
The Passerby Is Too Beautiful [QT]

Xia Chanyie is a system that is responsible for supervising the world. He plays countless passerby and only by the end of the storyline he could get out in that world. However, those protagonists, villains and even the supporting actor started to covet his beauty. Xia Chanyie: "I am really just a passerby." Cold, apathetic, beauty shou x obsessive, black-bellied, blackened gong. *The cover is not mine, credits to the owner* Addtional Tags: Apocalypse/Artificial Intelligence/Aliens/Apathetic Protagonist/Cold Protagonist/Charming Protagonist/Magic/Protagonist Strong From The Start/Male Yandere/Obsessive Love/Multiple Reincarnated Individuals/Gore/Depiction Of Cruelty.

SquishyRoses · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

As the most promising man in his generation, Shen Jiangwen's fate intertwined with prosperity. Armored with his strong background, he was the dream husband of many ladies. Unfortunately, such a perfect man was destined to be cruel.

Shen Jiangwen does not regard emotions the slight less. He believes that this would only hinder his ambitions and inclination in the future. After being arranged to be wed to the youngest daughter of the Fu family, Shen Jiangwen had no objection. Luckily, his wife had the same mindset as his. His wife gave birth to two boys before passing away. Shen Jiang is more unlikely to indulge in the fatherly affairs; thus, those two children grew up with the surrounding servants.

Shen Jiangwen was a very ambitious person. Sponsoring children that would be used as talents in the future, Shen Jiangwen did not expect to meet his dead brother's missing daughter there. Reminiscing how his brother did not participate in the heir selection, Shen Jiangwen had still soft points towards him. Thus, adopting his niece and showering her with luxury, Shen Jiangwen was confident that she would be satisfied.

However, staring at the documents about the young man that he met, Shen Jiangwen wishes to burn these papers. The old butler beside him had the same complicated expression.

Shen Jiangwen recalls that after adopting the lonely Shen Yuan, her first request was to seek revenge on the young man named 'Xia Chanyie'. She explained that the child had been bullying her and hence, developed a small trauma. Shen Jiangwen believed everything she said and ordered the servants in the mansion to be cruel towards the child. He turned a blind eye to the persuasion of the old butler who seemed to care for the child. And after ten years of nagging, Shen Jiangwen believes that the punishment was enough, so he pulled away the child's restriction.

He just didn't expect that the young child would turn out to him.

"Sir, little Xia xia had been living miserable in the mansion for ten years." Butler Den seems to add salt to the fine wounds.

There is no expression in Shen Jiangwen's face. His large hands holding the paper seem to clenched, veins visibly shown to the naked eye.

The youth's gorgeous yet cold face flashed in his mind. The long night gown hugged his body tightly and the paleness of the skin inside. Shen Jiangwen ignored his raging thoughts and turned his eyes to the butler.

"Xia Chanyie will be moved to the main mansion. His education…" He paused, thinking about the young man's face. Shen Jiangwen had imagined the chaos that would bring once the young man went out. He hesitates. Isn't better for the juvenile to be in the house? Away from the dangerous world and caged into his house. Thinking about this idea, Shen Jiangwen feels electricity inside his body. "He will be homeschooled."

"Sir?!" The butler was stupefied. He explained, "Xiao Chan had been in the house for ten years, isn't better for him to get acquainted in the school?"

Shen Jiangwen narrowed his eyes. "Butler, I didn't know you talked this much."

Butler Den swallowed his protest and nodded. After leaving the study, he sighed. Wishing that the young man wouldn't be miserable in the main mansion.

Xia Chanyie greatly resisted the idea of moving away. He personally rejected the kind butler who proposed the condition. Although, he was neglected in here, he was already uses in this environment. What's more, he clearly detested the thought of living with the heroine and the other characters. Less interacting with them, will be less trouble.

The little system's surely does not hold grudges. The resentment sensation wasn't particularly satisfying to experience. Perhaps, due to being alone in this room made Xia Chanyie totally removed the emotion of this body.

"Little master, this is the arrangement of the patriarch. We would be punished if you resisted." Butler Den tried to negotiate, "Didn't the little master want to go to school? The master will now allow you to go." However, you will be homeschooled, butler Den wanted to add that.

Xia Chanyie ignored him and calmly lowered his eyes to the book. His eyelashes were long, cast a shadow in his eyes. At the end of his eyes, there is a vermilion beauty mark, showing intense fatal attraction. There is always an air to him that made the others feel suffocated.

Butler Den look away. He was already old, but he was still not immune to the charm of the young man. The two servants beside him had long been paralyzed by the intense attraction.

Xia Chanyie read a long part and noticed that they were still here. He pursed his lips and showed dissatisfaction. Perhaps due to their annoying faces, Xia Chanyie choose to think about the butler's words. However, he really doesn't like being on the heroine's side and instantly did not consider.

