

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

The lazy fairy prince...

The next morning, sharp at 8 lin shiyu and song lin checked everything one last time and finally set out to receive the officers.

In the car, lin shiyu is driving and song lin sat at the front looking out of the window her expression still cold and aloof as usual and there was also a hint of annoyance in it. Noticing that lin shiyu looked straight towards the road and teased "who offended you now?you look so sullen..can't you enjoy our trip as we don't often get to go out?" song lin averted her gaze from the window and looked quietly at the woman beside her. Noticing her stare on her shiyu looked up at her and found song lin staring at her deep in thought. She raised her brows.

"what are you looking at?"

"Lin shiyu"

"what? what's wrong?" as she heard her name being called out seriously she furrowed her brows, confused.

"shiyu..my expression now is just a little more cold than usual how come you can tell that it was unusual while no else can?"

At that shiyu went silent for a moment, then chuckled silently. "Aren't I great? I know that I am outstanding at observing people, but you really don't need to appreciate me for it you know..!" song lin rolled her eyes. seeing that there is no response she turned to looked at her and found the girl quietly looking out of the window. Her eyes seemed distant with no love for anything. Anyone else would probably think song lin's appearance is just cold but lin shiyu stayed by her for a long time. She obviously could tell that the girl beside her is sad. If anyone knows song lin the best in the military grounds then it would be Lin shiyu. looking at the dejected girl beside her she wanted to comfort her, to tell her it was alright and that no matter what she is suffering from one day everything would get better. But shiyu knows that song lin doesn't like to talk emotionally that is why whenever she found her like this dejected and detached from the world she always made her laugh. Song lin also know about this and she is quite grateful for shiyu, probably shiyu is the only one that could make her laugh. As she was deep in thought she suddenly felt commotion on the road infront. Song lin who was busy messaging the colonel about the major's whereabouts also heard the commotion at the front and looked up from her phone. lin shiyu gradually brought the car to a halt.

Infront of their car at a little distance away, infront of a general store a group of boys gathered around a...frail looking girl. she was a beautiful little girl who might be barely 16 or 17 years. The girl's face is stained with tears and her shoulders are trembling as she is crying hard, looking very frightened. when song lin saw this scene infront of her she quickly turned towards lin shiyu as expected her face looked like she was about to explode with anger. Her eyes are covered with a layer of frost. As song lin was about to talk to her she caught a flicker of moment from the corner of her eye. she saw a young man dressed in peach coloured suit walking out of the store in a lazy way, With a lock of his hair falling on his face that looked no less pretty than a prince from fairytale he made made his way towards the crying girl and put his arm around her shoulder. song lin's brows raised at that. But she felt a sudden drop in temperature so she subconsciously looked at the woman beside her. lin shiyu's expression darkened at the scene before her. shiyu just wanted to break that arm that was resting on that little girls shoulder. song lin knew that shiyu hated it when girls are being abused but before she could speak shiyu already got down from the car and strode towards the scene. song lin thought of following her but her phone suddenly rang, her caller ID displayed COLONEL ZHOU..

As lin shiyu got closer to them she was able to hear their conversation..

"who the hell are you ? get your hand off my woman!!!" yelled one of the boys standing infront of the girl, looking at the man who just appeared out of nowhere. Watching this lin shiyu paused walking. Is he not one of them ? then what is he doing there?

"Your woman ? little girl are you his woman?asked the prince lazily. The girl immediately shook her head and the prince turned to the boy with a look of "see she is not your woman"

The boy obviously annoyed at the girl's reply immediately shouted at the prince

"whether she says yes or no, it doesn't matter. I will still think that she belongs to me."

"oh..."said the prince while nodding his head like he is trying to understand what the boy said.."so?" asked the prince again blinking his eyes innocently. The boy is so frustrated that he wanted to break his neck

"so get your stupid face out of my sight" said the boy through gritted teeth.

"No..the little girl is crying"said the prince.

"So what? what is your relationship with her?"

"Nothing..."said the prince without any hesitation.

"Then what the hell is your problem man!!!"the boy is obviously loosing his patience. But the prince just yawned and said lazily

"I am bored....so thought of being a busybody to pass the time".


"Is he kidding.."

the boy and his friends finally lost their patience and decided to fight with prince

"If I were you I would not be so dumb boys.."said the prince with a sweet smile

As lin shiyu is away from them she couldn't see what the young man is showing the boys exactly he merely took something out of his pocket and showed them and the boys ran away like they saw a ghost. shiyu didn't understand what happened. she then saw the handsome man remove his shoulder from the girl and he gave her a dazzling smile and rubbed away the tears on the girls face

"Care to share your name with me miss beauty? " asked the man

Seeing that after his act of saving the damsel in distress, he started flirting with the girl shiyu quickly went and stood in the middle of them blocking him from the girl.

"Are you done?" shiyu said coldly. when he saw her appear out of nowhere he was slightly taken aback. The woman stood infront of him has sweet and gentle features. She looked quite pleasing to the eye. "I'm done. I'm done. who are you by the way ? did you become a fan of mine after watching this scene?" asked the prince coming closer to her. he was uncomfortably close so as lin shiyu considered whether to kick this guy or just beat him on the head there was suddenly a cold voice that sounded chilling.

"Are you done messing around?"