
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 9 Catch the big gathering

The oxcart finally arrived at Sweetwater Town just before midnight.

  At this time, the sun has risen, the streets are busy with traffic, and pedestrians are jostling each other, making it very lively.

  Today happens to be a big fair in Tianshui Town, and many villagers from the surrounding villages must have come to the fair.

  Zhou Liang tied the bullock cart under a big tree that he had just entered the town. He was familiar with the old man selling soup cakes on the street, so he asked the old man to help him take a look while he went to the market himself.

  The people who hitchhiked in Yueya Village also got off the bus one after another, and they were busy with their own things. It was enough to come here and wait after noon.

  This was Ye Anian's first time in Tianshui Town. There were many people on the street. Jiang Zhu was afraid that the two of them would get separated, so she naturally held his hand.

  "Cross this street and turn to the left and you'll find the market." Jiang Zhu said, "Everything is sold at the market. The medicine store is not far ahead. Let's grab some medicine and go to the market."

  "Okay." Ye Anyian replied to him.

  It was also his first time to go to the market. Seeing the people passing by with their hands full of things and their faces beaming with joy, it really made him feel a little itchy in his heart.

  The two of them first went to Yong'an Pharmacy. Jiang Zhu had been selling and refilling medicines at this pharmacy, so he was familiar with the owner and clerk of this pharmacy.

  Entering the shop, the clerk behind the counter was settling accounts. When he looked up and saw an acquaintance, he quickly greeted: "Mr. Jiang is here!"

  "Yeah." Jiang Zhu nodded with a smile.

  The guy caught a glimpse of Ye Anyian beside him and was stunned for a moment, wondering whether he should ask.

  "This is my husband. I'm taking him to visit the town today." Jiang Zhu had already spoken first and pulled Ye Anyian to the counter.

  His introduction was natural and smooth. Feeling the warmth coming from his hand, Ye Annian coughed uncomfortably and turned away.

  "Oh." The guy looked like that and looked at Ye Anyian twice.

  "Old rules, how do you collect these two herbs? In addition, I need to grab a few more herbs." Jiang Zhu said.

  "Ah...oh oh!"

  The clerk suddenly came back to his senses, responded repeatedly, hurriedly opened the cloth bag Jiang Zhu placed on the counter, and checked the medicinal materials.

  This guy is not very old. He just saw how good-looking Qingjun Ye Anniansheng is, and he was stunned for a moment.

  Jiang Zhu frowned slightly and turned to look at Ye Anyian's profile.

  The long eyelashes are slightly curled, the watery eyes are cold and intimidating, there is a light red pregnancy mole at the end of the eye, the nose is round and small, and the thin lips are lightly pursed, she is really good-looking.

  He reached out and rubbed his chin, wondering whether to buy a power hat for Ye Anyian to wear. He also felt that Ye Anyian might not be willing, so he had to be careful.

  He was thinking alone here, but Ye Anyian's attention was focused on the cloth bag that the boy opened.

  Inside the cloth bag were a few pieces of prepared Rehmannia glutinosa and some Smilax poria.

I saw the little boy picking up the medicinal materials one by one for inspection, and then said: "The medicinal materials Mr. Jiang brought are all of good quality. Rehmannia glutinosa is priced at one qian silver per catty, and Smilax poria is still priced at 30 cents per catty." Forget it, how about it?"

  "Okay." Jiang Zhu had no objection.

  Because the medicinal materials he brought were all prepared, the price given to him by Yongan Pharmacy was always on the high side.

  Seeing that he agreed, the clerk took out a small scale and weighed it.

  "Rehmannia glutinosa is one and a half kilograms, and Smilax cocos is two kilograms and three taels. That's about one hundred and eighty-five cents, so let's give it two cents of silver."

The clerk said that he was going to get the money to Jiang Zhu, but Jiang Zhu said: "No, just use it to get medicine."

  "Okay." The waiter responded and weighed five or two days of sesame seeds, two liang of angelica root, three liang of bupleurum and two liang of schisandra chinensis as requested.

  Ye Annian stood quietly aside, watching helplessly as Jiang Zhu sold out the medicinal materials without getting a penny, and even paid another two taels of silver to go out.

  He couldn't help but shake the hands hanging in his sleeves, sighing secretly that medicine was equally expensive in modern times and ancient times.

  The two of them walked out of the medicine shop. Ye Annian looked at the large and small bags of medicinal materials in Jiang Zhu's hand, and couldn't help but ask: "Do you need so many expensive medicinal materials to treat ears?"

  "There are some I need. I'll give you two of them. They're not expensive."

  "Oh." Ye Annian nodded, but he was thinking about what he should do to earn some money to support his family.

  Otherwise, his medicine jar alone would cost a lot of money, and I don't know if Jiang Zhu can sustain it just by treating people.

  After leaving the drug store, Jiang Zhu took Ye Annian into a clothing store before walking a few steps. Not only did he buy him two new clothes, he also tore out a lot of cloth. When he returned, he had to give him and Fu Zai makes clothes.

