
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
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208 Chs

Chapter 8: Just do it for yourself

Early the next morning.

  Ye Annian was sleeping soundly when a seductive fragrance filled his nostrils.

  Before he opened his eyes, his nose flexed and his sleepiness disappeared instantly.

  It smells so good, like meat porridge and egg custard.

  Eyelashes trembling, Ye Anyian opened his eyes.

  "Are you awake? Come and eat quickly." Jiang Zhu's voice rang.

  Ye Annian got up from the bed with half support, and saw Jiang Zhu's bedding neatly folded next to him, and the kang table at the foot of the kang was moved over and placed next to him.

  On the Kang table, there was a pile of mountain bamboo shoots, shredded chicken porridge, steamed egg custard, pickles, boiled eggs and multi-grain steamed buns.

  The scent rushed towards him, making his stomach growl in protest.

  "Why didn't you wake me up?" Ye Anyian was a little embarrassed. He had been sleeping deeply for the past two days and always got up late in the morning.

  I couldn't help or say anything, and I basically waited to be eaten as soon as I opened my eyes.

  "Why are you getting up? Just get up and eat when you are eating." Jiang Zhu smiled, "The patient should rest more."

  "Ahem, I can help you clear the table and carry the dishes. I can always do it."

  As Ye Annian spoke, he quickly got up and put on his clothes. He folded his own bedding and stacked it on the bed with Jiang Zhu's.

  "I did this casually, and I still needed you to do it," Jiang Zhu said.

  Ye Anyian:...

  When he was about to fetch water to wash up, he found that the water in the basin of the washstand was ready and the temperature was just right. The handkerchief he used to wipe his face was also clean, with a faint scent of soap locust.

  "Doctor Jiang..." He stood in front of the washstand and looked back at Jiang Zhu.

  Jiang Zhu was putting the peeled eggs in the empty bowl next to Ye Annian: "Huh?"

  "I have a cough, but I'm not disabled." Ye Annian was helpless, "You don't have to... do everything so comprehensively."

  It felt like Jiang Zhu took care of him more carefully and considerately than he took care of the two younger ones.

  "You are my husband, it's not my duty to take care of you." Jiang Zhu didn't take it seriously, "Hurry up and wash up. The food will be cold later."

  Ye Annian frowned when he said something like this again. This person seemed to have nice things to say as soon as he opened his mouth, without having to write anything down.

  In the past, he had heard the girls in the village gossiping with their buddies that Jiang Langzhong was a very good person. He has good medical skills, is handsome, smiles to everyone, is kind and friendly.

  After spending the past two days together, he also felt deeply about it, but the more this happened, the more uneasy he felt.

  They had only met twice before, and they only got along for a short two days. Jiang Zhu was too kind to him.

  He couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't ask directly, so he had to answer casually and immerse himself in washing up.

  Jiang Zhu stared at Ye Annian's rolled-up cuffs, revealing a fair forearm.

  The thin white wrists were wet with the water, and there were crystal water drops hanging on the skin, making them look delicate and attractive.

  In fact, saving Ye Anyian and deciding to marry him that day were not just a whim.

  The first time he met Ye Anyian was also by the river.

  It was winter at that time, and on his way back from a medical visit, he met Ye Anyian squatting by the river washing clothes.

  There was already a layer of ice on the river. Only a small area in front of Ye Anian was cut open. Several pieces of clothes soaked in cold water were soaked in a wooden basin. Ye Anian was beating the clothes with a pestle.

  He was passing by the river and would not have noticed a man washing clothes by the river, but Ye Anyian was wearing too little, a thin jacket, and the sleeves were rolled up high like they were now, leaving only his arms exposed. The upper body was covered with scars from being beaten.

  Ye Anyian's skin was naturally white, and the scars were so bright red that it looked particularly eye-catching. It was difficult for him not to notice.

  He stood there like this for a while, and finally stepped forward and handed Ye Anian a bottle of medicine.

  However, a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old was shivering and beating his clothes hard on a cold windy evening in winter. His hands and face were red from the cold, and his shoulders were as thin as butterfly wings, as if they would break with any force. .

  He knelt down and handed the medicine bottle to Ye Anyian.

  The young man stopped what he was doing and was stunned for a moment. Instead of answering, he slowly raised his head and looked at him.

  They were a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, clear and clean, like spotless clear springs.

  In his previous twenty years of life, he had never seen such clean and pure eyes.

  But these eyes are also extremely cold.

  When she looked at him, she looked cold and distant.

  "Need not."

  He remembered what Ye Anyian said at that time, his voice was cold and indifferent, and he refused simply.

  But he ignored it, and even took Ye Anyian's hand with some offense, put the medicine bottle into his hand, and left.

  At that time, he still had his wits about him.

After defecting and being hunted by someone from the court, in order to cover up others' deception, he took the little wretch Ding Qiu with him. He also chose Yueya Village, a remote mountain village, to live in and pretended to be a country doctor who was on the run.

  He is not a good person, let alone a savior. He cannot save Ye Anyian.

  But until he saw Ye Annian drowning in the river two days ago, he fished the person out of the river and looked at the young man's thin body and bloodless face, but a strong thought suddenly arose in his heart.

  In the twenty-four years before him, he had seen nothing but conspiracy, calculations, and bloody killings. It had been too long since he had seen such a clean and pure person.

  It would be a pity for such a person to die like this.

