
The Passerby Is Too Beautiful [QT]

Xia Chanyie is a system that is responsible for supervising the world. He plays countless passerby and only by the end of the storyline he could get out in that world. However, those protagonists, villains and even the supporting actor started to covet his beauty. Xia Chanyie: "I am really just a passerby." Cold, apathetic, beauty shou x obsessive, black-bellied, blackened gong. *The cover is not mine, credits to the owner* Addtional Tags: Apocalypse/Artificial Intelligence/Aliens/Apathetic Protagonist/Cold Protagonist/Charming Protagonist/Magic/Protagonist Strong From The Start/Male Yandere/Obsessive Love/Multiple Reincarnated Individuals/Gore/Depiction Of Cruelty.

SquishyRoses · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

With the stubbornness of Shen Jiangwen, Xia Chanyie had no choice but to obey. The silly system couldn't understand on how did he arouse Shen Jiangwen. Perhaps with a little knowledge of the human's mind, he would never have figured out that his fate was linked to his gorgeous face.

"Young master, please take your medicine." A servant spoke in a gentle voice.

Xia Chanyie pursed his lips, a little unwilling. He had been living in the Shen's residence for a month, and he was not really used to being served by other people. Unfortunately, his refusals would only increase their persuasion. Thus, he could only follow.

After drinking the bitter chinese medicine, the servant quickly handed a sweet candy. Xia Chanyie's mood slowly improved. Although, this medicine won't solve the illness in his body, the doctor still recommended this method. After examining him, the doctor was surprised to find nothing in his body. His disease was unknown and only recommended him the herbal medicine. After all, Xia Chanyie's illness was due to the heroine's advancing plot. He was sure that it would be a matter of time before he could leave this world.

"The young master is really handsome."The servant sighed as she brushed his hair.

"Yes, the master would be fascinated to see the little master." Another servant added.

Xia Chanyie's identity was not hidden in the main house. Perhaps, due to the increasing of Shen Jiangwen's control, he immediately declared his ownership of Xia Chanyie. Even though the little system was hesitant, he could only go with the flow, hoping that this would end in a matter of time.

This time, he was dressed elegantly. Shen Jiangwen had been busy for the following days and every time he went home, he wanted Xia Chanyie to dress nicely. Before Xia Chanyie lived here, Shen Jiangwen and the servants only lived in this mansion. The other two young masters and Shen Yuan were living in their villa near the school.

Currently, Xia Chanyie was surprised to see someone at the dining table. He was accompanied by the servants, and he almost looked transparent against the dark. It was difficult to ignored him.

Shen Jian immediately let out a sneer upon seeing him. He stood up, instantly showcased his height. His face was the same as Shen Jiangwen's, but there is still childishness that hasn't been fully bloom. Shen Jian looked like the aggressive version of his father.

The two servants beside the system were familiar with his face and instantly become alerted, "Second young master, the master does not like anyone approaching the little master!"

Shen Jian turned even angrier at their words. Heh. He just wanted to see who's the goblin that dared to seduce his father. In the past, he would not care about this, but as he saw his father's attitude changed drastically, he becomes curious.

"I never thought that the vixen who would seduce my father would be a boy who hadn't grown up." He smiled teasingly, slowly approaching the young man, "Let see, what method did you used to approached my father?"

"Second young master!"

The servants were immediately disappointed at his words. They all knew that the master had used the croaked method to trap the young master. Obviously, they would not sit and let them slandered the little master.

Amidst all of this, there is no expression on Xia Chanyie's face. His features that started to open up were full of brilliance and elegance. With just him standing there, doing nothing, it would all turned picturesque. He never smiled and laughed, even with all the insults, he was still full of indifference.

When he lifted his face and met Shen Jian's gaze, the other man was bombed away.

Shen Jian's anger wavered, slowly turning into a different kind of sensation. In the first place, he never properly saw Xia Chanyie's face but with his built, he was sure that he was a young man that had not fully matured. But discovering his face, he finally understood why his father hides such treasure.

This is the face that doesn't belong to a mortal.

With all of these changes, Xia Chanyie responded gently, "I don't understand what you are saying."

