
The Panther in Marvel

The guy died and was reborn into a Marvel panther.I do not know English, so I will write through a translator.Nothing belongs to me except my characters.

Sergeix · Movies
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Rebirth and the first steps.

Where am I, am I dead, is it dark and warm here and I hear the sound of my heartbeat?

I don't know how much time has passed, but I see the light and I'm drawn somewhere.

I don't understand anything at all, firstly, I somehow was reborn as a ponter, and secondly, I'm now an orphan, as soon as I was born from the forest people came with a machine gun and shot my mother, and they put me in a cage and left with me. that's how I got to the auction, it's good that no one is interested in me except a little girl, whose father is going to buy me.

Several hours later.

At least now I know what year I was born in 1922, now I live in a rather wealthy family, I was presented to this girl as a birthday present, but it really doesn't matter how I grow up, I run away from here, don't get the wrong idea, it's cozy and comfortable here, but I not just a panther and I don't want to be anyone's pet, I want to find a way to become human.

One week later.

I got into the shit, and this shit is called Marvel. I found a newspaper in the house three years ago, and it says that Howard Stark had a famous scientist son whom he named after himself, the one who was born is the father of Tony Stark. and this means that I was born not just in the past, but also in the marvel universe. This radically bypasses my plans, it is certainly easier for me to become a human, but also much more dangerous. I have already managed to draw up a plan, I need to go to Kamar Taj in Nepal, then we pretend cat and make our way to the library, there we learn magic and how to turn into a human or at least the magic of illusions, but first I need to escape from this house.

A mounth later.

I arrived in Nepal a week ago and tried to follow the monks from Kamar Taj, but they either avoid or drive me away, there is no other way out, I have to come myself and ask to teach me magic, for this I have been learning to speak the last few days, and it's quite difficult since my vocal cords are not like those of people. And so I stand at this old door and think how to knock on it, and I decide.



"The ancient was waiting for you"

Well, I'm not saying that I didn't expect this, but I'm still surprised. I'm not from this world and not a man at all. But the races she let me in means she's interested in me, although you won't be interested in a panther with such great intelligence.

With my thoughts we came to the guest room I lean.

"Hello my feline friend, can you tell me what to call you?"

Hmm. Name, and I have no name, except for the past life, but that's why it is past that all this is in the past, although the name is not so important.

"You can call me Jack"

I will need to work on my voice, which is more of a growl than words.

"And what brings you to me Jack?"

"Well, the first place is of course the study of magic, and the rest will come with it."

"And where did you get the idea that I will teach you something?"

"Firstly, I am not asking you to personally teach me, but to give me the opportunity to learn this, and in the second races you did not drive me away, I have a chance."

"In one thing, you are right, you have a chance, here many learn magic, but why should I teach you, you are still a newborn kitten?"

"Why not, I do not think that you are losing anything, especially since if I become a strong sorcerer, you will have another friend ready to help."

"Well you can go and study with everyone, sign that you have a room here."

Fuh, I thought I'd get kicked out like Strange, but it worked.

"By the way, do you eat cat food or homemade food."


"I love meat with vegetables."

I hope you enjoy it.

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