teacher Anne for her compliment. After that, Teacher Anne started to tell Xander about the exams he will be taking. The exams are very easy for Xander.

Xander has taken all of these exams when he was Daniel. Along with his almost perfect memory he knows he will pass this exam.

"Then, should we get started? Are you ready, Xander?"

Xander nodded before Teacher Anne handed him the first test paper. It is a test for 6th graders. It's very easy. He completed the test in less than 30 minutes.

Teacher Anne took the test paper and place it inside an empty folder before handing Xander another test paper. The cycle continues until the last test paper was place inside Teacher Anne's folder.

"I should go first now, madam Lee, Xander." Teacher Anne said while she stood up from her seat.

The test didn't take long because Xander was very fast at answering the tests. Teacher Anne was shock to see how fast Xander answered. He didn't even leave a question unanswered.

"Very well. I will ask a driver to bring you back to your place now, Teacher Anne. Have a safe trip trip back."

"Alright, Madam Lee." Teacher Anne bid goodbye to Xander and Grandmother Lee before leaving the Mansion.


Later that same night

"This kid is a genius.." Teacher Anne held her breath while she stared at the scattered test papers in her desk.

All of those test papers had 2 things in common. The name of the student that answerea all of those papers is 'Xander Lee'. The handwriting is very neat and is as handsome as the writer.

The other common thing the test papers all had is the bold red '100/100' mark on the top right corner of each paper.


Is Xander going to move out the next chapter?

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