
The Parasites City : Evolution Begins

In a world where science has advanced to unimaginable heights, the Oncothoraxin Savrocyte was a groundbreaking medical achievement. But when it falls into the wrong hands, turning into a weapon of destruction, chaos ensues. Mark, a young student with lost memories, uncovers the truth behind the organization, his mother's death, and the city's infestation with Cephaloneuroplasm Microorganisms. With the parasites threatening his mind, Mark sets out on a perilous quest with trusted allies to expose the conspiracy and seek justice. Along the way, he unravels his mother's secret, challenging everything he thought he knew. Will Mark survive the treacherous journey and thwart the organization's sinister plans, or become a pawn in their game?

Khian_Knight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


"We have to go now!" Spectre shouted urgently at Mark. He hung his head, feeling guilty for losing the students. "Those creatures are heading for the city," she added.

Without wasting any time, Spectre sprang up to the cliff with her incredible strength. Mark slowly got to his feet, still feeling terrible for not being able to save the students, and then followed Spectre up to the cliff.

They ran as fast as they could towards the city, their hearts pounding with adrenaline. Suddenly, they heard a loud explosion coming from the city, and they could see smoke billowing up from the buildings in the distance.

As they got closer, the sounds of chaos and destruction grew louder. The ground shook beneath their feet, and the air was thick with the acrid smell of burning debris. With each step, they could hear the crunch of broken glass and the crackle of flames.

"I have to find my siblings," Mark said to Spectre, turning to his left and heading towards his home.

"Okay, I'll follow you," Spectre replied.

As they were making their way towards Mark's home, they saw an old woman lying on the ground, calling for help as a monster was about to attack her. Without hesitation, Spectre kicked the monster and sent it flying towards a nearby store.

The old woman was terrified when she saw Spectre's skinless face, but Spectre reassured her. "Don't be scared, ma'am. I'm going to help you," she said as she grabbed the woman's hand.

The old woman was still trembling with fear. "Don't eat me, please," she pleaded.

Spectre quickly sent the woman to the police, who were already engaged in a fierce battle against the monsters. As she watched the soldiers firing their weapons, she approached them, holding the old woman in her arms. The soldiers pointed their guns at her, but Spectre raised her hands in surrender and backed away, showing them that she was not their enemy.

She then ran towards Mark, who had already started running towards the east. Spectre climbed the Midlight Tower to get a better view of Mark's location. From above, she could see him running with her eagle eyes. She then jumped down from the tower, causing the ground to crack as she landed, and ran after Mark as fast as she could.

As Mark entered the house, he found it empty. He searched every corner, calling out for his siblings and uncle Brown, but there was no response. Just as he was about to leave, three monsters appeared out of nowhere and surrounded him.

Slowly, the monsters started moving towards him. The one on his right side jumped at him, but Mark was quick to dodge it. He retaliated with a kick to the stomach and threw it against the wall of the house. The other two monsters attacked him simultaneously, but Mark managed to dodge their attack.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Mark grabbed the head of one of the monsters and punched it repeatedly until it lay motionless on the ground. The last monster jumped at him, but Mark was ready. He grabbed the monster's mouth just before it could bite him, and with a swift motion, he ripped the mouth in two.

The sounds of the fight echoed through the empty house - the thud of bodies hitting the walls, the crack of bones breaking, and the growls of the monsters.

Mark stepped out of the house and saw Spectre sitting on the ground, her back resting against the wall. "Where are you off to now?" she asked him.

"I'm heading to the hospital to find my family," Mark replied, his heart heavy with worry.

Spectre stood up, her eyes scanning the area. "If you want to find them quickly, come with me to my safehouse. We can track them from there," she suggested.

Mark nodded gratefully. "Okay, let's go."

Together, they sprinted towards the bridge, the wind whipping past them as they ran. Above them, the sound of fighter jets grew louder, their engines roaring as they approached the bridge. Suddenly, a deafening explosion rocked the air, and they watched in horror as the bridge was destroyed and split in two.

"They did it on purpose to prevent the monsters from getting to the next city," Spectre explained, her voice low with anger.

Mark nodded grimly. "We have to get to the safehouse now."

As they descended the stairs, Spectre sensed that something was amiss. She signaled to Mark to slow down, and they crept silently towards the basement. The lights were on, and through the transparent glass walls of the research room, they saw someone moving around inside.

Detective Jameson was bent over a cabinet, searching for something.

