
The Pampering CEO [Secretly married to the CEO]

Find out about the story of a woman who is secretly married to the CEO. The president has an aloof attitude towards her. There is no physical connection between the two. The marriage contract paper is the only thing that gives meaning to their relationship. For the last some time, she was involved with someone else. This lover himself is now engaged to someone else. She herself is now a secret wife of a president. The story of The Pampering CEO takes an interesting turn when the female lead decides to move out of this man’s life. Will she succeed in doing so? How will the CEO react to this change of situation? Will he finally realize his mistake? To find this all out you will have to read the full novel.

Laxman_sedai · Urban
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Chapter 21

Chapter 21

"I'll help you tidy up the guest room." Lidya Su couldn't look at her directly, and turned to the guest room.

"Wait a minute." Zhao Yishan said with a smile: "The guest room is to be cleaned up, but it is not for me."

"What…what do you mean?" Lidya Su's hand was slightly clenched.

Zhao Yishan stood up, showing her proud figure comparable to a model.

She walked up to Lidya Su, lowered her head slightly, and looked down at her: "Did you not hear? Mrs. Xiao said that she wants me to be pregnant with a child with depth of field as soon as possible. If I sleep in a guest room, how can I be pregnant with a child with depth of field?"

Seeing that Lidya Su's face turned pale, Zhao Yishan continued to smile: "So, Mrs. Xiao, the person who should sleep in the guest room is you, not me."

Lidya Su's hand became tighter.

Zhao Yishan smiled triumphantly: "Why, Mrs. Xiao, aren't you happy? Then, do you want me to call and ask Mrs. Xiao, look at her…"

"No, I'm willing!" Lidya Su quickly interrupted Zhao Yishan's words: "I sleep in the guest room. You…you sleep in the master bedroom."

"Very good." Zhao Yishan's smile couldn't help becoming stronger.

She looked at Lidya Su's solitary manner, and her eyes flashed with disdain.

She herself is a young star who just debuted, but because she has no background and can't catch up with any noble person, she can't receive the job at all.

Before, Zhao Yishan also resented the sky without eyes.

But at this meeting, she couldn't help but feel lucky.

Just because she hadn't been long since she debuted and she was still clean and self-conscious, Mrs. Xiao felt that she was still clean and could leave a seed for the Xiao family.

Although Mrs. Xiao didn't mean to let Lidya Su give way now, it was man-made.

When she saw Jamel Xiao, she would definitely make Jamel Xiao fall in love with her.

Later, she will give birth to Jamel Xiao's child, and Mrs. Xiao must be very satisfied with her.

Having fixed Jamel Xiao, and Mrs. Xiao's favor, who would give her the position of Mrs. Xiao?

Lidya Su, but a stupid woman who is about to be abandoned.

Zhao Yishan squinted at Lidya Su, and said in a commanding tone: "Go and prepare me the s3xiest pajamas. I'm going to take a shower now. After the shower, I will wear it."

After speaking, Zhao Yishan took the bathroom unceremoniously.

Listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, a complex expression flashed in Lidya Su's eyes.

She stood at the door of the bathroom for a long time, and then moved to look for clothes.

The pajamas in the closet are all newly bought. There are many, she has not worn through.

Lidya Su looked at these clothes and remembered Jamel Xiao, threw her black card, and ordered her to spend it all.

Qian, she still didn't move anything, but Jamel Xiao had already filled her closet.

Lidya Su went to get her pajamas with trembling hands.

The woman said she wanted the s3xiest pajamas.

What does she want in s3xy pajamas?

When she sleeps in the master bedroom, what will happen between her, her and Jamel Xiao?

Lidya Su didn't dare to think about it.

"Let you find me a pajama, you can do it this way."

At this moment, an unceremonious voice rang, and Zhao Yishan walked out around a bath towel.

Lidya Su was pushed away by Zhao Yishan before he could react.

"Oh, there are so many clothes." There was a green light in Zhao Yishan's eyes.

When she becomes Mrs. Xiao, these are all hers.

No, she will have more, more.

Choosing a black silk pajamas, Zhao Yishan glanced at Lidya Su: "What are you doing here, why don't you go to the guest room? Do you want to stay and watch?"

Lidya Su gritted his teeth, turned and left the master bedroom.

With a bang, Zhao Yishan was behind her and closed the door.

Lidya Su looked at the closed door for a while, then walked slowly to the guest room.

Lying on the big bed in the guest room, she tossed and turned her heart up and down, unable to settle down.

I don't know how long it took, there was the sound of someone opening the door.

Lidya Su knew that Jamel Xiao was back.

Her hand couldn't help holding the quilt tightly.

When Jamel Xiao came back, he naturally went back to the master bedroom.

In the bedroom, Zhao Yishan should have put out the s3xiest note, waiting for him enchantingly.

Unlike her widowhood, Zhao Yishan's appearance fits Jamel Xiao's aesthetic in every aspect.

Seeing Zhao Yishan, he should be very satisfied, right?

In addition, Zhao Yishan is a woman approved by Mrs. Zhao. Jamel Xiao didn't need to have any scruples, he could spend time with her all day long.

The noise outside indicated that Jamel Xiao had entered the master bedroom.

Lidya Su didn't dare to think about what would happen next, so she simply covered her head with a quilt.

She doesn't like Jamel Xiao. Who is Jamel Xiao with? What is her business?

Lidya Su, don't think about anything, sleep, sleep!

But the more I force myself not to think about it, the more images I have in my mind.

Lidya Su couldn't help biting her lower lip.

Jamel Xiao and Zhao Yishan are probably already in the midst of it…

In that one, the two of them used to lie on the big bed together.

For some reason, Lidya Su was uncomfortable, but felt a little sad.

Before Mingming, even if Jamel Xiao brought people back, she didn't feel anything.

Why is she so uncomfortable this time?

Tears fell involuntarily. Lidya Su didn't want to wipe it, just let the tears fall on the pillow.


Jamel Xiao walked into the room and faintly saw the figure lying on the side of the bed by the moonlight.