
The Passerby Is Too Beautiful [QT]

Xia Chanyie is a system that is responsible for supervising the world. He plays countless passerby and only by the end of the storyline he could get out in that world. However, those protagonists, villains and even the supporting actor started to covet his beauty. Xia Chanyie: "I am really just a passerby." Cold, apathetic, beauty shou x obsessive, black-bellied, blackened gong. *The cover is not mine, credits to the owner* Addtional Tags: Apocalypse/Artificial Intelligence/Aliens/Apathetic Protagonist/Cold Protagonist/Charming Protagonist/Magic/Protagonist Strong From The Start/Male Yandere/Obsessive Love/Multiple Reincarnated Individuals/Gore/Depiction Of Cruelty.

SquishyRoses · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

"All of you are going to stay here."

The old man speaks in his cold voice. He wore a dress that was quite similar to a butler, his face stern and full of aggression. He was not the type of that gentle grandpa.

A few young children nodded nervously. It was their first time entering a huge house and returning to the orphanage, where food and clothes were limited, they definitely felt it was better here.

The old butler was satisfied with these children's obedience and led them to a room that had plenty of beds.

Children that aged five to seven are naturally curious about things. Seeing the expensive bedding, they couldn't stop exclaiming.

They all came from a different orphanage, chosen by this old butler. It all said that the master of this old butler was sponsoring children. However, only those who were qualified in the high standards were selected.

"Choose any bed that you want. Changed into the clothes in the bed and came down for dinner." The butler strictly reminded. "Just so you know, the master and the young masters were strict, don't get on their nerves."

The children nodded automatically. The old butler gave them another look before he closed the door. It was then that the children breathe a sigh of relief.

They were picked and brought here at the same time. So, they haven't known and haven't communicated with each others. They all looked at each other, and only those who came from the same orphanage chose a bed closed to each other.

A child with a cute and lovely face spoke timidly, "Xia xia, do you want to pick a bed close to me?"

Yurina is only eight years old. She stared at the expression of the other child, eyes full of expectations.

The other child turned his face. Instantly, Yurina's ears turned slightly red. Children of this age appreciate anything beautiful. And the child in front of her was more beautiful than the dolls that she had played with.

Xia Chanyie didn't reply and turned around. He chose the last bed closed to the wall and ignored the big eyes of the lovely child.

Yurina disappointedly looked down. She and Xia Chanyie came from the same orphanage, but they didn't have enough time to bond. She understand why Xia Chanyie doesn't like her that much.

"Yurina, don't be sad. I will accompany you!"

"Xia xia is a bad child. Don't talk to him!"

Although unfamiliar, Yurina had already made a few friends and these children also like her. Xia Chanyie's attitude obviously dissatisfied them. Yurina is a cute girl, why would he ruthlessly reject her?!

Unknowingly, Xia Chanyie wasn't bothered. He stared at the bed for a long time and touched it a few times. Soft. Different from the bed he used in the orphanage.

He was not an actual child, and he wasn't from this world. Xia Chanyie is a system created by the world's consciousness to supervise the world he was assigned. Unfortunately, just as he was created, the world's consciousness disappeared, and he was left here with a task to finish.

He doesn't know what happened to the world's consciousness. Only by completing the world line here can he go back and find out what happened to it.

The world plot in this world revolved around the heroine Yurina. She was six years old when she was chosen with the other children to live in this huge mansion. Education, food and clothes were provided by the patriarch of the house.

Yurina as a natural cute and lovely child immediately caught the attention of the master of the house, Shen Jiangwen.

Shen Jiangwen had two sons. However, he did not have any genuine feelings like other fathers do for his sons, he only treated them as tools who will inherit the things that he owns.

The instinct of a father was easily turned on by the lovely Yurina. Shen Jiangwen feels completely different with this child. Yurina with her bubbly personality instantly softened the cold father Shen. She was legally adopted and pampered by the people in the mansion, even the two sons of Shen Jiangwen liked her.

It was a sweet and smooth sailing journey. Xia Chanyie's identity was only a passerby. He was not even written in the plot line. What he needs to do is supervise until the plot ends, in that way, he could harvest the energy in this world and return to the space.

Xia Chanyie followed the instructions of the butler and changed his clothes. He was not used to this human body but as a system, he was naturally born to adapt. The clothes were like a kindergarten uniform, with long sleeves and a small ribbon in front, a black short and a knee socks.