  This move was another two taels of silver. Ye Annian looked at the money bag in his hand that was gradually deflating, and his eyes were on fire.

  How much money does this person have that he can't afford to spend like this?

  In modern times, although he is the young master of the Ye Group, he only has an empty identity.

  Since he went to college, Ye Sheng's cheap father has not given him a penny for living expenses, and he has relied on him to make money from part-time jobs outside to support himself.

  Therefore, when it comes to living a diligent and frugal life, the poor young master Ye Anyian is quite self-taught, and he always wants to stop Jiang Zhu from spending money lavishly.

  Seeing his appearance, Jiang Zhu simply took off the money bag from his waist and stuffed it into Ye Anian's hand.

  "What are you doing?" Ye Anian was startled and subconsciously shied away.

  Jiang Zhu pulled his hand away and tied the money bag around his waist: "I'm used to spending money lavishly. From now on, you should be in charge of the money at home."

  "Actually, I don't care..."

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Zhu: "Then you have to think about it, you still have two little ones to support at home."

  "I only have the last three taels of silver left in this purse. If you don't care, we will go shopping later, and I will spend it all in one go."

  Ye Anyian:...

  This person.

  "Okay." He could only relax.

  It's not that he doesn't want to take care of it, he just feels that Jiang Zhu has spent a lot of money because of him, so now it's better to give him all the money, I'm afraid he's not a fool.

He is just a sick man who cannot carry it on his shoulders or lift it with his hands.

  Although he came here through clothing, he doesn't have any skills. He is just a college student with clear and stupid eyes...

  Ye Annian thought wildly, and when he looked up, he found that Jiang Zhu had pulled him into the large gathering.

  The street here is obviously much busier than before, and both sides of the street are full of stalls selling various things.

  Home-grown vegetables, eggs newly laid by hens, hand-woven baskets and baskets, handkerchiefs and sachets embroidered by girls and boys, rouge and gouache, steamed buns and cakes, and even sugar blowers and candied fruit sellers.

  Different from those in shops, the food on these stalls are all made by the stall owners themselves, and the prices are more than half cheaper than those in shops.

  At first, Ye Annian followed Jiang Zhu from stall to stall. Then he gradually became interested and walked ahead, pulling Jiang Zhu forward.

  He didn't look at the vegetable stalls. There was a vegetable patch behind Jiang Zhu's house. He didn't look at the stalls selling rouge gouache and handkerchiefs and sachets. He didn't need them anyway, and he didn't have any female dolls at home.

  After walking for most of the street, we finally stopped in front of a stall selling pork.

  He asked the butcher stall owner to buy some offal. After hesitating for a moment, he still didn't want to cut the meat. He only had three taels of silver left, so he could save as much as he could, and he would still be able to survive.

  Ye Anyian paid the money and Jiang Zhu carried the things but didn't leave.

  Ye Annian looked back at him: "What's wrong?"

  "Cut a piece of meat." Jiang Zhu said.

  Ye Annian frowned and looked at the pig lungs and pig intestines in his hand: "These are enough."

  "It's been a long time since we've had meat at home," Jiang Zhu winked at him, "I want to make some Dongpo meat."

  Ye Anyian:...

  It's strange for you to think about it.

  "Then cut some." He said and asked the butcher stall owner to cut a pound of pork belly, which cost him another forty-five cents.

  With the heavy pork belly in his hand, Jiang Zhu was satisfied and followed Ye Annian to the next stall.

  They continued shopping until noon, and the two of them had already bought a lot of things, including pig offal and pork belly, ready-made clothes and a few pieces of cloth for him, mung beans, rice, mixed noodles, white fungus, and dried red dates, most of which were for food. .

  Jiang Zhu is an outsider. Although he has settled in Yueya Village and bought Li Zheng's house to settle down, he has not been allocated any land.

  The farmland in the village was tense, and he was a doctor. He didn't have time to farm, so he didn't ask Zhao Lizheng for it.

  You can grow some vegetables and fruits in the vegetable patch behind the house, but you still have to buy food to eat.

  The two passed by a stall selling preserved fruit snacks, and Jiang Zhu took Ye Annian to buy some mung bean cakes and maltose. After all, he had promised Fu Zai and Ding Qiu.

  Seeing that it was getting late and fearing that he would miss the ox cart, Ye Anian quickly pulled Jiang Zhu back.

  Unexpectedly, before taking two steps, Jiang Zhu couldn't move anymore. Ye Annian saw that he was selling children's toys.

There was a stall set up by an old carpenter with a carving knife in his hand. On the stall were a swaying wooden horse, wooden models of various swords, simple and cute wood-carved animals, and a small exquisitely crafted ornament.

  The ornament is a little rabbit that makes medicine. If you press its tail, the rabbit will pound the medicine with a pestle, which is very interesting.

