
The Paradisus Chronicles Book 1: Vengeance

Danny must go through The Klitron process to determine what part of The Terran Collective he will be a part of now that he has turned sixteen. After he takes The Klitron he is thrust into a massive galaxy that is divided by war over the resource of Paradisus that each of the four races uses to gain an advantage in the current galactic war. While he is on his journey a mysterious deity guides him by communicating with him in his dreams.

Casson_Westerfield · Sci-fi
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51 Chs

Prisoner of the Devine

"you failed her". a mysterious deep male alien like voice say to me.

I looked around and noticed that I was back in the world where I usually met up with the goddess of my race; but this time she was nowhere to be seen or heard from at all.

"who are you; and where are you at?" I asked the mysterious voice as I began to search around the cave and noticed that this time the portal was actually active.

the portal had blue energy spiraling through it and I was able to notice that the statue pedestal actually had a sculpture on it. when I tried to look at the sculpture so that I could make out the race that had activated the portal I noticed that it was quite beat up and that there was dried blood all over it which made it hard to tell exactly what race the statue was a sculpture of.

"I am a deity of one of the other races. unlike you though I was tripped into becoming a god; and all I want to do is to be free from this world." he said to me from the other side of the portal.

since I was only in this world due to my dreams I thought it would not hurt to see what was on the other side of this portal.

as I stepped into the portal I felt the most intense amount of kinetic energy course through my body and I was suddenly thrust through a tunnel until I showed up on the other end of the portal; and I was amazed at what I laid eyes on.

"I see that you have made it to the other side of the portal which means that you are close to the place that serves as the place of my divine birth as well as my prison". he said to me as I began to pivot my body in a full circular motion so that I could take in the full majesty of what was around me.

I could feel a calm steady breeze blow by me as I turned around and my jaw started to drop out of amazement.

when I stopped moving around I noticed that there was a huge tree in front of me that had a huge pit in front of it. the pit around the main tree was covered with all of its branches. from most of the branches I saw the top part of a cocoon that were torn from the inside as if something busted out of them.

as I walked through the branches and climbed around the tree so that I could get a better view of this new section of the world that I had just discovered I saw a large variety of of different bee like creatures that were about half my size flying around and injecting the unopened cocoons when their stingers came into contact with them.

the creatures were colored royal blue and their stripes were white instead of black like they were in traditional bees. I found it more amazing that they did not even move a single inch at all when I came near them as if they were not terrified of me at all.

after standing there and observing them for a bit one of the creatures landed on my shoulder and even though I normally would be terrified about them landing near me I did not flinch at all since they were not terrified of me I chose not to be terrified of them as well.

since the bee didn't seem to move at all I chose to pet it on the head; but to be safe I only placed my hand in front of its head so that I could pull it away if I needed to in an instant.

"are you done sightseeing?" the deep male alien voice said to me as the bee stretched out its head and allowed me to pet it.

I chose to ignore him and explore the area around me after all I am only in a dream so I wanted to enjoy every moment of it.

after I finished petting the bee all the other of its kind started to swarm around me and they all landed beside me on the branch I was using to keep my balance because I did not want to fall into the deep pit below me.

"if you do not reach me I will have someone else do it for me because I have been waiting for over 500 long years to be freed. the one who frees me will gain the right to possess all of my knowledge; and it is knowledge like no other that was ever known by any mortal of this universe." the deep male voice said to me off in the distance.

even though I truly wanted to enjoy every moment that I had in this dream world I had a feeling that he would keep bugging me until I made my way to him.

because of that I Rose to my feet and walked past the bees and through the parkour course of the tree branches.

"now that you are no longer getting distracted by the visual appeal of this world you can make your way to my prison.

if you are going to make it to me you are going to have to go to the lowest part of the world".

"why are you imprisoned if I might ask?" I asked him as I made it to a natural stairwell that led into the dark part of the world that was underground level by following his voice.

"the truth of the matter is that I told the other gods about the place where we all originally came from and they did not believe me and branded me a heretic. they valued their customs over the truth so I was imprisoned and not allowed to spread my word to anyone outside of this world." he said as I made my way down the natural stairway.

with every step that I made down the stairwell I noticed that the area began to dim around me until I was not able to see even my own hands. after that I chose to feel along the outer wall so that I could make sure not to fall after each step.

"so you are telling me that you are imprisoned due to the fact that you had different ideologies than the other gods". I said in response to what he said while I made my way down the stairwell.

