
The path from a summoned hero to a god.

Vincent Gold was a normal teenager until him and his classmates were summoned by a god because of a hero summoning ritual given three perks and two classes he must fight and save the world from the demon king… or does he. Watch as Vincent Gold goes from normal student to a supreme god in this story of a man…. Well no spoilers I don’t own mcu, fandom, or any other movie, book,game, show, or anime. and I don’t own the books picture. Don’t ask what the mcu parts for as spoilers

godking_leviathan · Others
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GTA that wagon

[4 days later]

pov Vincent

Do you know what the bad news of running away without any horses….. simple knights have them… ya so we been struggling to get out of the forest and what do we find for our struggle…. Knights of the asshole committee kingdom doing "routine" checks with wanted posters of us everywhere….. what type of kingdom allows another kingdom to let their knights do this is this kingdoms king a idiot or just gullible. Long story short we are hiding in the forest training while hoping these knights leave. If worst comes to worse I can try to use minor transmutation magic once I become a rank 3 mage to alter things like hair.

[pov knight captain 4 days earlier]

After guards witnessed a giant explosion in the forest the king had me take a few knights and go check on those hero's after all they are to valuable to just let die at least not yet. But when I got there, there was only half of them left. I wanted to question them but formalities state I must take them back to get their health checked then we can have the mages take a crack at their brains to find out what happened.

[2 days later]

Turns out the medical ward forced them to stay in the ward for two days out of routine examinations. Though we got to be careful after losing half the hero's all we have are these ones and that older one that the king plans to have killed. So we need to make sure their health is perfect.

[1day later]

Finally they got released from the ward with only slight fatigue and we quickly took them in for interrogation. What we found was that the other half didn't die but escaped out of not trusting us. This one named Vincent was the mastermind he's smart but I thought he was useless before when we was training him. He was always behind others and was always slacking… was that a ploy to make us lower our guards and not notice him… this one will be tricky.

Anyways it will take a day to get to other kingdoms under our treaty and do a search. We will have to lie and say there was an attempt on the kings life as we don't want the other kingdoms knowing about the hero's.

[1day later]

We have posted ourselves at every kingdoms capital as that was their plan. Escape and hide in another capital as we couldn't be able to enter without starting a war. Smart but as they didn't have horses they wouldn't be able to succeed. At least as they are all rank 1 we won't have to worry about any real issues.

[pov Vincent time skip 6 months]

We been staying in the forest for a while hunting animals for food as we trained. They are all almost rank 2 while I just finished becoming a rank 3 mage which helped a lot with the fact my memory was perfect I memorized all level 0-4 spells I just can't use them until I reach the rank requirement. A little level 2 transmutation to change our hairs and a level 2 illusion spell to change my face we was ready to start our plan to sneak into the capital of the kingdom. To do that we started my plan called medieval GTA or GTA that wagon. We waited in bushes like bandits with a minor invisibility spell on Everyone while using berries to mask our smell.

As a wagon got close the mages used level 0 create hole and we made them get stuck. After that we had Warriors become a distraction for the guards which would be messy as almost all the guards was at least rank 3 at least…. I mean rank 3 is the rank where your considered finally out of training so it's like level 1's trying to stall a group of level 10's it's a suicide mission but with our clerics sneakily using healing magic on them constantly they can at least stall for a few seconds which is all we need as I will take out the guards while the rogues take out the merchants.

And with quick action this worked we had the warriors tank attacks with shields with healing mages was pushing healing spells while the rogues and I did a pronged attack with them assassinating the merchants as I used magic missile boosted as a rank 2 spell to rip them apart as they didn't expect a attack from behind at their level. And magic missiles are a lock on spell that doesn't miss.with them dead we looted everyone and used magic to make me look like a merchant and the warriors look like guards. After we got that ready we started using rogues with stealth perks follow stealthily and have mages look like other merchants. As there was only a few of us it wasn't really hard.

As I climbed up on the front of the wagon I tried to figure out how it works and in the end hoped it was like those old western movies back from my old world. It wasn't smooth but it worked. Luckily with my perks I learned quickly.

A hour later we was at the search point…. Again do these people have nothing better to do I mean 6 months man… you looked for us for 6 months normal people would of given up and kept the wanted posters out. Sadly they was looking for rank 2's now but good news was I'm a rank 3 I could easily ploy as the merchant and we used their stylus's as our id's so it worked well luckily it will take 24 hours before the stylus becomes inactive because of the death of its owner but we only need it for a few few hours.

With the knights being lazy we was able to get through without much difficulty and when we made it into the capital we quickly sold the wagon and it's goods for gold and then bought better outfits to blend in. Then ditched the illegal stylus of our dead victims and made our way to the seediest inn so we can stay low.

All in all a plan well done.