

Anna2810 · Fantasy
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86 Chs

He's dangerous

Zayne hated crowds and yet here he was sitting in a bar wondering when the hell Andrew is going to show up. Andrew is an ex reporter who is hell bent on cleansing the world, which according to him is taking down rich corrupted members of the high society. Since zayne's father is ranked number one in Andrew's hit list, he naturally became zayne's friend. Zayne warned him that his father isn't that easy to take down and that if it were that easy he would've done so long ago but Andrew didn't heed his advice and hence lost his job as the reporter. Andrew valued his job very much, so zayne wondered if he would be alright after losing his job but Andrew told him 'Its only my job I lost not my brain nor my cause. There are so many platforms where we can expose people like your father to the world, media is just one of them' Zayne admired the man's courage. But the one thing zayne hated about Andrew is his parties. Donno where to find Andrew? search the bars or clubs where parties are going on, you'll find him there.

Zayne shook his head and sighed just as the door to his cabin opened. He looked up to see a familiar blonde waving at him, a wine glass in the other hand. Right. where there is no wine there's no Andrew. He sat opposite zayne and yawned. Noticing zayne's glare, he winked and said

"You must've waited long" when zayne still made no move to speak, Andrew sighed.

"Alright. I'm sorry I'm late" zayne leaned back thinking if it would be alright for him to just gut him inside out.

"Did you look in to him?" zayne asked, setting aside his murderous intent for now. Andrew's face turned serious. Now that made zayne sit up straight. Because it's not everyday that you find this stupid blonde being serious.

"Why do you want to know about Justin?" Andrew shook his head "He's bad news" zayne just arched a brow. Now this is getting interesting. First the commander called him and gave his warning 'Be careful how you deal with Justin, he's dangerous' Now, Andrew telling him the same thing. Just who the hell is this Justin? As much as he hated to admit it, this justin made him nervous but also hopeful. If this Justin is really that dangerous and if zayne could get him on their side, their mission would be so much easy. But considering he's the CEO of triumvirate, zayne wasn't so sure if he's not involved in all this and if he is indeed the villain of the story, zayne didn't want to think what that meant, how little chance they would be having at completing this mission.

"Ji zue?" Andrew's voice broke his chain of thoughts.

"So, what do you know about him?" zayne asked. Andrew frowned.

"Aren't you listening ? Stay away from him ji zue" zayne just smirked. Andrew wished he could wipe that smirk off his fucking face. But he knew none of his warnings will stop zayne from doing what he wants. The bastard is stubborn. So he sighed and asked

"I suppose you're not going to tell me anything about your mission?" zayne grinned. Yeah. A real bastard.

"Fine" andrew pinched his brows "I'll tell my contacts there to gather anything they can find out about him." zayne tilted his head.

"Aren't you going to tell me why you think he's so dangerous ?" andrew emptied his glass and placed it on the table with a thud.

"I tried investigating him once" he admitted. zayne blinked, surprise evident on his face. Andrew's eyes grew distant,

"It"...Andrew struggled for words "was a horrible experience really" zayne frowned. He'd never seen this man at a loss for words.

"Trust me when I say he's not the one to mess with ji zue" andrew warned. Zayne sighed.

"How exactly do you want me to trust you when you aren't saying anything?" a troubled expression crossed Andrew's face.

"A day" he whispered " I was caught within a day and" he pursued his lips again at a loss for words. "One min I was sure I was going to find out something interesting about him and the next thing I know, his men were everywhere around me." zayne considered this. As far as he know Andrew is good at what he does. Its unusual for him to get caught but not impossible. Maybe he was clumsy that day.

"How did you escape then?" he demanded. A muscle ticked in Andrew's face.

"I didn't" he said through clenched teeth.

"But you're still alive. don't tell me he let you live, that doesn't fit in to his character at all." A bitter smile crossed his face.

"I value my work above my life Ji zue" he whispered, looking at zayne's confused look he explained

"I don't know when he had the time to do a background check on me or how he managed to know me well enough to think I value my work above everything else but he did." andrew clenched his jaw "They burned everything, every single evidence, documents, pictures...everything. None of that has any information on him, but still he burned them just to show me what its like to loose everything you worked for infront of your eyes." zayne went silent. Andrew stood up with a defeated look on his face

"I know nothing I say will make you back out on this but just know that he's dangerous. If he get his hands on you, its not your life thats on the line but someone else's who is close to you or something that matters to you" and then he walked out of the cabin and in to the chaos outside.

zayne felt a headache coming on. This is really not going to be easy. He leaned back and was about to close his eyes when he saw a familiar face behind the dance floor.

Song lin?

why would she be here? Didn't they say they would try getting inside the company?

Zayne stood up and walked outside, not sure if the person he saw was song lin or not.