  That day, before Ye Anyian woke up, he thought about it for a long time and finally decided to help a group of these miserable teenagers.

  He has done a lot of murderous things, so let's just think of it as a way to gain merit for himself.


  Ye Annian, who didn't know what Jiang Zhu was thinking, saw him staring blankly at the pickle bowl on the table for a long time and called out.

  "Yeah." Jiang Zhu came back to his senses and raised a bright and eye-catching smile towards him.

  Ye Anyian:...

  Why is this person so weird?

  Finally, after finishing the morning meal, the genius outside was Ma Ma Liang.

  Ye Annian simply packed a small bag, packed two boiled eggs and two grain cereals, and followed Jiang Zhu out the door.

  Tianshui Town is not too far away from their Crescent Village. If they hurry, they can get back before the sun goes down.

  Not far after they went out, they saw a bullock cart parked at the entrance of the village. The man driving the cart was sitting in the front, and several heads were shaking in the back of the cart, chattering together.

  Seeing the two people approaching, a girl's voice sounded softly in the car. She patted the seat next to her and said, "Annian, you and Jiang Langzhong...sit here."

  The voice was slightly familiar. Ye Anyian took a closer look and saw that it was Ye Xiaomei, the daughter of his second uncle's family.

  He is the only person in the entire Ye family who treats him well.

  On the day he threw himself into the river, only Zhao Le and Ye Xiaomei went to look for him.

  Ye Annian pulled Jiang Zhu and sat over.

  There were already five people sitting on the ox cart. Except for Ye Xiaomei, the others were all aunt and husband.

  Maybe it was getting dark too early, so no one had the energy to talk, and the oxcart was very quiet.

  Jiang Zhu sat down next to Ye Annian, put his spare coat on him, and said to Zhou Liang, who was driving ahead: "Uncle Zhou, let's go!"


  Zhou Liang raised his whip and slapped the cow on the buttocks, and the cart began to move slowly.

  The summer morning was cool and dewy. Ye Annian was wearing Jiangzhu's clothes and huddled together with everyone, but he didn't feel cold.

  They came out early, and everyone was very sleepy. Everyone closed their eyes and took a nap, but no one was chatting in the car.

  Ye Xiaomei was quiet for a while and couldn't help but leaned over to talk to Ye Anyian in a low voice.

  "An Nian, are you okay? Brother Le and I went looking for you on the day you got married. We looked for you for a long time but no one was found. Where have you been?"

  Ye Annian did not dare to tell her about his drowning in the river, so he replied to her as he had told Zhao Le: "I had a cough that day. Xipo and the others were afraid of getting into trouble, so they ran away. I was killed by Dr. Jiang." Saved."

"Oh." Ye Xiaomei breathed a sigh of relief.

  "I heard from Nai that you two will get married in a month." At this point, she glanced at Jiang Zhu, who was sitting next to Ye Anian, and lowered her voice.

  "Mr. Jiang is a nice person, but he also has Ding Qiu, and his life is not rich. You have Fu Zai here..."

  Before she finished speaking, she sighed. She was obviously only one year older than Ye Annian, but the sadness in her eyes was like that of a woman in her thirties or forties.

  "Hey, I heard that the third uncle asked Jiang Langzhong for a gift of ten taels of silver. Do you still have any money left to live on?"

  Ye Anian didn't know how much money Jiang Zhu still had, but he could still take him to the town to get medicine, so he should still have some money left.

  Even if he had no money left, he couldn't tell Ye Xiaomei.

  The Ye family is accustomed to favoring boys over girls. The second uncle and his mother-in-law put Ye Anbai in their heart and it hurts. Ye Xiaomei is just a grassroots and the labor force of the family.

  "Of course we can get through life," Ye Annian said, "You don't have to worry about me."

  Remembering that Ye Xiaomei was already engaged and would get married after the Chinese New Year, he reminded her: "You should also save some money yourself, otherwise it will be difficult for your husband's family in the future."

  Ye Xiaomei said "hmm" and laughed softly without knowing what she thought of.

  "What's wrong?" Ye Anyian asked.

  "An Nian, I'm very happy that you can marry Mr. Jiang. He protects you, and you don't have any parents-in-law. Your life will definitely get better and better in the future."

  At the end, he said to himself: "As long as I can leave the Ye family, everything will be good."

  Seeing her downcast expression, Ye Anyian knew that she was thinking about her marriage again.

  Ye Xiaomei is marrying someone from Beigou Village next door. Her surname is Sun. She is already twenty-five years old. She is a poor scholar and has only one old lady in the family.

  The man surnamed Sun was selected as a scholar at the age of fifteen, but he failed the provincial examination many times. He was dull and cowardly, and his mother was a powerful woman. Even if Ye Xiaomei got married, her life would not necessarily be better than it is now.

  Ye Annian didn't know how to comfort her, but fortunately Ye Xiaomei quickly put away his emotions, patted him gently and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. It's still early in town, so just take a moment."

  Ye Anyian nodded, and the two of them closed their eyes and took a nap.

  The oxcart moved forward slowly, its wheels making a creaking sound as it ran over the pebbles on the road. Occasionally, Zhou Liang's shouts came from time to time.

  Ye Annian squinted for a while and then felt someone hugging his shoulder.

  Jiang Zhu's low voice came from his right ear: "Sleep close to me. I'll call you when I get there."