"Hey, Detective, what are you searching for?" Spectre said.

Detective Jameson felt shocked when he saw Spectre and pointed his gun at her. "Whoa, is that you Spectre?"

"Yes, Detective," Mark said, walking inside the room.

"How is it possible that you both can control the organism inside you?" Detective Jameson asked, his voice tinged with confusion and fear as he kept his gun pointed at Spectre.

Spectre exchanged a glance with Mark before answering. "We don't know for sure, but I think that Mark's blood seems to help the body control the organism," she said, her voice steady and convincing.Then Detective Jameson lowered his gun,

Their voice changed, becoming deeper and echoing in their throat,

"Spectre, please find my siblings. We don't have time for this," Mark urgently said to Spectre.

Spectre quickly moved to the computers and switched them on. "Take this," she said, handing the phone to Mark. "Try calling them. It'll just take a second to find their location. If it rings, we'll be able to track them."

Mark dialed the phone, and just as he was about to lose hope, someone answered. "Hello, who is this?" a man's voice came from the phone.

"Uncle, where are you now? Where's Ywen and Ynna?" Mark asked anxiously.

"Mark? I'm sorry if I made you worry, but don't worry, we're safe here. We're now in the Obsidian Base. Where are you? Are you okay there?" Uncle Brown replied.

"Yes, Uncle, I'm safe here," Mark reassured him.

"Why do you sound so mature? Are you sick?" Uncle Brown asked, sounding puzzled.

"No, I'm okay, Uncle. Please keep them safe," Mark said firmly before ending the call.

"Mark, your siblings are safe in the military base in the Mharsia city," Spectre said, relief evident in her voice as she located their whereabouts.

Mark let out a deep sigh and felt the tension release from his body. "Yeah. At least they're out of harm's way," Mark said feeling grateful.

"And you detective,How did you manage to survive there," Spectre asked, curiosity piqued.

"Haha, I just got lucky and found your motorcycle there," Detective Jameson said with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

The explosion sounds from the city kept on continuing, each one causing the basement to shake.

"Now what are we going to do? There are a lot of people up there," Mark said to Spectre and Detective.

"You're right, Mark. We need to get to the city and help as many people as we can. Detective, get your weapons," Spectre replied, grabbing her own gear.

Detective Jameson nodded and grabbed his weapons, checking to make sure they were loaded and ready to use. "I'm with you guys. Let's go save some lives," he said.

The three of them made their way out of the basement and into the chaos of the city. They could see buildings burning in the distance, and people running for their lives.

As they made their way towards the center of the city, they encountered groups of survivors who were trying to fend off the monsters. Without hesitation, Spectre, Mark, and Detective Jameson joined in the fight, using their skills and weapons to take down the creatures.

Despite the danger and destruction around them, the three of them worked together seamlessly, their focus on saving as many lives as possible. As the sun began to rise, they looked out at the city,the monsters slowly retreated and disappeared inside the building.

"Guys, they're avoiding me," Mark said, noticing the monsters' behavior.

Spectre and Detective watched as the monsters disappeared inside the building,

The sunlight hit Mark's skin, he felt an intense burning sensation and smoke began to rise from his body. "What's happening to me?" he cried out, feeling his strength fading fast. Spectre rushed over from the shadows of a nearby building to help him, but as she reached out to grab him, the sunlight hit her too, and she too began to feel the same burning sensation.

Meanwhile, Detective Jameson had already sprung into action. He ran to the car and quickly got it ready, knowing that they had to get Mark and Spectre away from the sunlight as soon as possible. "Hurry, get in!" he shouted, as he opened the doors and motioned for them to get in. With Spectre and Mark both weak and struggling, they managed to make it to the car, and Detective Jameson quickly drove them to the safe house, Spectre quickly grabbed a jacket and placed it on the car window to block out the sunlight, hoping to provide some relief for Mark and herself. As they drove away from the city, they could hear the sound of helicopters hovering above. Detective Jameson looked up and saw that they were carrying a cage full of wild monsters, which were now going berserk due to the sunlight.

"That's interesting," Detective Jameson remarked, turning to Mark and Spectre. "So, your weakness is sunlight too. When Mark attacked us , it was in the afternoon, so there was no sunlight then."

Spectre nodded weakly, still recovering from the effects of the sunlight. "Yeah, we didn't know until now. We'll have to be more careful from now on," she said, his voice barely above a whisper.