"I don't like it."

His temper wasn't that bad, he was just straightforward. There is no sugarcoated in his words that made him more lovely and honest. The butler wanted to add more sugary words, but Xia Chanyie completely turned deaf.

Unfortunately, Xia Chanyie was greeted by an unfamiliar ceiling after waking up. The foreign place made Xia Chanyie's brows furrow. He looked around wanted to find some explanation, but he was faced with nothing but strangeness.

This room was much bigger than his room. He looked down and saw that he was still wearing the same clothes he had worn when he went to the bed. After a couple of minutes, the displeasure on his face worsened. He looked around and finally landed his eyes on the door.

Perhaps due to being a system that Xia Chanyie does not have the basic instinct of a human mind. He did not bother to brush his messy hair and went outside. Xia Chanyie saw a long corridor that led to a staircase downstairs. The servants who were cleaning were immediately startled by his appearance.

Often stared at by countless eyes, Xia Chanyie did not find their behavior unnatural. The servants were stunned to even look away. Xia Chanyie ignored them and headed downstairs. This mansion is much bigger than the other mansion. It was designed old money, the exterior was modernized, though. Walking ahead to the left, Xia Chanyie was led to a dining room where the familiar man currently sat, sipping his coffee while reviewing the documents.

The old butler and the other servants beside him were the first to notice Xia Chanyie, "Little master!"

Xia Chanyie pursed his lips and was lost for a moment. Shen Jiangwen put down the documents and lay his eyes on the clueless system. "Xiao Chan, have you slept well?"

Hearing the intimate tone hanging on those voice, Xia Chanyie quickly felt uncomfortable. His expression turned calm and cold. The beauty approached slowly. Due to his lack of self awareness, Xia Chanyie was failed to discover the unpremeditated allure that he exudes.

The pure white night gown that he wore was long, able to reach down to his knees but failed to cover further down. The flawless skin was like a porcelain, soft and smooth without any blemishes. He wasn't short, but he was slender that made the fabric outline the curved of his body. Maybe unaware of the fiery gazes that made the onlookers fantasize about their desires. It was an in-depth severe attraction. Whether Xia Chanyie would do nothing, he would always be the center of everyone's attention.

Xia Chanyie lifted his face and met the scorching gaze of the other party, "I want to go back."

He would never have expected that Shen Jiangwen would do actual means just to follow his demands. In the plot, it was also stated that Shen Jiangwen had such strong desire to control. But Xia Chanyie never predicted that he would encounter it now.

Shen Jiangwen's expression did not change. He still wore the same playful yet strict countenance, and it seems like his resistance was more like a child's temper, "Xiao Chan will like this place more."

"I don't like it. I want to go back." Xia Chanyie's voice slightly increased. He frowned, and the displeasure was clearly written on his face.

If he was just a random youth, Shen Jiangwen would not hesitate to dragged him out. But who made Xia Chanyie so attractive? That even a cold man like Shen Jiangwen would be tempted. He chuckled twice, "I really have a bad temper." He added, "Add another bowl for the little master."

He was obviously changing the subject and Xia Chanyie was loss. He swallowed his refusals when the servants appeared one by one carrying meals. It was clear that the more Xia Chanyie's showed his resistant, the harder it was for Shen Jiangwen to communicate.

Xia Chanyie took a long time before taking a seat in the hot eyes of Shen Jiangwen. He looked at the bowl and found that the dish was preferably to his condition. He became more angry. After taking two spoons, he said again. "I want to go back."

Seeing that Shen Jiangwen's face had darkened, it was a sign that the master was already at his limit. The old butler hurriedly interjected: "Xiao Chan, the master just wants the best for you."

Xia Chanyie: "I don't want it."

Shen Jiangwen suddenly stood up. He was tall, almost towering the sitting Xia Chanyie as he approached. This time there is no calm on his face, an insignificant predatorial types of eyes locked on, the ruthlessness playing. He was not once tolerable.

"Have you forgotten what your identity is?" Shen Jiangwen coldly spat.

The little system lacks the idea of their relationship. For him, he was just here to supervise and not once of any identity and debt would be placed inside his mind. He never considers himself as a human. And Shen Jiangwen's threat was no used for him.

He lifted his face, eyes full of indifference, and replied, "I just don't like it here."

Shen Jiangwen's eyes narrowed fiercely, "Xia Chanyie, you are just a canary raised by me. Where did your arrogance come from?"

The old butler: "Xiao Chan, the master is just worried about you."

Maybe, Xia Chanyie realized that this would take long if he persistently opposed him and slowly nodded. He looked down and not wanting to see the hypocrite face of Shen Jiangwen.

A voice of terror sounded beside his ears, "Be good, Xiao Chan. After you become an adult, we will get a certificate abroad."