
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

28.searching for herbs

As the sun rose, the disciples stirred from their slumber at the urging of Steward Qiang and Elder Second. They proceeded to freshen up, with some assigned the task of feeding grass to the horses.

Lin Tian, too, rose early, deciding to offer some grass to the rhino. However, the creature showed its discerning taste, reminding Lin Tian of its wild intelligence.

"After all, he's a wild beast with intelligence. I can't treat him like other animals," Lin Tian mused. He realized he needed to prepare some herbs specifically for the rhino. Although their carriages contained herbs, they were intended for human use, not for beasts like the rhino. Lin Tian knew he would have to discuss this with Steward Qiang.

After attending to his morning ablutions in the inn's facilities, Lin Tian made his way to the bathing area. Two buckets of water had been prepared in advance—one with warm water and the other with fresh. Once his bath was complete, Lin Tian returned to his room to dress.

Just as he expected, a knock sounded at the door. He presumed it was Steward Qiang.who else would seek him out at this hour? It couldn't be the inn staff, as it was not yet breakfast time.

Upon seeing the person .lin tian realized it was Lin Suya the daughter of Elder Second. She had an air of politeness and goodwill.

With a beamed smile she said .

"Young master you have woken up .Did you slept well "

"Do you want to eat anything.we have to go to dining area for that "

"Would you be willing to go with me "

"Uhh....what are you doing here elder sister ."

"I am here to invite young master for the breakfast and....and also I wanted to apologize for my rude behaviour yesterday "said lin suya in inaudible voice .

"I shouldn't have questioned for young master 's qualification in front of so many disciples.that was rude of me "

"There is no need to feel guilty.afterall what you said and ask was truth and logical .what you did was right thing elder sister "

"But I am sorry I must decline accompanying you .I have some important matters to discuss with elder qiang .please understand elder sister "

"Ofcourse I forgot young master as a leader must have important things to do "

"I disturbed you please forgive me " lin suya

Said and left

Lin tian closed the door .

"Strange "


"Young master have you woken up "a knock came with sound .it was steward qiang this time .

"Young master . lin suya came to me and informed you had some important matters to discuss with me "

"Grandpa qiang you didn't have to come so early .did I disturb you "

"Certainly not young master .I am always available for your any instruction "steward qiang bowed .

"Grandpa qiang I wanted to buy some herbs for rhino to eat .And also I wanted to know what to do during journey.how and what I have to do .I am completely clueless ."

"I want this journey to be better and fruitful .grandpa qiang please guide me ."

With a thump a sachet bag was placed in front of lin tian .

Young master this storage bag containes gold notes worth 2000 gold coins.patriarch has assigned this money to you .To buy traveling necessities.you can use it however you want .

As for the trip .

according to general plan .This is the last time we will stay in city during this trip .Everyday we will have to cover atleast 300miles .Only than we will reach our destined location after 4 days .also patriarch has instructed to avoid dangerous paths .The least dangerous path is highlighted in this map .it avoids all the dangerous routes and areas And also cities .

After the rise of morning sun .we will freshen up and do our daily activities.after everyone has eaten breakfast we will continue our journey and will only take rest for about an hour during noon time .

During rest time we will send a group of some disciples to hunt for prey in the forest .it will be better if they hunt food for everyone.it will be counted as training .And will also save food consumption.we can save the food in our carriage as emergency rations .

During the night time we will avoid going near to the forest as much as possible .we will have to build camp at suitable locations.

During the daytime .the most we will have to be worried about is bandits and other unknown groups .

"There are other things for consideration too .but don't worry young master . patriarch has given me lot of information.

You will just have to gain experience this time for future need .Young master just observe and remember this invaluable experience.it will be helpful to you "steward qiang concluded and encouraged .

After steward qiang left .he observed the coarse map .The path highlighted on the map was going side by side with silver tail forest .

In fact he hadn't expected the forest to be so big .Their journey was roughly estimated to be 1000 miles .if there was straight path they will only have to travel for 300miles .it will only take 2 days to reach at most to their location.

If they were strong and could pass through dangerous zones .Than the distance will only be 500miles .But clearly they had avoid these dangerous zones and mountains .

