
The Parasites City : Evolution Begins

In a world where science has advanced to unimaginable heights, the Oncothoraxin Savrocyte was a groundbreaking medical achievement. But when it falls into the wrong hands, turning into a weapon of destruction, chaos ensues. Mark, a young student with lost memories, uncovers the truth behind the organization, his mother's death, and the city's infestation with Cephaloneuroplasm Microorganisms. With the parasites threatening his mind, Mark sets out on a perilous quest with trusted allies to expose the conspiracy and seek justice. Along the way, he unravels his mother's secret, challenging everything he thought he knew. Will Mark survive the treacherous journey and thwart the organization's sinister plans, or become a pawn in their game?

Khian_Knight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

CHAPTER 16- The Chased

Mark winced as Spectre injected him with the Organismx Liquid, "Why are there so many different types of monsters out there, and why aren't they losing any numbers?" he asked, frustration evident in his voice.

Spectre shook her head in response. "I don't even know where they came from. I've been observing the movements inside the Secret Facilities, but I didn't see any signs of them until now," she said, her tone filled with concern.

Detective Jameson chimed in, "I think there's still a facility that you haven't reached. There's still a lot of information that we've missed."

Spectre nodded in agreement. "Our bodies are vulnerable to sunlight when we transform, and now these new creatures have emerged. They aren't made for fighting in an arena, but for changing the world," she said, her voice laced with worry.

Mark turned to Spectre, his eyes full of doubt. "Do you think we can defeat them?"

"For now, we don't have any weapons against the monsters," Spectre replied solemnly. "And the worst part is, if we let these Organisms take control of us, it'll only lead to our demise."

The three of them were sitting in the basement , trying to come up with a plan to stop the monsters from taking over the city.

Mark, still recovering from the effects of the Organismx liquid , asked, "now we are back to normal, what we gonna do now?"

Detective Jameson replied, "the only thing we can do is find the facility and search for an antidote."

But Spectre shook her head. "There's no antidote for them. It seems the monsters were designed to destroy only at night and their weakness is sunlight."

Detective Jameson looked puzzled. "How do you know that there's no antidote?"

Spectre explained, "The organization that created them prohibits the production of any antidotes to avoid cheating in the arena."

She continued, "There are three types of monsters that they have made. First, the Cephaloneuroplasm Microorganisms inside us. Second, the monsters that attacked the facility, which are stronger and taller than us. And third, the creatures that are now taking over our city, or maybe there are new creatures that will come."

They all sat in silence, pondering the gravity of the situation. The sounds of helicopters outside filled the air, making the situation even more daunting.

Mark broke the silence, "What do we do now? We can't just sit here and wait for them to destroy everything."

Mark looked apprehensive as Spectre approached him with a syringe. She took a blood sample from his arm, and he winced as the needle pricked his skin. Detective Jameson looked on, his face pensive.

"What do you hope to find from that?" he asked, curious.

"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that there's something unique about Mark's blood that allows him to control the Organism," Spectre replied.

Mark rubbed his arm, feeling a bit lightheaded. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up," he said, his voice strained.

Spectre put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure it out, Mark. We'll find a way to stop the Organism from killing us."

Detective Jameson nodded. "We need to find out more about these creatures, their weaknesses and strengths, and figure out a plan to take them down."

"We have to act fast," Spectre said, determined in her voice. "Before it's too late."

Spectre enters the research room, puts on her lab coat and begins to observe the microorganisms and the blood of Mark fused together under the microscope. As she looks closer, she notices something peculiar. The microorganisms were forming a unique pattern around the blood cells of Mark.

"This is incredible," Spectre murmurs to herself. "The blood of Mark is somehow able to control the organisms. But why?"

She continues to observe the sample, looking for any clues that could explain this phenomenon. After a few moments, she notices that the pattern of the microorganisms is similar to the neural network of the human brain.

"Could it be that Mark's brain is somehow controlling the microorganisms in his blood?" Spectre wonders out loud.

She decides to take a closer look at the microorganisms and begins to run some tests. As she analyzes the data, she notices that the microorganisms are actually communicating with each other through a complex network of electrical signals.

"It's like they're creating a hive mind," Spectre says to herself.

She continues her research, trying to find out more about this unique phenomenon. As she analyzes the data, she discovers that the microorganisms are actually able to tap into the neural network of the human brain, allowing them to communicate with and even control the body.

"That's it," Spectre exclaims. "The microorganisms are able to control the body because they're tapping into the brain's neural network, and Mark's brain is somehow able to control them back. It's like they're speaking the same language."

Spectre continues her research, running more tests and analyzing more data. As she does, she begins to piece together a theory of how the microorganisms work and how they can be controlled. She realizes that with further research, they may be able to find a way to use these microorganisms to help people with various diseases and injuries.

