
The path from a summoned hero to a god.

Vincent Gold was a normal teenager until him and his classmates were summoned by a god because of a hero summoning ritual given three perks and two classes he must fight and save the world from the demon king… or does he. Watch as Vincent Gold goes from normal student to a supreme god in this story of a man…. Well no spoilers I don’t own mcu, fandom, or any other movie, book,game, show, or anime. and I don’t own the books picture. Don’t ask what the mcu parts for as spoilers

godking_leviathan · Others
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Making my own path

After splitting up we all made our own way. Well to be exact we split into three new groups of the same classes and went to our guilds. Listening to the other mages plans to try level up their class I decided I will spend my time gaining knowledge such as memorizing any and all spells I can and learn about the sub classes and the empires.

When we got to the guild I was rather amazed it reeked of compensating for a tiny penis status, posters, and books of the archmage everywhere it was like he had to say hey I might micro penis the size of a tik tak but at least I got money. All I could do was shrug and keep walking inside. When I entered all I can say was yep definitely compensating it was even worse then the outside I mean he had a nude water fountain with water coming out of his hands.

Sigh this will be painful to live with I can feel it. But besides that it was easy to join as a official mage I just had to sign up and I was accepted while acolytes need to have their potential tested and apprentices need to find a master at the expert rank or higher. So while the others went to to be true pick me's I went to the library which I learned that each race had their own magic sub class specialty while humans just became Jack of all trades master of none. Meaning I can learn the basics with the humans but if I want to perfect the trades I need to go to the empire's. To be specific the elves have mastered Alchemy and is the home of the Oracle temple, demons have mastered spell craft as well as the seers temple, beast men have dedicated themselves to the arts of the spellsword as well as the magic chef, dwarves have mastered mage craft and enchanting, halflings have dedicated themselves to the art of the siren and being arcane scribes, and orcs have mastered runecraft and being arcanists. And sadly you can only learn the arts of the Oracle or seer from their temples meaning there has never been a human Oracle or seer.

After figuring out what I needed to do I decided my course of action and that was to work on mage craft and enchanting to boost my power as I will not use arcanum on myself till I perfect it as it's permanent. No need to put inferior brandings on myself after all. Taking books on mage craft it was easy to learn at least in theory the problem was the practical part as it was basically using magic to make a portable forge, yet it was rather fun as everything from the smelting to the crafting was done in a orb made of galaxy colored mana all you had to do was focus, provide mana, and use your imagination. Crafting without any of the work it's beautiful. And best of all magic gets imbued into the metal during the forging process so it become a magic metal.

With this I learned the difference between enchanted items and magic items. While enchanted items are like add ons or dlc magic items are like the game itself if the game or item is shit aka non magical the dlc or enchantment won't stop it from being shit it only becomes less shitty. While a great game aka a magical item added with enchantments make a masterpiece. This explains why dwarves didn't focus on anything but those two as they go hand in hand …. Fascinating.

So started my time of studying and understanding the building blocks of crafting and enchanting. In the end I made myself some great items while making myself rich as I don't think people really realized or was to lazy to care about the bond between magic items and enchanting. So my items was always superior I mean would you rather have a iron armor made or regular iron with a hardened defense or a armor made of magic iron with hardened defense, light weight, and mending. That's right regular materials can only hold one enchantment while magic materials are naturally stronger and can handle at least 3 enchantments and that's while not mastering either trades, who knows what crazy items the dwarves have made. I have entire robes with the physical damage resistance, magic damage resistance, and mending making me not immune to damage but damn near to be fatally wounded. I also decked myself out with 10 enchanted magical rings that boost my healing,magic, and stamina regeneration making me near immortal if you don't one shot me my necklace boosts magic damage and I got a bag that can basically hold your entire house and then some. Like I said decked out to the 9's.

And when people ask why I focus on crafting all I say is "do you have time to talk about our lord and savior god grid?" As overheated is properly geared. I mean who doesn't need a bracelet that gives you poison and disease resistance. But sadly after half a year I hit a block in my crafting called lack of enchantment knowledge. So I will have to wait till I go to the dwarves empire to learn more for now becoming a arcanist would make me more money and ask any scrounge mcduck money is power.