Lin tian did a quick calculation.

Travelling 300 miles a day .it didn't seem to be possible.During the night time they couldn't travel and had to make a camp to rest .

Only if didn't rest during day and night and continued their journey would they reach their destination on 5th day .

"It's not possible why did grandpa qiang say that we have to travel 300miles everyday ."lin tian ponder .

As he continued to think .steward qiang brought his breakfast to his room.

"Grandpa qiang I wanted to ask..."

"Young master eat this breakfast first .after you are done eating we will go take a look In the market "steward qiang stopped lin tian mid way

Lin tian hastily ate .and ventured together with steward qiang .


In the market This was not the first time .he had come to city . previously he had visited this city 2 times.

And every time he was awestruck by the size of market and crowd shopping and walking .The lineup of vendors and stalls was more than 100.The crowd in the market easily surpassed the population of their silver tail city .

As he looked at the various attractions of the vendors .he had impulse to buy new things .

To try new things .To taste the various cuisines.He controlled his impulse and passed the street without buying anything .

Following behind lin tian steward qiang nodded .

They entered the biggest herb shop in the market .upon entering

"Greetings customers"

"Customers what would you like to buy .we have everything from tier 1 herbs to tier 5 herbs . guaranteed of best quality and cheap ."

The staff greeted them politely .They looked at steward qiang for a response.

"Attend my young master's needs "Steward qiang said .

Only than they looked at the young man .so the old man was servant of the young man.

"Young man may I know what can I help you with .What type of herbs you are looking for. Is there a specific herb you want "

"Ahh do you have beast feed here "lin tian asked

The attending staff was dumbstruck .

"Huh .young man are you joking .if you are looking for animals feed you should visit a farmer .And not come here ."

Seeing as the man was not here to buy herbs their attitude faltered a little .

"I am sorry for not being clear .By beast feed I meant are there herbs that beast like to eat especially a tier 3 beast ."lin Tian

Understanding dawned on the staff with a laughing voice he said

"Young man is joking we are here to provide service to the humans and not beasts.we have no idea what a beast likes to eat ."

"However We do have big range of varieties.you can take a look.But don't touch "the staff pointed to neatly placed herbs on the shelf .

"Than I will take a look and decide ." You can do your work . please don't mind us"

"Grandpa qiang what do you think we should buy " lin tian

"Young master that's your decision to make .I have no knowledge of herbs. I can't help you "steward qiang

Lin tian didn't believe that grandpa qiang who handles so many things in lin clan . wouldn't know about some low level herbs .But he understood grandpa qiang won't help him.

So he had started to look by himself

In the back room of the shops .a man in his 30s was leisurely reclining on his chair drinking tea .

"What are those hilly Billy doing here ."

"Shush owner they are customers we shouldn't say offensive things ."

"And to come here asking for animal feed isn't offending us "

"Still we can't say anything . atleast wait for them to buy something and get out "

"Are they even going to buy anything. They are just here to take a look it seems "

"They are probably not going to buy anything.They don't know what they want .they probably wants to gain some knowledge and widen their horizons"

"Do you think they have money "

"They definitely have that old man seems to be well cultered and with the pose he carries himself .he is probably carrying money .And that person is also emanating cultivation aura .he is somewhat accomplished in the way of cultivation."

"On the other hand that young man .his demeanor is that of commoner .but that old man said he is young master .so it's probably his first time out visiting ."

"So they both are ignorant.isnt that a good thing "as the figure said he stood up.

"What are you thinking my lord. "

"Aren't they the sheeps coming to be fleeced .it would be pity if I don't fleece them and earn extra benefits "

"We shouldn't.the owner had ordered us not to cheat money out of outsiders "

"How about this.I will share 30% with you.

"That young man is probably the result of the recent disaster .we shouldn't have to worry too much "

Many families had been destroyed near the forbidden forest .Many people died in the villages .some lost their family members.some became orphans .

That young man has also lost someone and became the heir at young age .a young without experience of the world and a servant with no knowledge in herbs .

"If I didn't sell them herbs .I would feel pity ." The man smiled

"Young master you seem troubled .my name is Dou shu .may I help you and suggest some herbs "