"yes and when you free me I will bestow the truth on to you so that I can finally spread my word across the galaxy."

when I made it to the bottom of the stairwell I noticed that the hallway was decently lit by lanterns that made it easier for me to see the area around me.

this tunnel was carved into a mountain which made me wonder where I actually was located now that I had made it to a new area of this world that I probably was not meant to see while in my dreams.

"you know I have a very odd feeling about releasing you. I cannot say if it is either a good or a bad feeling but it is definitely an unfamiliar one for me".

after I said that I noticed that I had made it to the end of the hallway and the only thing that was standing in between me and my destination was a massive door.

the door was at least thirty feet tall in height with engravings that seemed to start to glow a dark red color as I approached the door. on both sides of the door I saw large stone golems that had two glowing stones in their wrists. after the letters became a very bold red I heard the deep male alien voice speak to me again.

"I can sense your presence nearby and it is stronger than ever which means the only thing in between us and our destiny is that giant door."

"then how do I open the door from my side since you obviously cannot move?" I asked him as I continued to look at the magnificence of the door that was between us.

"you must speak in the divine tongue and tell the door your purpose for becoming a god. I thought I might warn you that if you give the door a false answer then the golems will activate and kill you".

"are you sure that that is all that I have to say to the door?" I asked because I honestly thought that it was not going to be that simple to open such a massive door.

"yes it is that simple". he said in a demanding tone as if he was starting to get frustrated by the doubt or the mistrust that I had shown him.

"all right then the reason why I seek my divine power is Vendicta". as soon as I said those words the red glow stopped and all of the emblems turned dark blue and the door began to open.

I then noticed that the area that was sealed was actually a mine with both blue and black minerals growing all over the room in great abundance as if this is where they had originated from.

then after making my way to the far side of the room I saw a massive encasing of the Blue mineral and inside of the mineral I saw a human that for a lab coat that had The Terran Collective logo of a black eagle on it which meant that at some point he was a member of the research caste.

"you know I honestly did not expect to run into another human at all while I was in this prison. I thought that you would have been an undead or maybe a cyborg". he said to me as he looked at me with his baby blue eyes.

"I will free you since we are of the same race which means I should be able to trust you. before I do that though I have a simple question for you". I said to him as I walked until I was only about one foot away from the giant blue mineral wall.

"what is it?" he asked me.

"first off you told me that you were a deity of an alien race; but in the end it turned out that you were the same exact race as I was and if I am not mistaken I have already met the deity of our race". I stated as I began to pace in front of his wall while making my point.

"originally I did not think that you were human so technically I was accurate on assuming to be of an alien race to you. in response to the second thing that you said about meeting the deity of our race is true.

I honestly thought that by telling you that I was a deity that it would make it easier for you to be able to come down here and free me. I mean you can't blame me since I have been stuck here for over a hundred long years." he said to me which caused me to stop pacing and looked directly at him.

"okay I understand why you probably chose to say those things to me since as humans we still have not unlocked the secrets to immortality despite our massive advancements in technology". I said as I put my hand against the blue mineral and it actually felt quite smooth and also familiar as if I had felt it before.

"yes and I am very happy that you understand because I probably only have about twenty more years to live; and the probability that someone else will make their way to this world at that point will be slim to none."

"now my final question that I was going to originally ask you is what is this mineral exactly. it somehow seems familiar to me; but I cannot place where I have felt this smooth texture before?" I asked him as I ran my right hand around the Giant blue mineral that was separating us.

"this is Paradisus in its purest form."

"are you serious? I have never seen so much of it in one location before." I said as I looked around and saw all the different variations of the mineral that was around me.

"well I was the human who originally discovered it; and the gods did not like the fact that I wanted to distribute it around the galaxy to hasten the possibility of a god candidate for our race to be born.

when I had finished moving a good chunk of it around the Galaxy I had pissed the gods off to the point where they decided that in order to be ironically funny they would imprison me within my greatest discovery." he said as he put his hand against the other side of the mineral wall.

"how can I free you?" I asked him since I wanted to be able to free the man who was behind the most important discovery of the millennium.

"you do not possess the item that is needed to free me at the moment. as long as you have a divine pickaxe when you come here for real you will be able to break the wall in between us." he said as I noticed everything around me turned white before I woke up to the site of the ship that I was resting in before my first mission as a mercenary.

that dream felt more vivid than any dream I had ever had in the past as if it was ordained and everything that the human scientist had told me was the truth.

I rose from my bed not knowing what to think about what I had dreamed about; but I would learn the truth sooner than I realized.