Excited about her discovery, Spectre quickly leaves the research room and heads to find Detective Jameson and Mark to share her findings and discuss next steps.

Spectre's eyes widened as she made the realization. "Wait a minute," she said, looking back at the monitor. "This is amazing. The Cephaloneuroplasm Microorganisms are directly connecting with the neurons in Mark's brain. It's like they're fusing with his nervous system."

Detective Jameson leaned over her shoulder to look at the monitor. "What does that mean?"

"It means that the reason Mark's brain is able to control the Organisms is that they're literally a part of his brain now," Spectre said, her voice full of excitement.

She turned back to the microscope and adjusted the lenses. Peering through, she could see the intricate network of the Microorganisms inside the blood sample. "And look at this," she said, pointing at the screen. "The Microorganisms are not just in his bloodstream, they're inside his cells, too. They're like a new type of organelle, with their own specialized functions."

"This is amazing," Detective Jameson said, his eyes fixed on the monitor. "But how did they get there in the first place?"

Spectre shook her head. "I don't know yet. But it's clear that the Microorganisms are not just a tool for fighting in the Arena. They're much more complex than that. And we need to understand how they work if we want to stop them from taking over our bodies."

As she spoke, Spectre's mind raced with possibilities. What other secrets lay hidden inside the Organisms? And could they be harnessed for good, rather than destruction?

For now, though, she knew that the priority was finding a way to stop them from killing Mark. The next step would be to analyze the DNA of the Microorganisms and see if they could find a weakness that could be exploited.

With a sense of urgency, Spectre turned back to the microscope, her mind already racing with ideas for the next experiment.

After analyzing the data, Spectre felt a wave of excitement wash over her. "I think I've figured it out," she exclaimed.

"What is it?" asked Detective Jameson.

"It appears that the microorganisms have bonded with Mark's brain cells, creating a symbiotic relationship between the two," Spectre explained. "Normally, the microorganisms would completely take over the host's body, but in Mark's case, his brain has somehow gained control over them."

Detective Jameson looked at her skeptically. "But how is that even possible?"

Spectre shook her head. "I'm not exactly sure yet, but I have a theory. It seems that Mark's brain cells are producing a specific protein that's allowing him to control the microorganisms."

"And what does that mean for us?" asked Mark.

"It means that we may be able to replicate this protein and create a way for all of us to gain control over the microorganisms," Spectre said.

Detective Jameson nodded. "That could be a game-changer. But how do we get this protein?"

After the discussion, Spectre went back to the room ,then she decided to extract the proteins from Mark's blood to understand how his blood was able to control the Organism. She set up her equipment and carefully drew a sample of Mark's blood, ensuring that she didn't cause any harm.

Under the microscope, she observed the proteins from Mark's blood and compared them to the Organism's proteins. She found that the proteins from Mark's blood were able to bind to the Organism's proteins, which allowed Mark to control the Organism.

Excited by this discovery, Spectre began to experiment with the proteins. She injected them into herself and was able to control the Organism without any harmful side effects.

However, her excitement was short-lived as she noticed that the Organism was still a danger to them. Although the proteins allowed them to control the Organism, the Organism was still harmful to their body and could kill them if they overuse the power.

Spectre stopped her experiments and Realized about that there is still harm the Organism could cause to their body. She decided to continue their search for a way to stop the Organism and find a cure for its effects on their bodies.

Spectre was disappointed that her initial excitement had led to nothing but more uncertainty and danger for Mark.

Spectre spent countless hours in her lab, trying different methods to prevent the Organism from killing them in the future. She tried different doses and combinations of Mark's proteins, but nothing seemed to work. The Organism was still a threat.

Frustrated, Spectre turned to Detective Jameson and Mark. "I've tried everything I can think of, but the proteins just aren't enough to stop the Organism from harming Mark. We need to find a new approach."

Detective Jameson shared his concern. "What other options do we have?" he asked.

Spectre turned to her computer and brought up the results of her latest experiments. She showed the screen to Detective Jameson and Mark. "As you can see, none of these combinations have had the desired effect. The Organism is still just as dangerous as before."

As Spectre reveals the results of her experiments, the tense silence is shattered by the sound of footfalls in the garage, accompanied by the metallic clanging of objects being moved. Spectre and Detective Jameson immediately ready their weapons, the air thick with anticipation as they listen to the cacophony outside.

"Don't let the Organism control you, Mark," Spectre whispers urgently, handing him a bag and a weapon. "We're surrounded now."

The sound of the door being battered down reverberates through the basement, and the trio's hearts race as they realize they are in grave danger. Without hesitation, Spectre leads them to a hidden cabinet and reveals a secret door, beckoning them inside.

