

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

The mighty song lin

"Hey is the captain inside ?" shiyu asked the guards who are standing infront of the captain's office. "yes sergeant lin" replied the 1st guard

lin shiyu knocked the door twice. No answer. she thought for a moment before entering the office without any hesitation. The 2nd guard at the door is shell shocked at the scene. "Don't worry ,its miss lin. Captain won't get angry at her."assured the 1st guard

Inside the office the first thing that greeted her sight is a slender women trying to comb her waterfall like shoulder length hair in to a bun, while talking to someone on the phone. Her face even with a frown is strikingly beautiful, her expression cold and aloof. When she heard the sound of door opening she turned towards the door with an expression that could send a chill down one's spine, but immediately softened when she saw lin shiyu at the door. She pointed her finger towards the sofa in the office and brought finger to her lips telling shiyu to keep quiet. Lin shiyu rolled her eyes at her and sat down on the sofa. After what seemed like an eternity she put her phone down and walked towards the sofa.

"Who made the mighty song lin to focus on the phone for literally an hour?"lin shiyu teased her with an ease of someone talking to their bestfriend.

"colonel zhou"song lin answered seriously. At that shiyu sat up straight.

"Why in the world is that trouble maker calling you so late?"she asked her face full of irritation.

"He said 2 officers are coming over for inspection on the day of events and that we are to go and personally pick them up" song lin replied while leaning back on the sofa her expression annoyed.

"Just what rank are the officers for us to go and pick them personally? "shiyu asked with confusion

"A Major and his second in command "replied song lin her face unusually serious. shiyu fell in thought. "If a major is coming over for an inspection"....pondered shiyu..

"'Then it won't be for anything good"' they both spoke at the same time.

The next morning all the 50 soldiers are gathered in the ground. Shortly after a second song lin entered the ground in her military trousers and a black T top on the top, her hair tied in to bun as always. Song lin is like a burning star which never goes unnoticed while lin shiyu has a sweet and simple demeanor. you never know she is there but she will always be. A comfortable presence.

Both made their way towards the soldiers, lin shiyu joined the others while song lin stood infront of them. "Attention" her cold voice rang out through the grounds. Her expression akin to the king of hell. "Is everyone here? "asked song lin. "Yes captain song" all the soldiers shouted back in their best drill voice.

"Right. Tomorrow shi jin will be in charge of the events." she announced. Everyone looked at each other in confusion except the one named shi jin as he was informed before hand. "we have an order to receive a major and his second in command who are coming over to inspect our troops.."

"But how come a major.." the girl who is new spoke out of curiosity.

"Do not interrupt while I talk. It is an order from colonel Zhou and orders are to be obeyed not questioned! you get it ?"song lin's ice cold voice rang out. The girl is so frightened that she almost cried.

"Yes captain song. I'm sorry." the girl bowed and replied. Then song lin faced them and said in a bone chilling voice

"Along with sergeant lin ,I will be going to receive them.while I'm gone shi jin will be in charge and you are to obey his orders. So, as of tonight I want to see each and every inch of the military grounds neat and clean. Tomorrow if anything gets out of order or if I hear that there are any complaints, get ready to pack your things"

the air around everyone is filled with her

Threatening vibe.

"yes captain song!"everyone gave their response. She just nodded slightly and turned on her heel and stalked away not caring how dangerous her vibe was just now. Lin shiyu followed her closely behind.

"Can't you keep your voice a little soft? look how terrified they are.."shiyu voiced out as they made their way in to song lin's office.

"when they can't even take a little threat, what good would they do for military "song lin replied nonchalantly. shiyu just shook her head helplessly and opened the door to the office.

As tomorrow's events involve competitions between song lin's troops and many other military troops, there are literally hundreds of lists that are to be checked along with list of guests who are going to come tomorrow. As song lin don't trust anyone shiyu and song lin became busy with lists for the whole day. At 11 PM or so when shiyu just returned to song lin's office she found song lin opening a file. she quickly walked towards her and snatched the file away from her. song lin looked up at her and said quietly "Give it back"

"Its already 11 you haven't had anything since breakfast" said shiyu her face full of concern.

"I have to make the rounds also, I'll have dinner later let me check the file first " song lin said as she tried to grab the file impatiently.

"I already made the rounds. everything's in order and you already checked this file 2 times"

"I just want to check it one last time give it back lin shiyu" said song lin losing her patience.

"oh common song lin they are just events that happen every year what are you so worried about?!"shiyu said her tone more than a little loud. song lin went silent for a second then she said quietly

"I just dont want to give any excuses for anyone to look down on me."

At that shiyu's expression softened and she quietly held song lin's hand and said "Its alright. you are doing good now.You dont have to worry about anyone." song lin just looked at the window her eyes seemed distant like she was staring at a memory.

"I'm hungry too common let's go eat something " shiyu urged her again. song lin came back from her trance and finally agreed.