Ye Annian watched helplessly as Jiang Zhu pressed the little rabbit's tail and played happily.

  "That fifty cents." said the old carpenter.

  "Let's go." Ye Anyian pulled Jiang Zhu's sleeve.

  Fifty cents can buy a pound of pork, which is very expensive.

  Jiang Zhu didn't move. Instead, he held Ye Annian's hand in his palm. He leaned closer and whispered, "Buy it. It's not expensive for fifty cents. I'm sure Fu Zai will like it."

  Ye Anyian:...

  It's not Fu Zai who likes it, it's you.

  "How much money do we have?" Seeing that he didn't agree, Jiang Zhu asked again.

  Ye Anyian made a rough calculation: "One or two and a half."

  "That's enough." Jiang Zhu reached out and pulled the little rabbit's tail, "Buy the last one and go back after buying it, okay?"

  It can be seen that he really likes this useless little ornament.

  Ye Annian had no choice but to pull his sleeve aside and then said, "Actually, I know a little carpentry. Can I go back and do it for you?"

  Jiang Zhu's eyes lit up: "Really?"

  Ye Anyian nodded.

  When he was in modern times, he learned some lessons from his family's gardener. The old man was very skillful, not only able to take care of flowers and plants, but also knew the delicate work of wood carving and carpentry.

  "Okay then." Jiang Zhu finally relented, "You can just do it at home when you have nothing to do. Do it slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

  Ye Anyian:...

  You are not the one who had to buy it just now.

  However, he finally made it back home. Ye Annian touched the money bag around his waist, which was much lighter, and breathed a sigh of relief. All the money he had left was spent.

  He believed it now. If he hadn't taken care of the money, he wouldn't have been able to take this bag of money back.

  Both of them were carrying a lot of things in their hands. It was still early, so they walked back slowly.

  At this time, there were two or three people standing next to the bullock cart. Zhou Liang had also returned and was sitting on the bullock cart smoking dry cigarettes.

  As soon as Ye Anian and Jiang Zhu came back, Aunt Tianhua opened her mouth and said, "Hey, I don't usually see Mr. Jiang spending money so generously, but he bought so much today."

  "It's different for people who have a husband!"

  There is no airtight wall in the village. The news that Jiang Zhu was going to marry Ye Anyian had spread since the day they went to Ye's house to arrange their marriage. Naturally, everything was said.

As for Aunt Tianhua, there is a girl at home, Ji Fangfang, who is about to be married, and she has always been interested in Jiang Zhu.

  However, Aunt Tianhua looked down upon him and felt that although Jiang Zhu had some medical skills, having a blind man would be a burden.

  Moreover, after coming to Yueya Village for so many years, my family is still very poor, so I am definitely unreliable.

  But now Jiang Zhu is about to marry Ye Annian, and her family Fangfang's marriage has not yet been settled, and she feels unbalanced.

  Now I see two people carrying so many things in big and small bags, and I feel sour all of a sudden.

  What she said was so sinister that Ye Anyian's face instantly darkened.

  He didn't know what Jiang Zhu usually bought when he went to town, but among the many things they bought today, he took the initiative to buy a lot.

  Aunt Tian Hua's words made him feel that he had spent money on Jiang Zhu.

  "That's natural."

  Jiang Zhu helped Ye Anyian get on the bullock cart and put away the things they bought, with a smile on his face: "I usually live in poverty, but this money is saved for my husband in the future." of."

  "Now that I'm engaged to An Nian, I just want to buy more food to make others envious. Auntie, you don't think I'm really poor, do you?"

  Aunt Tianhua:...

  Pooh! What kind of mouth did she just have?

  Aunt Tian Hua calmed down after being scolded by Jiang Zhu.

  Ye Anian was sitting on the bullock cart, and the thoughts he had just had were suppressed in an instant.

  Jiang Zhu also sat over, probably hungry, and asked him if he wanted something to eat.

  Ye Annian opened the small bag he had brought in the morning, took out the cereal steamed buns and boiled eggs and handed them to him.

  "You can buy whatever you want, no matter what others say." Jiang Zhu said as he put the peeled hard-boiled eggs into Ye Anyian's hands.

  Ye Annian was stunned for a moment, staring at the soft, white and soft boiled eggs in his hand.

  Yes, how much they buy is their own business, no matter what others say.

  There are many aunts and ladies in the village who like to gossip, and if anyone says anything, he will take it to heart and live a difficult life.

  "Yeah." He responded and took a bite of the boiled egg.

  Afraid that he would not taste the food, Jiang Zhu even took out a piece of the mung bean cake they bought for him to eat.

  The two of them just had a hard-boiled egg and a piece of mung bean cake each, and started eating with big mouthfuls.

  The hard-boiled eggs became more fragrant the more you chewed them, and the mung bean crisps were sweet and delicious. The two of them were very satisfied with the food. The greedy Aunt Tianhua swallowed hard, and even fluttered her sleeves and got off the oxcart, and went to squat under the tree.