The little system does not have a common sense. He only thought that Shen Jiangwen wanted him to stay here. Xia Chanyie does not comprehend what his original status was. It was also his naivety that Shen Jiangwen took advantage of.

It was his words that made Shen Jian's regain his composure and spatted poisonously, "You can't even admit your identity? Aren't you just a canary raised by my father?"

Xia Chanyie frowned even more. Shen Jian in the original plot is lawless. He was like a gangster that had no sense of morality. It was only the heroine that was treated differently. Recalling this, Xia Chanyie thoroughly ignored him and sat down at the dining table.

Shen Jian clenched his fist and followed closely. He sat down on the opposite side and continued staring at the arrogant young man. This vixen actually ignored him!

It only takes a couple of minutes before Shen Jiangwen arrived. He took off his coat and handed it to the servant before loosening his tie and walked towards the dining area. His good mood quickly dissipated, discovering that there was another person in the room.

Shen Jian stood up and greeted lightly, "Dad."

Shen Jiangwen looked at him deeply and turned his eyes to the quiet young man. His face did not relax, instead it was replaced by a strange paranoia, like a beast that its prey was stolen. His cold manifested as his eyes pierced directly to his son, "Shen Jian what are you doing here?"

There is no obviously familial affections towards father and son. The air suddenly turned cold and the tension was suffocating.

Shen Jian's face also turned cold, "Dad, can't I even go back to my house?"

Shne Jiangwen ignored him and sat to the main seat of the table and looked at the young man again. Aware of his gaze, Xia Chanyie met his eyes and quickly let out a sneer. He did not really like the way Shen Jiangwen stared at him. It made him uncomfortable.

Shen Jiangwen: "Shen Jian, don't come in this house again without telling me."

Shen Jian laughed dryly, "Dad, aren't you too ruthless?" He then turned his eyes to the perpetrator of all of this, "Or are you just scared that someone would discover something in this house?"

Shen Jiangwen's eyes glistened with darkness. He always looks unapproachable, but with this look, there is no one who couldn't feel that he was about to explode. He regained his serenity and instantly called the servants to prepare the food.

The usually lively dining hall became quiet and peaceful. Hence, one would notice that there is an obvious tension between the father and son. And the caused of chaos of all this was busy swallowing the food.

After dinner, Shen Jian knew that he was about to get to his father's nerves and instantly left. Xia Chanyie went back to his room to take a shower. After drying his hair and changing into his night gown, he was surprised to see Shen Jiangwen in his bed.

His astonishment turned into a scowled and spatted, "Why are you here?"

Although it was not strange for him to see Shen Jiangwen into his room, but this feels different. It was as if something dangerous would happen.

Instead of responding, Shen Jiangwen stood up. His face was covered in shadow and there is no guaranteed of what his current expression looks like. But the little system feels an alarm inside his head. He took a step back only to be pulled by the large hands. His chin was lifted, and he saw Shen Jiangwen's face clouded in craziness.

"Xiao Chan, you are really daring. You actually seduced Shen Jian."

Xia Chanyie did not understand his words, but he was uncomfortable being touched by Shen Jiangwen. His cold eyes turned angry at this moment and used his small forced to pushed the strong man while denying his accusations, "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Do you take me as a fool?" Shen Jiangwen let out a scary laugh and his grip tightened on his chin, eyes full of fury and paranoia, "Xiao Chan is young and energetic, but you are unlucky that you are bound to an old man like me. Whether you deliberately seduced him or not, you would always belong to me. Even if I die, I will let you bury with me."

Xia Chanyie struggled very hard and hearing Shen Jiangwen's psychotic declaration, the little system was sure that there was something wrong with Shen Jiangwen's brain. He was in despair, but it was unbelievable that his eyes were still calm and indifferent. It was as if his threat were not something to be scared of.

Shen Jiangwen was often amused by his strong countenance that he seemed out of this world. An existence that is different from a mortal. But with his strong desire to control, the situation today brought him a sense of alarm. Xiao Chan's beauty is a crime, anyone would fall into a temptation. With just a single glance, Shen Jian disrespected him.

He spoke, words full of determination, "Xiao Chan, in just a few months, you will turn into an adult, until then, you are not allowed to go out of your room."