
The Pampering CEO [Secretly married to the CEO]

Find out about the story of a woman who is secretly married to the CEO. The president has an aloof attitude towards her. There is no physical connection between the two. The marriage contract paper is the only thing that gives meaning to their relationship. For the last some time, she was involved with someone else. This lover himself is now engaged to someone else. She herself is now a secret wife of a president. The story of The Pampering CEO takes an interesting turn when the female lead decides to move out of this man’s life. Will she succeed in doing so? How will the CEO react to this change of situation? Will he finally realize his mistake? To find this all out you will have to read the full novel.

Laxman_sedai · Urban
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Chapter 20

Chapter 20

"Useless things." As soon as Mrs. Xiao put the teacup, her voice became colder: "I don't expect you to let the depth of field take care of you. Just leave a seed for the Xiao family. Now, you can't do this little thing. What use do I want you!"

Lidya Su bit her lip and said in a low voice: "Mom, I'm sorry."

"What's the use of telling me I'm sorry? It's true to find a way to get the depth of field." Madam Xiao felt angry when she saw Lidya Su's resignation.

"I…I will try my best."

"I'm trying my best again! It's been more than a year, and the depth of field will not touch you. How can I make you believe you?" Mrs. Xiao became even more annoyed: "Lidya Su, a child of the Xiao family, you can't give birth. There is something outside. People want to be born."

Fortunately, she thought that the relationship between Depth of Field and Lidya Su had improved. It seemed that Depth of Field was mostly a show for her!

"Mom, I will really try my best." Lidya Su whispered.

Mrs. Xiao said impatiently: "Forget it, look at you like this, let alone the depth of field, I don't like it."

If possible, Lidya Su would have let her go.

It's just that the husband's words are there, for the sake of the health of the depth of field, she can only endure it.

She forced Depth of Field to Lidya Su, and Depth of Field was also very dissatisfied with her.

Depth of field, this kid is self-willed and stubborn. He doesn't like it, no one can force him.

If this continues, isn't the matter of the Xiao family's succession going on indefinitely?

When Madam Xiao thought of this, she was a little anxious.

Her husband died early, and she worked so hard to expand the depth of field. Now, if the depth of field can leave the Xiao family a seed, she can be considered worthy of her late husband.

Can't get a divorce, and let Depth of Field save seeds for the Xiao family as soon as possible…

Mrs. Xiao's brow furrowed deeply.

Madam Xiao did not speak, and Lidya Su did not dare to speak, and the room fell into silence.

It was quiet.

Jamel Xiao hurried back in the dust.

As soon as he entered the living room, he felt something was wrong.

Jamel Xiao glanced at Lidya Su subconsciously: "What's the matter?"

Lidya Su smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Madam Xiao looked coldly, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I didn't eat your wife. Now that you are back, please take people away."

"Mom, let's go first," Jamel Xiao said with a smile.

"Go and go." Madam Xiao waved.

Although I don't know why, Madam Xiao didn't mention that they had never consummated the house, Lidya Su still breathed a long sigh of relief, and she quietly said goodbye to Madam Xiao before she walked out.

Lidya Su was frightened and sweated. When the cold wind blew outside, Lidya Su shivered abruptly.

She just felt a little chilly, and she had an extra coat on her body.

Lidya Su looked at Jamel Xiao somewhat unexpectedly.

"What you look at, people who don't know think that Jamel Xiao is stingy and refuses to buy a coat for my wife." Jamel Xiao said badly.

"It's none of your business, it's me…" Lidya Su suddenly said nervously.

Jamel Xiao glanced at her suddenly: "Okay, so nervous."

"I…" Lidya Su smiled bitterly, and his tight body slowly relaxed.

Jamel Xiao looked a little strange at her, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? I'm not here, what happened?"

"No, nothing happened." Lidya Su shook his head like a rattle.

Jamel Xiao glanced at her suspiciously, but couldn't see why she was coming. He could only say indifferently, "It's okay."

The company's matter has not yet been fully resolved. Jamel Xiao went home very late for several days.

On this day, Lidya Su came back after watching his brother, putting on the mask, and the doorbell rang.

Who will it be in the middle of the night?

Lidya Su looked out through the cat's eyes nervously.

The people at the door turned out to be Mrs. Xiao and a strange charming woman.