Xia Chanyie took a long time to finally dressed himself. After he was done, he noticed that all the children were looking at him, he ignored them and cleaned up his bed. Even without the functions of a real human, Xia Chanyie does not like messy things. To tidy up his bed, he could hear the few murmurs of the other children.

"Isn't he from the orphanage, why does he look like he was a young master?"

"His skin looks so soft."

"He looks good, even better than Yurina."

Yurina who heard this, froze. She stared at the oblivious Xia Chanyie and the hidden fire blazed in her eyes.

Butler Den had been waiting for the children and seeing those kids coming down, he was satisfied. All the children look beautiful and cute. They were all chosen based on their appearance alone. If it weren't for the cold nature of the master, he would believe that the latter was actually choosing a child bride.

Some children greeted the old butler in a low voice, timid and slightly nervous. The butler still had a cold expression on his face and only beckoned them to sit down.

There are already food on the long table. All kind of delicacies that they didn't dare to dream of in the past. But now served hot and fresh on the table, the children couldn't help but to gulp. However, no one was eager to start eating and waited for the butler's instruction.

Xia Chanyie looked at the food around him, confused and curious. As a system, he had no sense of taste and did not need to eat. However, now that he had a human body, it follows the instinct of humans, he was naturally salivating. He looked up and saw the butler curiously staring at him.

There was a shock on the butler's face, his expression cracked, and unnatural amusement appeared on his face. Butler Den is already fifty-five years old and has served the Shen family for almost thirty years. He had children of his own and even had his grandchildren. But this was the first time that he was blown away by a children's appearance, although the two-young masters of the Shen family are good-looking, they aren't good-looking as this child.

He smiled, slowly adjusting his emotion. The child's soft and flawless face appeared in his vision, the black hair looked soft and fluffy with small curls on the end. Unlike the other children, his expression was calm and nonchalant. He doesn't have the natural curiosity of the other children, which made him more likeable.

It is fortunate that he was born a male; otherwise it would be unknown what could cause this child's beauty.

He ignored his curiosity and turned to the other children, "You can start eating now. Education will be provided by the master, and you will be enrolled at the same time." He signaled the maids in the kitchen and let them carry the utensils. "You can call me Butler Den and all of you can start eating now."

The children's eyes lit up. They have no sense of etiquette and seeing the delicious foods around them, naturally the nature of the children flared up. Some of them started picking foods, almost not giving the others. Few were slightly shy and choose to pick the foods closer to them.

Xia Chanyie put the food that were pleasing to his eyes on his plate and started eating. With one bite, his eyes brightened. Human food are very delicious!

He quietly ate his fill, not minding the curious stares of children around him.

The young child looks beautiful. His small mouth opened and revealed a set of white teeth. He had a pair of big eyes that had an unusual tilt on the ends, framed with his long eyelashes, he looked like a doll.

Children at this age were obviously easy to be strayed by emotions. Their rude behavior slowly eased, and couldn't help blushing from seeing the other child slowly filled his stomach.

After eating, all the children followed the butler's instructions and went to bathe. Their room had a massive bath and even if their ages were five to seven, they knew how to wash themselves. They also changed into comfortable pajamas and went to their perspective beds. Only Xia Chanyie was standing still, frowning and picking up the pillow and blankets on his bed.

He can't find it.

He looked around and hesitated to ask other children. Xia Chanyie resumed looking in his bed.

"Xia xia is something wrong?" One of the children noticed his strange behavior.

Xia Chanyie pursed his lips, "I can't seem to find my teddy."

Teddy is a small bear doll who was given to him by the dean of the orphanage. Although he does not have any feelings, he still likes the doll.

"Where did you put it?" Some children started helping him.

Xia Chanyie did not refuse their help. The doll was not in their bedroom, but Xia Chanyie was sure that he put it in the bed. The children gave up one by one and gave him a sympathetic looks. Xia Chanyie feels restless. If the doll was not here, then maybe in the dining room?

Without waiting for their suggestions, he ran towards the door and used his small forced to open it.

"Xia xia, let's look for it tomorrow. The grandpa butler said that we aren't allowed to go out now." A child warned.

Xia Chanyie had a good impression of him and responded, "I will be quick."

It was dark outside the room. Xia Chanyie followed his memories and went to the dining room. He stopped and looked at the stairs below. It was pitch black and right now, he only had the function of a human cub. It was hard getting down without slipping. He hesitated and wanted to back away when a huge forced push behind his back.