As they hurry down the narrow tunnel, Mark's curiosity gets the better of him. "Where is it going?" he asks, but Spectre only replies, "Just follow me."

The sounds of the Monsters grow louder and closer, their terrible roars echoing off the walls. "They've smelled us," Detective Jameson warns, and the trio quickens their pace.

Emerging into a small garage filled with gleaming cars, Detective Jameson quips, "You have a lot of hidden treasures, Spectre."

But there's no time to admire the vehicles as the Monsters draw nearer, their terrifying presence filling the air with dread. "They're coming, let's go!" Spectre yells, darting towards one of the cars.

But disaster strikes as she realizes she's forgotten the car key. "Dammit, where's the key?" she mutters, panic rising in her chest.

With the Monsters closing in, Spectre makes a desperate dash back to the tunnel to retrieve the key from its hiding place, the sound of the Monsters' terrible roars almost drowning out the sound of her footsteps.

Just as she snatches the key from its hiding place, the Monsters burst through the opening and charge towards her. She barely manages to get back to the car in time, and Detective Jameson opens fire to slow down the advancing Monsters.

"Come on, faster, Detective! There are too many of them!" Spectre yells, the engine roaring to life as they flee through the garage and onto the street, with the Monsters hot on their heels.

Bullets fly and tires screech as they race towards safety, adrenaline pumping through their veins as they narrowly evade the Monsters' clutches.

"Shoot them, Mark!" Detective Jameson shouted, trying to fend off the Monsters with his own weapon. But Mark was frozen with fear, never having fired a gun before. Spectre swerves and avoids abandoned cars on the road, the Monsters hot on their heels.

"Come on, Mark, we need your help!" Detective Jameson yells, frustration in his voice as he continues to shoot at the Monsters.

"I don't know how to use this thing!" Mark shouts back, panic in his voice as he tries to figure out the gun.

Spectre focuses on the road ahead, her eyes scanning for any potential hazards. She veers left and right, dodging abandoned cars and debris as the Monsters continue their relentless pursuit.

"Look out!" she shouts, as a car suddenly appears in their path. She slams on the brakes and swerves to the side, narrowly avoiding a collision.

The Monsters are getting closer, their roars echoing through the deserted streets. Detective Jameson continues to fire at them, but they seem unfazed by the bullets. Spectre can feel her heart pounding in her chest as she floors the accelerator, the car lurching forward.

Suddenly, they emerge from the abandoned city and onto a long stretch of open road. Spectre glances in the rearview mirror and sees the Monsters still chasing them, their numbers seeming to multiply by the second.

"We're not safe yet!" she warns, as the Monsters gain ground.

Detective Jameson keeps shooting, trying to slow the Monsters down. As they raced through the deserted streets, the Monsters continued to pursue them relentlessly. The sound of their growls and roars filled the air as Spectre swerved the car to avoid their attacks.

Suddenly, a monster leaped onto the hood of the car, causing Spectre to lose control. The car careened out of control and crashed into a wall, throwing everyone inside against the dashboard.

As they scrambled to get out of the car, they realized they were in the middle of the street with the Monsters closing in on them from all sides. Spectre quickly led them to a nearby building, the Midlight Tower, and they burst through the doors just as the Monsters caught up to them.

"Let's go to underground" Spectre shouted

Panting heavily, they ran to the elevator, but to their dismay, it wasn't working. Spectre quickly changed her plan and spotted the stairs leading up to the second floor. With the Monsters closing in on them, they wasted no time and rushed towards the stairs. As they climbed higher and higher, from the second floor to the fourth floor, they could hear the Monsters' claws scraping against the walls and their roars echoing through the stairwell. Their legs burned with each step, and their breaths came out in ragged gasps.

As they reached the fourth floor, Mark finally managed to fire the weapon, and the Monsters roared in pain as they were hit. But there were still more coming, and the group was quickly running out of ammunition.

Spectre saw an opportunity and shouted, "We need to make a run for it! Follow me!" She led the way down a narrow hallway and into a side room.

The Monsters keep pursuing them, and they could hear them pounding on the door and quickly surrounded them. Spectre quickly scanned the room and spotted a window. "We have to jump!" she yelled.

Without hesitation, Spectre leaped out the window and into the open air. Detective Jameson and Mark followed, their hearts in their throats as they plummeted towards the ground.

They crashed onto a lower rooftop covered in foam and still they felt the impact knocking the wind out of them. But they didn't have time to recover, the Monsters were still chasing them.

Spectre saw an entrance to a building nearby and shouted, "We have to get inside!" They raced towards the entrance, and Spectre kicked open the door. They stumbled inside and quickly closed and barricaded the door behind them.

Panting and gasping for breath, they looked around the dimly lit room, wondering what would come next. The Monsters were still out there, and they knew they had to keep moving if they wanted to survive.