
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

27.journey begins

When lin tian was going to his room .He saw fairy Huang waiting for him .He cupped his hands bowed a little .

"I have heard about the exploration site .In the past it was considered very dangerous.but now the danger has disappeared. its now treated as training grounds for local forces .but it is still dangerous for your small clan ."

"I have prepared some things you can take them .it will be helpful."

Fairy Huang handed him a stack of low level talismans .this were useless to her .but for lin clan they might prove useful.fairy Huang explained the use of each talisman .

Lin tian was reluctant to accept the talismans.

He was already in life saving debt .he didn't knew how to repay her .

"Hmm .you can just be my servant.and treat me as mistress .listen to me and do what I want and you can repay the debt that way "fairy Huang joked

"That's not possible fairy huang.however in the future I will definitely repay you "lin tian said with strong determination

Fairy Huang just looked at the person before her .lin tian felt uncomfortable under her gaze.after a while she said .

"To repay me .you will have to be person equivalent to me .I am considered as very talented person in my sect .and you are not even qi realm yet ."

" That I will definitely.truly repay your debt "lin tian

Although it's rare .There are cases where people awakened their physique in last teen years .there were also cases in legends where people were able to suddenly cultivate despite not able to sense and control qi ..So don't worry I have observed your luck is extraordinary.There will definitely be a turn in your fate .But I hope it happens sooner otherwise when you are already adult..

.the chances of it happening will decrease.by the time you will reach my level .I would already be a big figure respected by all .At that time clans bigger than yours lin clan will send their heir apparent to be my servants . You will regret it later ."Fairy Huang said at first she wanted to comfort him but remembering he rejected her good intentions she felt furious .

"Fairy Huang why do you want me to be your servant ?" Lin tian asked

Fairy Huang was stunned at first 'that's right why I want him as servant .he can't cultivate.his look is also just average .His knowledge is also limited to this small corner of Nanlong continent.Even his status was'nt enough to be her servant 'as fairy Huang was contemplating thoughts.Hearing no answer from the fairy Huang lin tian said

"I understand .fairy Huang you don't have to feel pity for me .I also don't need sympathy.In fact fairy Huang compared to many others .I am considered blessed . Please don't see me as icon for sympathy ."lin tian

'ahhh so that was it she was feeling sympathy for this person 'feeling the melancholy emotions in lin tian's eyes

Fairy Huang hesitated for saying her next words .

"I am leaving now .I overstayed here .But now it's time for me return "

"Is it because I didn't agree to be your servant"Lin tian

"Ask me next time we meet "fairy huang said

'if you had agreed .I would look down on you' thought in her heart .


Sun was high in the sky .

25 disciples were standing outside the lin clan.

7female disciples and 18male disciples and elders accompanying them 2 elders.Lin ke and steward qiang.

It was later decided that 2 elders wil go together with the group and safeguard them on their way. and send them to the nearest base to their location . However they won't be too involved with the group .only when a situation arises during their journey which they couldn't handle .They will interfere.

When lin tian came out together with rhino .The accompanying disciples eyes were burning with jealousy. It was all because he was born as young master .while they had to strive for everything he could get it for free . Now he was even owner of tier 3 beast .it didn't take them long to decide the so called beast taming must be a joke .this beast was problaly a gift from the patriarch.They wouldn't have decided to go with this young master as leader if they hadn't gotten benefits .

Qi gathering pills :- source of qi .after eating qi within body increases

Bone strengthening pills :- strengthens bones

Body tempering pills :- strengthens body

Qi stabilizing pills :- stablizies qi within body

Blood refining pills :- quality of blood is increased

Mind calming pills :- helpful for qi mediation

Blood replenishment pills :- restores lost blood

Stamina replishment pills :- restores stamina

Minor healing pills :- heals small injuries

Qi nourshing pills:- replenished qi within body

They were given 10 of each these pills .only than they compromised and came .As for accepting young master as leader they will just pretend in front of elders .

Even their weapons were new and sharp .They looked at pills and weapons and felt gleeful .others disciples in residence must be having bad stomach for not agreeing and coming .They thought .

Lin tian entered his carriage .each carriage could carry 08 disciples. however it seemed other disciples will not be sharing the carriages with him .He felt sad and lonely .

Rhino was beside his carriage .on the orders of steward qiang Servants from lin family had tried to bind saddle on rhino to use him as mount .But rhino got agitated and hit them .

Afterwards lin tian came and refused.he rejected the idea of treating rhino as mount .

It took lot of time for lin tian to make him understand rhino to follow him .

"Well it's better I can rest and sleep all by myself in this carriage "


Two big carriages will carry their night camps necessities.One big carriages will carry their food supplies .Rest carriages were divided among disciples .

One whole carriage belonged to female disciples .The other 2 carriages carried male disciples.And one carriage belonged to lin tian.Another carriage was empty following behind .They would buy some supplies at big city and fill it .Horses were used to pull the carriages .On every carriage A disciple acted as coachman to drive the carriages .as for

Lin tian's carriage .steward qiang took the task of driving it .As the steward pulled the reins The carriage moved forward .

"Let the journey begins " with a shout

Every carriage moved.

It took them nearly 3 hours to reach the sword edge city .As the evening was about to fell .

They entered the sword edge city .Today they all will be staying in a inn.Steward qiang booked 6 rooms in 3rd largest inn in the city called Nightmoon.The carriages were parked safely in inn's premises together with rhino .

However inn owners were skeptical to whether let a beast stay in their inn.steward qiang paid extra and the matter was settled .Elders were given a room near to the ranch .In case something happened.elders will handle it quickly.Only than owners felt assured .

As the night fell .one group of 8 disciples went outside to enjoy the night life of a big city .

Some disciples stayed up late into night talking and sharing their experiences.

Some disciples took the qi pills and started meditating.

As for lin tian he stayed awake looking at the room meant to shared by 4or6 persons empty.

Thinking,feeling sad and lonely . wondering why no one had come to talk to him or stay in his room .He clearly hasn't done anything.but every disciple hated him .Saying bad things and making joke of him .He hasn't even ordered them anything to do yet .

Only when it was deep night .did he close his room's door .and forced himself to fall asleep.

In the female disciples room .2 female disciples were sleeping and other 2 were meditating.when a knock sounded on their door .Lin suya and lin meru eyed each other waking from meditation state .both of them opened door and came out of their room.

Seeing the person standing before them they bowed 90 degree .

"Greetings elder qiang "they bowed

"Both of you have done well . convincing others "

"This is the reward for your efforts promised by patriarch ."extra 10 pills of each kind given to other disciples ."

"In this journey keep an eye on young master .

Help him whenever needed .and also if young master is in dangerous situation.I hope you will risk your life to save him .Naturally corresponding rewards will be given for your efforts.when we will return to lin clan.

"Thank you elder we will definitely take care of young master .we won't let any harm happen to him "lin suya and lin meru replied

"Good "steward qiang nodded and left .

After some time another light knock sounded on their door .seeing the person .lin suya went out to talk to him .

After some time lin suya went inside her room clearly angry and covered herself in blanket .

Soon night passed .